Strong As a Mother

How to Stay Healthy, Happy, and (Most Importantly) Sane from Pregnancy to Parenthood: The Only Guide to Taking Care of YOU!


by Kate Rope

Expert, practical advice for complete mental and physical maternal health Kate Rope's Strong as a Mother is a practical and compassionate guide to preparing for a smooth start to motherhood. This book is your key to becoming the Sanest Mommy on the Block.

It will prepare you with humor and grace for what lies ahead, provide the tools you need to take care of yourself, offer permission to struggle at times, and give professional advice on how to move through it when you do. This book will become a cherished resource, offering you the same care and support that you are working so hard to provide to your child.

It will help you prioritize your emotional health, set boundaries and ask for help, make choices about feeding and childcare that feel good to you, get good sleep, create a strong relationship with your partner, and make self-care an everyday priority. Trust your instincts and actually enjoy the hardest job you will ever love. This book is here to take care of you.


Review by ivette

No recuerdo mucho del libro (escribo esto varios meses después de haberlo terminado), pero sí me dejó muy grabado el mensaje de "buscar ayuda" o "priorizar tu salud mental" durante y después del embarazo. Estoy segura que es una de las razones por las que decidí sí hacerlo cuando fue muy necesario. También me parecieron interesantes las frases con historias de varias mujeres que fueron entrevistadas para el libro. Por otro lado, creo que deja un poquito que desear la prosa de la escritora... claro, no es lo más importante en un libro de este tipo donde la calidad del consejo y capacidad de conectar es lo que prepondera.

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