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Displaying reviews 1-48 of 163 in total
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Uno de esos libros que lees justo en el momento perfecto de tu vida. Además de eso, es de verdad un gran libro, escrito con humor y lirismo, y al mismo tiempo hermoso y profundo.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Really great read and a pleasant surprise as the book delivered more than I expected. If you consider that a gathering can be anything from a dinner with friends, to a politicians conference, a class, an orgy, a friend's trip or a summer camp, and that the author provides all kinds of examples on these, you may be hooked. An easy and worthwhile book for those maybe trying to make the best out of situations that involve being surrounded with people.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Loved it. Some middle chapters felt a little bit disconnected or just not as in-depth in exploring her points, but it doesn't matter because it's build just like her comedy, in such a way that the ending just wraps everything perfectly and feels so intense. Sip, como con el standup, lloré otra vez como bebé.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
El estilo de escritura es demasiado básico y la historia hace poco sentido. Estaba emocionada de leer este libro :(
Likeless so far. Lead the way
06 Feb
Likeless so far. Lead the way
So, I'm not religious and I was never really instructed on the Bible or the history of Jesus. This book is about neither of these exactly, but it actually led me to be curious about it. The Book of Longings tells the story of Anna, an imagined version of a messiah (Jesus). A woman with agency that was a true partner for her husband, and viceversa. I finished in a weekend, it was so good. Lovely prose.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
06 Feb
Likeless so far. Lead the way
06 Feb

Hermoso, la voz de la narradora ayudó, pero hay mucho lirismo y belleza en la prosa de la autora. Quiero leer todos sus libros, porque además logró contarme sobre la muerte de un niño en los 1500 y el dolor de su madre de una manera que nunca me cansó, sino que me hacía querer seguir escuchando. 


Likeless so far. Lead the way
A did not like how the author decided to finish this book, and yet, I have to recognize this is a masterpiece of activism and literature. There are few of those. I hope the stories of the 9 characters stay with me over time, I for sure always remember the first chapter and the hundred of pictures of the American chestnut tree.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way

This is my kind of book. I read many reviews about how convoluted and nonsensical the narration was. I was worried about it. However, even though I listened to it rather than read a physical copy, I only had to go through an hour of narration before I was completely engrossed in the story, and not at all confused by the many storylines set in different times. It was more than I expected or hoped for. It reminded me of the Never Ending Story by Michael Ende, even though it's not really the same, but it almost made me feel the way I did when I read that as a young adolescent or child. There is something hopeful in the story, and so many topics touched upon beautifully through the lives of the characters. It made it so much more special that it was a book about a book...and the fact that that book is inspired in a potentially real book, it's even more special to me. Ahhhh I loved it. If the sinopsis provided by others draws your attention, you should definitely give it a shot.

Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way

Fun, it can become a bit of a soup opera (but well written), super enjoyable.

Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way

A weird book, maybe a great one? I almost stop reading. Kinda hated it for first 30%. Then I got hooked. Could not stop. But the last 25% left me wondering what the hell was this about? There are so many great things about this book, and yet I feel unsure that everything that is brought to the front (alcoholism - amazing amazing depiction of a 60 yo woman pretending she isn't an alcholic-, life as a townie, gentrification, class, age, love, parenthood, etc). Anyway, I enjoyed a lot of this, but expected a bit more towards the end, whatever that means (not that I mind open or half open endings, but I don't think it's that here).

Likeless so far. Lead the way
This should be the first thing you read of one is interested in understanding more about why feminism is so needed. It’s so engaging and short. Accesible for everyone, and yet so relevant.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
06 Feb
Amazing prose but it was just not a book for me. I get it intellectually, but I couldn't connect emotionally except for some parts in the second section regarding the story of the guy in the airport. I'm sure others will think my assessment comes from a person that just needs to read more, but I actually do think is a bit pretentious and that though the premise of Asymmetry is incredible interesting, and can enjoy similar written books, I just don't think it's up to the hype.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
06 Feb
Likeless so far. Lead the way
26 Nov

Sé que hay partes que pueden ser un poco tediosas, sin duda de pronto sentí que al inicio me costó entender algunas partes donde los personas hablan sobre la especulación de mercados que llevó a la crisis de 1929 en EUA, pero la narración y sus personajes terminan atrapándote. Un rompecabezas que vale la pena resolver leyendo hasta el final. Gran novela multigénero sobre poder, capitalismo, instituciones y relaciones humanas que supera expectativas si le das la oportunidad.

Likeless so far. Lead the way
I want to go back and study philosophy (I thought about it briefly anyway before). Mostly it makes me realize that intersectionalism, not mentioned in the book explicitly, is a philosophical stand. It makes me want to write things about it. I'm also in love with Mike Schur.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way

Excelente regalo para cualquier nueva o expectante mamá: cortito, puntual, y lleno de sabiduría. Yo lo leí en voz alta mientras jugaba con mi bebé de meses, en un intento de que las palabras de este libro se impregnarán en el corazón y mente de ambas. Necesitamos criar niñas de maneras distintas y empoderadas (y también niños), leer este librito es una gran manera de comenzar.

Likeless so far. Lead the way

No recuerdo mucho del libro (escribo esto varios meses después de haberlo terminado), pero sí me dejó muy grabado el mensaje de "buscar ayuda" o "priorizar tu salud mental" durante y después del embarazo. Estoy segura que es una de las razones por las que decidí sí hacerlo cuando fue muy necesario. También me parecieron interesantes las frases con historias de varias mujeres que fueron entrevistadas para el libro. Por otro lado, creo que deja un poquito que desear la prosa de la escritora... claro, no es lo más importante en un libro de este tipo donde la calidad del consejo y capacidad de conectar es lo que prepondera.

Likeless so far. Lead the way
This could have easily have been written by a less mature person and come out as another girl complaining about difficult parents, but this is beautiful, smart and perfect in every way. It's how life imperfections become perfect, through the eyes of someone that really looked back with eyes and heart open, and then poured in the pages with so much care and talent. Loved it.
Likeless so far. Lead the way

Mmm... He leído otros 2 libros de Jon Ronson, y soy una GRAN fan. Incluso me encanta que él mismo narre sus audiolibros porque encuentro su voz bastante cautivadora y honesta. Sin embargo, sentí que algunas de las premisas de este libro no terminan de convencerme, no tanto porque no quiera ser convencida, sino porque siento que quedan varios cabos sueltos. Me parece que Ronson podría echarse una nueva versión de este libro, donde se meta más a fondo a investigar sobre políticos y CEOs, y hacer conexiones más fuertes con el tema de los psicópatas. Al mismo tiempo, como siempre, su narración y las historias/datos que incluye de su investigación son fascinantes.

Likeless so far. Lead the way

Me gustó! Sí tiene muchos pedazos de sabiduría que, aún si decides no tomar al pie de la letra, te dejan pensando de forma distinta sobre aspectos de la crianza de un bebé. Interesante conocer las experiencias de esta madre estadounidense en Francia, además de que su forma de narrar es bastante divertida (aunque como en los libros que he leído en torno a la crianza, siempre es una mamá con un papá medio invlucrado pero al margen de la historia....).

Likeless so far. Lead the way
A weird little gem
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way

En algún lugar leí que era una novela ambiociosa, lo es. Y logra sus ambiciones múltiples, ser sumamente entretenida y bien escrita mientras toca temas (a fondo) como la traducción, el lenguaje y sus poderes mágicos; la crisis del opio y Guerra en China; el colonialismo de Gran Bretaña; los ires y venires de la amistad que dura una vida; lo terrible de la discriminación racial, entre otros. Muy recomendable si algo de esto llama tu atención.

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Likeless so far. Lead the way
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Pretty good. I would have love further discussion of bike and changes in transportation that impact women’s life in the city. It’s still quite comprehensive and it takes an intersectional view of issues.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Really good, cool story and engagingly told. I specially love how she discusses luck, and its invariable weight on decisions and life outcomes, while highlighting the value of preparation.
Likeless so far. Lead the way
26 Nov

Uy, qué cosa. Me fascinó leer esta novela latinoamericana tratando temas humanos sobre intimidad, la soledad y humanidad desde la integración de la tecnología en la sociedad, y en un contexto global. Una novela que tiene algo de ciencia ficción, algo de terror y suspenso, pero se siente totalmente anclada en al realidad y la ficción literaria. Creo que a muchos no les ha encantado este libro, pero yo quedé admirada con la mezcla de historias y las reflexiones y sentimientos que me generó.

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Likeless so far. Lead the way
12 Feb
Likeless so far. Lead the way
Whatever good reviews say, it's true.
Likeless so far. Lead the way

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