Mark Simpson, known by his pseudonym Jock, is a distinguished British comic book artist renowned for his contributions to 2000 AD, The Losers, and more recently, Batman and Wolverine. His notable works with writer Andy Diggle on DC/Vertigo's The Losers have garnered widespread acclaim, as has his award-winning collaboration on Batman: The Black Mirror. Jock's partnership with writer Scott Snyder on Wytches, as well as his solo project Batman: One Dark Knight, have also been particularly well-received.
Jock's artistic talent extends beyond the pages of comic books; he has made significant contributions to the film industry, providing key art and concept designs for major Hollywood studios. His film work includes Dredd, Annihilation, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and the Oscar-winning Ex Machina. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Jock now resides and works in Devon, England. He is represented by the Cheng Caplan Company in Los Angeles, California.