The Psychopath Test

A Journey Through the Madness Industry


by Jon Ronson

The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry is a compelling exploration into the world of psychopaths and the industry of doctors, scientists, and others who study them. Bestselling journalist Jon Ronson delves into a potential hoax that has been played on the world's top neurologists, leading him into the heart of the madness industry.

An influential psychologist, convinced that many CEOs and politicians are actually psychopaths, teaches Ronson to identify these individuals through subtle verbal and nonverbal clues. With his newfound skills, Ronson navigates the corridors of power, encountering a death-squad leader institutionalized for mortgage fraud, a CEO renowned for his psychopathy, and a patient in an asylum for the criminally insane who claims his sanity.

Through his journey, Ronson not only uncovers the mystery of the hoax but also reveals the disturbing truth that those at the forefront of the madness industry can be as mad as those they study. He highlights how increasingly, ordinary people are defined by their most extreme traits.


Review by ivette

Mmm... He leído otros 2 libros de Jon Ronson, y soy una GRAN fan. Incluso me encanta que él mismo narre sus audiolibros porque encuentro su voz bastante cautivadora y honesta. Sin embargo, sentí que algunas de las premisas de este libro no terminan de convencerme, no tanto porque no quiera ser convencida, sino porque siento que quedan varios cabos sueltos. Me parece que Ronson podría echarse una nueva versión de este libro, donde se meta más a fondo a investigar sobre políticos y CEOs, y hacer conexiones más fuertes con el tema de los psicópatas. Al mismo tiempo, como siempre, su narración y las historias/datos que incluye de su investigación son fascinantes.

Likeless so far. Lead the way

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