Displaying 48 books

Las Mujeres Cuentan. Relatos de escritoras chilenas

Las Mujeres Cuentan. Relatos de escritoras chilenas ofrece un encuentro con algunas de las mejores voces narrativas de escritoras chilenas en plena actividad. Las autoras escogieron y propusieron nuevas historias que dieran cuenta de su particular visi�n del mundo actual, conformando un libro caleidosc�pico, como un trozo de cristal que refleja las diferentes dimensiones de una realidad retratada por mujeres de �pocas diversas e historias heterog�neas.

Esta colecci�n es imprescindible para quien desee obtener una perspectiva de Chile, su historia y estado actual. La mirada de las mujeres en estas historias es a veces feroz y descarnada, otras tierna e indulgente. Ning�n lector o lectora quedar� indiferente frente a esta di�spora de relatos donde se mezclan amor, crimen, necesidades urgentes y abandono, y donde los afectos son la �ltima esperanza a la que nos aferramos con salvajismo.

The Many Deaths of Laila Starr

Humanity is on the verge of discovering immortality, which means the avatar of Death is out of a job… or is she? As humanity nears the brink of this monumental discovery, the avatar of Death is cast down to Earth to live out a mortal life in Mumbai as the young Laila Starr.

Struggling with her newfound mortality, Laila finds herself in the time and place where the creator of immortality is destined to be born. Faced with a crucial decision, Laila must choose whether to intervene and stop mankind from forever altering the natural cycle of life, or to witness death become an obsolete concept.

Ram V (These Savage Shores, Swamp Thing) teams up with Filipe Andrade (Captain Marvel) to bring forth a powerful graphic novel that navigates the delicate boundary between life and death, enhanced by the elements of magical realism. This collection brings together The Many Deaths of Laila Starr issues #1-5.

Light From Uncommon Stars


by Ryka Aoki

Light From Uncommon Stars is a defiantly joyful adventure set in California's San Gabriel Valley. This tale weaves together cursed violins, Faustian bargains, and queer alien courtship over fresh-made donuts.

Shizuka Satomi has made a deal with the devil: to escape damnation, she must entice seven violin prodigies to trade their souls for success. Six have already been delivered. When Shizuka encounters Katrina Nguyen, a young transgender runaway with wild talent, the curse seems to be lifting as she's found her final candidate.

However, Shizuka's plans are complicated when she meets Lan Tran, a retired starship captain and interstellar refugee, in a donut shop. Lan's kindness and celestial gaze challenge Shizuka's understanding of a soul's worth. As their lives intertwine with magic, identity, and hope, they begin to form a family worth crossing the universe for.

Iron Widow


by Xiran Jay Zhao

The boys of Huaxia dream of pairing up with girls to pilot Chrysalises, giant transforming robots that can battle the mecha aliens that lurk beyond the Great Wall. It doesn't matter that the girls often die from the mental strain.

When 18-year-old Zetian offers herself up as a concubine-pilot, it's to assassinate the ace male pilot responsible for her sister's death. But she gets her vengeance in a way nobody expected—she kills him through the psychic link between pilots and emerges from the cockpit unscathed. She is labeled an Iron Widow, a much-feared and much-silenced kind of female pilot who can sacrifice boys to power up Chrysalises instead.

To tame her unnerving yet invaluable mental strength, she is paired up with Li Shimin, the strongest and most controversial male pilot in Huaxia. But now that Zetian has had a taste of power, she will not cower so easily. She will miss no opportunity to leverage their combined might and infamy to survive attempt after attempt on her life, until she can figure out exactly why the pilot system works in its misogynist way—and stop more girls from being sacrificed.

Luz de los Jedi

Empieza la nueva etapa en el Universo Star Wars con esta novela. Mucho antes de la Primera Orden, antes del Imperio, incluso antes de La Amenaza Fantasma, existió la edad de oro. Dos siglos antes de la saga Skywalker...

Vivimos una época dorada. Intrépidos exploradores hiperespaciales expanden los límites de la República hasta las estrellas más remotas, los mundos prosperan bajo el benévolo liderato del Senado y reina la paz en la galaxia, defendida por la sabiduría y fuerza de la célebre orden de usuarios de la Fuerza conocidos como Jedi. Con los Jedi en la cima de su poder, los ciudadanos libres de la galaxia confían en su habilidad para capear cualquier temporal.

Pero incluso la luz más brillante proyecta alguna sombra y algunos temporales desafían cualquier preparación.

Cuando una impactante catástrofe en el hiperespacio hace pedazos una nave, la lluvia de metralla que emerge del desastre amenaza a todo un sistema. Los Jedi acuden a toda velocidad cuando llega su petición de auxilio. Sin embargo, el alcance de la emergencia lleva a los Jedi hasta su límite. Cuando el cielo se abre y la destrucción llueve sobre la pacífica alianza que ellos mismos ayudaron a construir, los Jedi deben confiar en la Fuerza para superar un día en que un solo error puede costar miles de millones de vida.

Pero, mientras los Jedi combaten valerosamente contra la calamidad, algo realmente letal florece más allá de los confines de la República. El desastre hiperespacial es mucho más siniestro de lo que los Jedi podían sospechar. Una amenaza se esconde en la oscuridad, lejos de la luminosidad de la época, y guarda un secreto capaz de infundir terror incluso en el corazón de un Jedi.

Persephone Station


by Stina Leicht

Persephone Station, a seemingly backwater planet that has largely been ignored by the United Republic of Worlds becomes the focus for the Serrao-Orlov Corporation as the planet has a few secrets the corporation tenaciously wants to exploit.

Rosie—owner of Monk's Bar, in the corporate town of West Brynner—caters to wannabe criminals and rich Earther tourists, of a sort, at the front bar. However, exactly two types of people drank at Monk's back bar: members of a rather exclusive criminal class and those who sought to employ them.

Angel—ex-marine and head of a semi-organized band of beneficent criminals, wayward assassins, and washed up mercenaries with a penchant for doing the honorable thing—is asked to perform a job for Rosie. What this job reveals will affect Persephone and put Angel and her squad up against an army. Despite the odds, they are rearing for a fight with the Serrao-Orlov Corporation. For Angel, she knows that once honor is lost, there is no regaining it. That doesn't mean she can't damned well try.

Plain Bad Heroines

Our story begins in 1902, at the Brookhants School for Girls. Flo and Clara, two impressionable students, are obsessed with each other and with a daring young writer named Mary MacLane, the author of a scandalous bestselling memoir. To show their devotion to Mary, the girls establish their own private club and call it the Plain Bad Heroine Society. They meet in secret in a nearby apple orchard, the setting of their wildest happiness and, ultimately, of their macabre deaths. This is where their bodies are later discovered with a copy of Mary's book splayed beside them, the victims of a swarm of stinging, angry yellow jackets. Less than five years later, the Brookhants School for Girls closes its doors forever—but not before three more people mysteriously die on the property, each in a most troubling way.

Over a century later, the now abandoned and crumbling Brookhants is back in the news when wunderkind writer Merritt Emmons publishes a breakout book celebrating the queer, feminist history surrounding the “haunted and cursed” Gilded Age institution. Her bestselling book inspires a controversial horror film adaptation starring celebrity actor and lesbian it girl Harper Harper playing the ill-fated heroine Flo, opposite B-list actress and former child star Audrey Wells as Clara. But as Brookhants opens its gates once again, and our three modern heroines arrive on set to begin filming, past and present become grimly entangled—or perhaps just grimly exploited—and soon it's impossible to tell where the curse leaves off and Hollywood begins.

Ansibles, perfiladores y otras máquinas de ingenio


by Andrea Chapela

En los futuros donde suceden estos diez relatos, una colecció de dispositivos como pings, ansibles, lentillas, perfiladores o telones sensoriales -algunos de ellos instalados dentro del cuerpo humano- permiten a las personas conectar sus mentes en una nube digital, compartir sus pensamientos y memorias, ponerles filtros a sus percepciones o calcular el éxito de un romance, mientras comen tacos de canasta o navegan sobre las calles de una Ciudad de México totalmente cubierta por el agua.

Con una inteligencia arrasadora, Andrea Chapela enfrenta a las protagonistas a realidades donde el conocimiento científico, la tecnología de punta y la vida cotidiana interactúan de forma cada vez ms intrincada e inevitable, de modo que incluso en la intimidad de la mente ya no reina la voz de la propia conciencia. La tecnología deja de ser un fetiche técnico para mostrar su capacidad de moldear los afectos y los vínculos humanos.

Las protagonistas son mujeres que se encuentran en una disyuntiva en sus relaciones personales a partir de un dispositivo de tecnología mental o de asimilación de la realidad que, a pesar de que debería facilitar la vida, amenaza con volver ms asfixiantes, impredecibles o peligrosas las interacciones humanas. La mente y sus secretos, la percepción y la duda de si percibimos solo lo que deseamos, los límites de la intimidad; estos son algunos de los temas que trata el libro.

Doctor Who: At Childhood's End

Once, a girl called Ace travelled the universe with the Doctor – until, in the wake of a terrible tragedy they parted company. Now, decades on, she is known as Dorothy McShane, the reclusive millionaire philanthropist who heads global organisation A Charitable Earth.

But Dorothy is haunted by terrible nightmares, vivid dreams that begin just as scores of young runaways are vanishing from the dark alleyways of London. Could the disappearances be linked to sightings of sinister creatures lurking in the city shadows? Why has an alien satellite entered a secret orbit around the Moon? Investigating the satellite with Ryan, Graham and Yaz, the Doctor is thrown together with Ace once more. Together they must unravel a malevolent plot that will cost thousands of lives.

But can the Doctor atone for her past incarnation’s behaviour – and how much must Ace sacrifice to win victory not only for herself, but for the Earth?

The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 3: Hotel Oblivion

The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 3: Hotel Oblivion, with its inspiration leading to a hit Netflix series, marks the return of creators Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá to their acclaimed 2007 superhero narrative. The duo, known for their individual successes, reunite to continue the extraordinary exploits of the disbanded teen superhero team.

In the wake of Sir Reginald Hargreeves's death, the members of the Umbrella Academy are dispersed. Number Five is now a mercenary, Kraken hunts formidable prey, Rumor grapples with her marital collapse, Spaceboy wanders Tokyo's streets out of shape, Vanya undergoes rehabilitation post-head injury, and the enigmatic activities of Séance remain unspoken. As the team confronts a surge of superpowered adversaries, they must also face the shadows of their past that threaten to engulf them once more.

This celebrated series triumphantly returns, more bizarre and enthralling than ever, encapsulating the essence of adventure, humor, and the complex dynamics of family and friendship.

The Ten Thousand Doors of January


by Alix E. Harrow

Lush and richly imagined, a tale of impossible journeys, unforgettable love, and the enduring power of stories awaits in Alix E. Harrow's spellbinding debut.

In the early 1900s, a young woman embarks on a fantastical journey of self-discovery after finding a mysterious book. In a sprawling mansion filled with peculiar treasures, January Scaller is a curiosity herself. As the ward of the wealthy Mr. Locke, she feels little different from the artifacts that decorate the halls: carefully maintained, largely ignored, and utterly out of place. Then she finds a strange book. A book that carries the scent of other worlds, and tells a tale of secret doors, of love, adventure and danger. Each page turn reveals impossible truths about the world and January discovers a story increasingly entwined with her own. 

The Haunting of Tram Car 015

The Haunting of Tram Car 015 is set in an alternate Cairo where humans coexist with otherworldly beings. The Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities is in charge of managing the delicate balance between the magical and the mundane.

Senior Agent Hamed al-Nasr, alongside his rookie partner Agent Onsi, embarks on a mission to handle a seemingly routine case of a possessed tram car. However, what begins as a straightforward exorcism quickly spirals into a complex investigation as the true nature of the demon within comes to light, threatening the safety of Cairo itself.

Rogue Protocol


by Martha Wells

SciFi's favorite antisocial A.I. is back on a mission. The case against the too-big-to-fail GrayCris Corporation is floundering, and more importantly, authorities are beginning to ask more questions about where Dr. Mensah's SecUnit is. And Murderbot would rather those questions went away. For good.

Rogue Protocol is the third in the Murderbot Diaries series, starring a human-like android who keeps getting sucked back into adventure after adventure, though it just wants to be left alone, away from humanity and small talk.

The Black Tides of Heaven


by Neon Yang

The Black Tides of Heaven is a captivating entry into Neon Yang's Tensorate Series. This standalone novella intertwines fantasy and science fiction with elements of Asian culture in a phenomenon known as 'silkpunk.' It introduces readers to Mokoya and Akeha, twin siblings with extraordinary abilities, who find themselves entangled in the politics and power struggles of their mother's Protectorate.

As a rebellion simmers, Akeha must navigate the dangerous terrain of independence and ideology, pulling away from Mokoya's prophetic visions and the life they once knew at the Grand Monastery. The story poses a poignant question: Can Akeha find peace and purpose within the rebellion without severing the deep bond with Mokoya?

Leia: Princess of Alderaan


by Claudia Gray

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... there was a princess who became a legend. Sixteen-year-old Princess Leia Organa faces the most challenging task of her life so far: proving herself in the areas of body, mind, and heart to be formally named heir to the throne of Alderaan. She's taking rigorous survival courses, practicing politics, and spearheading relief missions to worlds under Imperial control.

But Leia has worries beyond her claim to the crown. Her parents, Breha and Bail, aren't acting like themselves lately; they are distant and preoccupied, seemingly more concerned with throwing dinner parties for their allies in the Senate than they are with their own daughter. Determined to uncover her parents' secrets, Leia starts down an increasingly dangerous path that puts her right under the watchful eye of the Empire.

And when Leia discovers what her parents and their allies are planning behind closed doors, she finds herself facing what seems like an impossible choice; dedicate herself to the people of Alderaan—including the man she loves—or the galaxy at large, which is in desperate need of a rebel hero.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra

Following her time in the clutches of Darth Vader, Doctor Aphra has barely escaped with her life. If he ever learns of her survival, he'll hunt her to the ends of the galaxy. But for now, it's time for a return to what she does best.

With the droids 0-0-0 and BT-1 in tow, she's off in search of rare artifacts from the galactic center to the Outer Rim and everywhere in between. Aphra's got debts to pay after all. Just as long as she can stay one step ahead of the Empire, some Bounty Hunters, and just about everyone else in the galaxy!


Love Is Love: A Comic Book Anthology to Benefit the Survivors of the Orlando Pulse Shooting

The comic industry comes together in honor of those killed in Orlando. Co-published by two of the premiere publishers in comics—DC and IDW, this oversize comic contains moving and heartfelt material from some of the greatest talent in comics, mourning the victims, supporting the survivors, celebrating the LGBTQ community, and examining love in today's world.

All material has been kindly donated by the writers, artists, and editors with all proceeds going to victims, survivors, and their families. Be a part of an historic comics event! It doesn't matter who you love. All that matters is you love.



by Claudia Gray

Witness the birth of the Resistance when the Rebellion defeated the Empire in the skies above Endor, Leia Organa believed it was the beginning to a lasting peace. But after decades of vicious infighting and partisan gridlock in the New Republic Senate, that hope seems like a distant memory.

Now a respected senator, Leia must grapple with the dangers that threaten to cripple the fledgling democracy—from both within and without. Underworld kingpins, treacherous politicians, and Imperial loyalists are sowing chaos in the galaxy. Desperate to take action, senators are calling for the election of a First Senator. It is their hope that this influential post will bring strong leadership to a divided galaxy. As the daughter of Darth Vader, Leia faces with distrust the prospect of any one person holding such a powerful position—even when supporters suggest Leia herself for the job. But a new enemy may make this path Leia’s only option. For at the edges of the galaxy, a mysterious threat is growing.

Star Wars: Vader Down

Star Wars: Vader Down brings together two of the biggest titles in comics for the first crossover of the new Marvel age of Star Wars. In an epic conflict, Darth Vader finds himself facing off against the Rebel Fleet on his own, leading to his crash onto a nearby planet. This presents the Rebels with a crucial opportunity to eliminate one of their most formidable adversaries. Will they succeed, or will Vader's indomitable spirit and the power of the Dark Side prevail?

The narrative is packed with iconic characters from the Star Wars universe, including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Darth Vader himself. The storyline also introduces Dr. Aphra and features a dramatic showdown between Wookiees, with Chewbacca going head-to-head against Black Krrsantan. This volume is a must-read for fans, capturing the essence of the struggle between the forces of good and evil that lies at the heart of the Star Wars saga.

Collecting STAR WARS: VADER DOWN, STAR WARS (2015) #13-14, and DARTH VADER #13-15, this graphic novel is a celebration of the rich storytelling and complex characters that have made Star Wars an enduring cultural phenomenon.

Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1

The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! Ever since Darth Vader's first on-screen appearance, he has become one of pop-culture's most popular villains. Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE into his own solo adventures—showing the Empire's war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side!

But when a Dark Lord needs help, who can he turn to? As Vader pursues a very personal vengeance against the Rebels and investigates the Emperor's secret machinations, he clashes with weapons scavenger Aphra and deadly Battle Droids, and returns to Geonosis to build an army. But some very powerful people don't want him to learn the truths he seeks! Guest-starring Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett and more!

Collecting DARTH VADER #1-6.



by Margaret Atwood

MaddAddam, the thrilling conclusion to Margaret Atwood's speculative fiction trilogy, weaves together the tales of characters from Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood. This novel confirms the ultimate endurance of humanity, community, and love.

Toby and Ren have rescued their friend Amanda from the Painballers and return to the MaddAddamite cob house, now a fortress against threats both human and animal. Amidst the Crakers, the gentle species crafted by the late Crake, Toby takes up the mantle of religious overseer. As the Crakers' reluctant prophet, Jimmy, recovers from illness, Toby grapples with her own emotions, including jealousy over her lover, Zeb.

Zeb's quest to find Adam One, the founder of the God's Gardeners, unveils his tumultuous past involving a lost brother, a hidden murder, and a bear. With the Painballers looming, the MaddAddamites and their allies must prepare for a fierce confrontation.

Combining adventure, humor, romance, and Atwood's signature inventive storytelling, MaddAddam is an extraordinary tale set in a familiar yet fantastical world, offering a satirical reflection on our own potential future.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Slayer legion is organized and encountering mega-obstacles, while Twilight's threatening reach continues to expand. Buffy and her Slayers travel to Tokyo to face a new kind of vampire with powers they've only witnessed in Dracula. Then, Willow and Buffy head to New York to investigate the secrets behind Buffy's scythe; ever full of the unexpected, Buffy is transported to a dystopian future where her first chance meeting is with Fray, future Slayer!

Collects Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #11–#20 and the Willow one-shot.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This deluxe, oversized hardcover edition contains the first two arcs of Season 8, plus two one-shots. After the destruction of the Hellmouth, the Slayers—newly legion—have gotten organized, but it's not long before new and old enemies begin popping up. Buffy, Xander, Willow, and a very different Dawn are introduced to the season's big bad, Twilight, and are only beginning to understand the incredible reach of this mysterious threat.

Meanwhile, rebel Slayer Faith teams up with Giles to handle a menace on the other side of the Atlantic. It's a dirty job, and Faith is just the girl to do it!

Collects Buffy: Season Eight #1-10, plus "Always Darkest" from MySpace Dark Horse Presents #24.


The year is 2312. Scientific and technological advances have opened gateways to an extraordinary future. Earth is no longer humanity's only home; new habitats have been created throughout the solar system on moons, planets, and in between. But in this year, 2312, a sequence of events will force humanity to confront its past, its present, and its future.

The first event takes place on Mercury, on the city of Terminator, itself a miracle of engineering on an unprecedented scale. It is an unexpected death, but one that might have been foreseen. For Swan Er Hong, it is an event that will change her life. Swan was once a woman who designed worlds. Now she will be led into a plot to destroy them.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children


by Ransom Riggs

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. A horrific family tragedy sends sixteen-year-old Jacob on a journey to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow, impossible though it seems, they may still be alive.

A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, this novel will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 Volume 1: The Long Way Home

Since the destruction of the Hellmouth, the Slayers—newly legion—have gotten organized and are kicking some serious undead butt. But not everything's fun and firearms, as an old enemy reappears and Dawn experiences some serious growing pains. Meanwhile, one of the Buffy decoy Slayers is going through major pain of her own.

Buffy creator Joss Whedon brings Buffy back to Dark Horse in this direct follow-up to Season 7 of the smash-hit TV series. The best-selling and critically acclaimed issues #1-#5 are collected here for the first time, as are their covers by Jo Chen and Georges Jeanty.

Charmed Life

Cat doesn't mind living in the shadow of his sister, Gwendolen, the most promising young witch ever seen on Coven Street. But trouble starts brewing the moment the two orphans are summoned to live in Chrestomanci Castle. Frustrated that the witches of the castle refuse to acknowledge her talents, Gwendolen conjures up a scheme that could throw whole worlds out of whack.

The Girl Who Played with Fire

Michael Blomkvist, crusading journalist and publisher of the magazine Millennium, has decided to run a story that will expose an extensive sex trafficking operation between Eastern Europe and Sweden, implicating well-known and highly placed members of Swedish society, business, and government.

But he has no idea just how explosive the story will be until, on the eve of publication, the two investigating reporters are murdered. And even more shocking for Blomkvist: the fingerprints found on the murder weapon belong to Lisbeth Salander - the troubled, wise-beyond-her-years genius hacker who came to his aid in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and who now becomes the focus and fierce heart of The Girl Who Played with Fire.

As Blomkvist, alone in his belief in Salander's innocence, plunges into an investigation of the slayings, Salander herself is drawn into a murderous hunt in which she is the prey, and which compels her to visit her dark past in an effort for her to settle with it, once and for all.

Metro 2033

The year is 2033. The world has been reduced to rubble. Humanity is nearly extinct. The half-destroyed cities have become uninhabitable through radiation. Beyond their boundaries, they say, lie endless burned-out deserts and the remains of splintered forests. Survivors still remember the past greatness of humankind. But the last remains of civilisation have already become a distant memory, the stuff of myth and legend.

More than 20 years have passed since the last plane took off from the earth. Rusted railways lead into emptiness. The ether is void and the airwaves echo to a soulless howling where previously the frequencies were full of news from Tokyo, New York, Buenos Aires. Man has handed over stewardship of the earth to new life-forms. Mutated by radiation, they are better adapted to the new world. Man's time is over. A few score thousand survivors live on, not knowing whether they are the only ones left on earth.

They live in the Moscow Metro - the biggest air-raid shelter ever built. It is humanity's last refuge. Stations have become mini-statelets, their people uniting around ideas, religions, water-filters - or the simple need to repulse an enemy incursion. It is a world without a tomorrow, with no room for dreams, plans, hopes. Feelings have given way to instinct - the most important of which is survival. Survival at any price.

VDNKh is the northernmost inhabited station on its line. It was one of the Metro's best stations and still remains secure. But now a new and terrible threat has appeared. Artyom, a young man living in VDNKh, is given the task of penetrating to the heart of the Metro, to the legendary Polis, to alert everyone to the awful danger and to get help. He holds the future of his native station in his hands, the whole Metro - and maybe the whole of humanity.

Young Avengers Presents

Young Avengers Presents is a journey into the lives of the young heroes of the Marvel Universe post-Civil War. It features the characters Patriot, Hulkling, Wiccan, Speed, Vision, Stature, and Hawkeye. This collection explores where these characters have been and what their place is in the evolving landscape of the Marvel Universe.

The narrative unfolds over six chapters, each crafted by today's top creators, offering a deep dive into the trials and tribulations of these beloved characters.

The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite

In an inexplicable worldwide event, forty-seven extraordinary children were spontaneously born to women who'd previously shown no signs of pregnancy. Millionaire inventor Reginald Hargreeves adopted seven of the children; when asked why, his only explanation was, "To save the world."

These seven children form the Umbrella Academy, a dysfunctional family of superheroes with bizarre powers. Their first adventure at the age of ten pits them against an erratic and deadly Eiffel Tower, piloted by the fearsome zombie-robot Gustave Eiffel. Nearly a decade later, the team disbands, but when Hargreeves unexpectedly dies, these disgruntled siblings reunite just in time to save the world once again.

Collecting: The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite 1-6, as well as out-of-print short stories and an expanded sketchbook section featuring work by Gabriel Bá, James Jean, and Gerard Way

The Book Thief


by Markus Zusak

This anniversary edition of the extraordinary #1 New York Times bestseller features pages of bonus content, including marked-up manuscript pages, original sketches, and pages from the author's writing notebook. “Life-changing.” —The New York Times When Death has a story to tell, you listen. It is 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier, and will become busier still. Liesel Meminger is a foster girl living outside of Munich, who scratches out a meager existence for herself by stealing when she encounters something she can’t resist–books. With the help of her accordion-playing foster father, she learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement. In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity, award-winning author Markus Zusak, author of I Am the Messenger, has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time. “Deserves a place on the same shelf with The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.” —USA Today DON’T MISS BRIDGE OF CLAY, MARKUS ZUSAK’S FIRST NOVEL SINCE THE BOOK THIEF.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter


by Jeff Lindsay

Meet Dexter Morgan, a polite wolf in sheep's clothing. He's handsome and charming, but something in his past has made him abide by a different set of rules. He's a serial killer whose one golden rule makes him immensely likeable: he only kills bad people. And his job as a blood spatter expert for the Miami police department puts him in the perfect position to identify his victims.

But when a series of brutal murders bearing a striking similarity to his own style start turning up, Dexter is caught between being flattered and being frightened—of himself or some other fiend.

The Thirteenth Tale

All children mythologize their birth... So begins the prologue of reclusive author Vida Winter's collection of stories, which are as famous for the mystery of the missing thirteenth tale as they are for the delight and enchantment of the twelve that do exist. The enigmatic Winter has spent six decades creating various outlandish life histories for herself -- all of them inventions that have brought her fame and fortune but have kept her violent and tragic past a secret.

Now old and ailing, she at last wants to tell the truth about her extraordinary life. She summons biographer Margaret Lea, a young woman for whom the secret of her own birth, hidden by those who loved her most, remains an ever-present pain. Struck by a curious parallel between Miss Winter's story and her own, Margaret takes on the commission.

As Vida disinters the life she meant to bury for good, Margaret is mesmerized. It is a tale of gothic strangeness featuring the Angelfield family, including the beautiful and willful Isabelle, the feral twins Adeline and Emmeline, a ghost, a governess, a topiary garden and a devastating fire. Margaret succumbs to the power of Vida's storytelling but remains suspicious of the author's sincerity. She demands the truth from Vida, and together they confront the ghosts that have haunted them while becoming, finally, transformed by the truth themselves.

The Thirteenth Tale is a love letter to reading, a book for the feral reader in all of us, a return to that rich vein of storytelling that our parents loved and that we loved as children. Diane Setterfield will keep you guessing, make you wonder, move you to tears and laughter and, in the end, deposit you breathless yet satisfied back upon the shore of your everyday life.

Young Avengers, Vol. 1: Sidekicks

In the wake of Avengers Disassembled, a mysterious new group of teen super heroes appears. But who are they? Where did they come from? And what right do they have to call themselves the Young Avengers?

Collecting: Young Avengers issues 1-6.


A tale of loyalty and unlikely friendship featuring two of the most recognizable and popular super-heroes on the planet, SUPERMAN/BATMAN: PUBLIC ENEMIES pairs the Man of Steel with the Dark Knight. The iconic super-heroes unite when longtime Superman enemy Lex Luthor, now president of the United States, accuses Superman of a horrible act against mankind, and assembles a top-secret team of powerhouse heroes to bring Superman in — dead or alive. But after the Dark Knight Detective proves Luthor's accusations to be baseless, the "World's Finest" duo prepares to topple the corrupt president's reign once and for all.

Collects Superman/Batman #1-6.



by Sarah Waters

Sue Trinder is an orphan, left as an infant in the care of Mrs. Sucksby, a "baby farmer," who raised her with unusual tenderness, as if Sue were her own. Mrs. Sucksby's household, with its fussy babies calmed with doses of gin, also hosts a transient family of petty thieves—fingersmiths—for whom this house in the heart of a mean London slum is home.

One day, the most beloved thief of all arrives—Gentleman, an elegant con man, who carries with him an enticing proposition for Sue: If she wins a position as the maid to Maud Lilly, a naive gentlewoman, and aids Gentleman in her seduction, then they will all share in Maud's vast inheritance. Once the inheritance is secured, Maud will be disposed of—passed off as mad, and made to live out the rest of her days in a lunatic asylum.

With dreams of paying back the kindness of her adopted family, Sue agrees to the plan. Once in, however, Sue begins to pity her helpless mark and care for Maud Lilly in unexpected ways. But no one and nothing is as it seems in this Dickensian novel of thrills and reversals.

Diablo guardián


by Xavier Velasco

Violetta es una joven de quince años que huye de México a Estados Unidos con dinero que ha robado a sus padres. Azarosamente desembarcada en Nueva York, sobrevive durante cuatro años a todo tren, gastando montones de dinero en caprichos caros y descabellados. Para mantener semejante tren de vida, acelerado todavía más por el polvo blanco que introduce por su nariz en cantidades generosas, se enseña a enganchar hombres en lobbies de hoteles lujosos.

No sabe, ni le interesa, la cantidad de leyes, límites y preceptos a los que pasa por encima. Tampoco sabe que Nefastófeles, el supuesto rico heredero que la deslumbra, será como una daga clavada en su bella espalda hasta que, ya de vuelta en México, se tope con Pig, y llegue entonces la hora del Diablo Guardián. Pero lo que Violetta sí sabe es que es tiempo de arrojar los dados y cerrar los ojos, casi con ganas de que a todo se lo lleve el diablo; y que, generalmente, eso lo haces sólo cuando de plano crees que ya te va a llevar.

A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings transports us to a world of revelry and revenge, wizardry and warfare unlike any we have ever experienced. A comet the color of blood and flame cuts across the sky. Two great leaders—Lord Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon—who held sway over an age of enforced peace, are dead, victims of royal treachery.

From the ancient citadel of Dragonstone to the forbidding shores of Winterfell, chaos reigns as six factions struggle for control of a divided land. Amidst a backdrop of incest, fratricide, alchemy, and murder, the price of glory is measured in blood.

As the series continues, George R.R. Martin has created a work of unsurpassed vision, power, and imagination. A Clash of Kings is a tale of lords and ladies, soldiers and sorcerers, assassins and evildoers who come together in a time of grim omens.

Here a knight of the mind prepares a poison for a treacherous sorceress, and wild men descend from the Mountains of the Moon to ravage the countryside. At the center of the conflict, the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms, as coveted as it is cursed, stands as a symbol of the conflict's harsh reality: when kings clash, the whole land trembles.

Life, the Universe and Everything


by Douglas Adams

Life, the Universe and Everything is the third book in the five-volume Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy science fiction series by British writer Douglas Adams. The title refers to the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

The unhappy inhabitants of planet Krikkit are sick of looking at the night sky above their heads—so they plan to destroy it. The universe, that is. Now only five individuals stand between the killer robots of Krikkit and their goal of total annihilation.

They are Arthur Dent, a mild-mannered space and time traveler who tries to learn how to fly by throwing himself at the ground and missing; Ford Prefect, his best friend, who decides to go insane to see if he likes it; Slartibartfast, the indomitable vice president of the Campaign for Real Time, who travels in a ship powered by irrational behavior; Zaphod Beeblebrox, the two-headed, three-armed ex-president of the galaxy; and Trillian, the sexy space cadet who is torn between a persistent Thunder God and a very depressed Beeblebrox.

How will it all end? Will it end? Only this stalwart crew knows as they try to avert “universal” Armageddon and save life as we know it—and don’t know it!

“Adams is one of those rare treasures: an author who, one senses, has as much fun writing as one has reading.”—Arizona Daily Star

The Perks of Being a Wallflower


by Stephen Chbosky

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a young adult coming-of-age novel by American writer Stephen Chbosky. Set in the early 1990s, the novel follows Charlie, an introverted observing teenager, through his freshman year of high school in a Pittsburgh suburb. The novel details Charlie's unconventional style of thinking as he navigates between the worlds of adolescence and adulthood, and attempts to deal with poignant questions spurred by his interactions with both his friends and family.

The story is presented in a series of letters that Charlie writes to an unnamed friend, and these documents chronicle his trials, tribulations, and triumphs as he goes through his first year of high school. Charlie's journey is one of self-discovery and growth, and the book deftly explores themes of mental health, romance, and the intense emotions associated with the teenage years. Through Charlie's experiences, the reader is drawn into the tumultuous world of first dates, family dramas, and new friendships, as well as the more serious issues of sex, drugs, and personal loss.

Forward the Foundation


by Isaac Asimov

Forward the Foundation is the long-awaited final novel of Isaac Asimov's classic science-fiction masterpiece, the Foundation series. Completed just before his death, it is both a crowning achievement of a great writer's life and a stirring testament to the creative genius of Isaac Asimov.

As Hari Seldon struggles to perfect his revolutionary theory of psychohistory and ensure a place for humanity among the stars, the great Galactic Empire totters on the brink of apocalyptic collapse. Seldon and all he holds dear become pawns in the struggle for dominance. The control of Seldon equates to the control of psychohistory—and with it the future of the Galaxy.

Among those seeking to wield psychohistory as the greatest weapon known to man are a populist political demagogue, the weak-willed Emperor Cleon I, and a ruthless militaristic general. In his final act of service to humanity, Hari Seldon must protect his life's work from their grasp as he embarks on a search for its true heirs, a quest that begins with his own granddaughter and the dream of a new Foundation.

The Jungle Book


by Rudyard Kipling

'There is no harm in a man's cub.' Best known for the 'Mowgli' stories, Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book expertly interweaves myth, morals, adventure, and powerful storytelling. Set in Central India, Mowgli is raised by a pack of wolves. Along the way, he encounters memorable characters such as the foreboding tiger Shere Kahn, Bagheera the panther, and Baloo the bear.

Including other stories such as that of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a heroic mongoose, and Toomai, a young elephant handler, Kipling's fables remain as popular today as they ever were.

Prelude to Foundation


by Isaac Asimov

It is the year 12,020 G.E. and Emperor Cleon I sits uneasily on the Imperial throne of Trantor. Here in the great multidomed capital of the Galactic Empire, forty billion people have created a civilization of unimaginable technological and cultural complexity. Yet Cleon knows there are those who would see him fall—those whom he would destroy if only he could read the future.

Hari Seldon has come to Trantor to deliver his paper on psychohistory, his remarkable theory of prediction. Little does the young Outworld mathematician know that he has already sealed his fate and the fate of humanity. For Hari possesses the prophetic power that makes him the most wanted man in the Empire...the man who holds the key to the future—an apocalyptic power to be known forever after as the Foundation.

The Hobbit


by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Hobbit is a tale of high adventure, undertaken by a company of dwarves in search of dragon-guarded gold. Bilbo Baggins, a comfort-loving unambitious hobbit, surprises even himself by his resourcefulness and skill as a burglar.

Encounters with trolls, goblins, dwarves, elves, and giant spiders, conversations with the dragon, Smaug, and a rather unwilling presence at the Battle of Five Armies are just some of the adventures that befall Bilbo.

Bilbo Baggins has taken his place among the ranks of the immortals of children’s fiction. Written by Professor Tolkien for his own children, The Hobbit met with instant critical acclaim when it was first published.

The Handmaid's Tale


by Margaret Atwood

Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are viable. Offred can remember the years before, when she lived and made love with her husband, Luke; when she played with and protected her daughter; when she had a job, money of her own, and access to knowledge. But all of that is gone now . . .

Funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing, The Handmaid's Tale is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and tour de force.

The Fellowship of the Ring


by J.R.R. Tolkien

Begin your journey into Middle-earth with The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure, The Lord of the Rings. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power—the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring—the ring that rules them all—which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins.

In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.



by Isaac Asimov

The first novel in Isaac Asimov's classic science-fiction masterpiece, the Foundation series—For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme. Now it is dying. But only Hari Seldon, creator of the revolutionary science of psychohistory, can see into the future—to a dark age of ignorance, barbarism, and warfare that will last thirty thousand years.

To preserve knowledge and save humankind, Seldon gathers the best minds in the Empire—both scientists and scholars—and brings them to a bleak planet at the edge of the galaxy to serve as a beacon of hope for future generations. He calls his sanctuary the Foundation.

The Foundation novels of Isaac Asimov are among the most influential in the history of science fiction, celebrated for their unique blend of breathtaking action, daring ideas, and extensive worldbuilding. In Foundation, Asimov has written a timely and timeless novel of the best—and worst—that lies in humanity, and the power of even a few courageous souls to shine a light in a universe of darkness.

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