Books with category 🔖 Anthologies
Displaying 4 books

Las Mujeres Cuentan. Relatos de escritoras chilenas

Las Mujeres Cuentan. Relatos de escritoras chilenas ofrece un encuentro con algunas de las mejores voces narrativas de escritoras chilenas en plena actividad. Las autoras escogieron y propusieron nuevas historias que dieran cuenta de su particular visi�n del mundo actual, conformando un libro caleidosc�pico, como un trozo de cristal que refleja las diferentes dimensiones de una realidad retratada por mujeres de �pocas diversas e historias heterog�neas.

Esta colecci�n es imprescindible para quien desee obtener una perspectiva de Chile, su historia y estado actual. La mirada de las mujeres en estas historias es a veces feroz y descarnada, otras tierna e indulgente. Ning�n lector o lectora quedar� indiferente frente a esta di�spora de relatos donde se mezclan amor, crimen, necesidades urgentes y abandono, y donde los afectos son la �ltima esperanza a la que nos aferramos con salvajismo.

Love Is Love: A Comic Book Anthology to Benefit the Survivors of the Orlando Pulse Shooting

The comic industry comes together in honor of those killed in Orlando. Co-published by two of the premiere publishers in comics—DC and IDW, this oversize comic contains moving and heartfelt material from some of the greatest talent in comics, mourning the victims, supporting the survivors, celebrating the LGBTQ community, and examining love in today's world.

All material has been kindly donated by the writers, artists, and editors with all proceeds going to victims, survivors, and their families. Be a part of an historic comics event! It doesn't matter who you love. All that matters is you love.

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2013


by Tim Folger

Pulitzer Prize–winning author Siddhartha Mukherjee, a leading cancer physician and researcher, selects the year’s top science and nature writing from journalists who dive into their fields with curiosity and passion. This collection delivers must-read articles from a wide array of fields, showcasing the brilliance and diversity of contemporary science and nature writing.

Pittsburgh Noir


by Kathleen George

Pittsburgh Noir roars forth, exploring the hidden underworld of what has often been called the most livable city in America. Despite Pittsburgh being labeled the country’s most livable city, the fictional citizens populating the 14 high-quality stories in Akashic’s noir anthology centered on the Steel City have the same dreams, frustrations, passions, and vices as anyone else.

When the steel business faltered and died, ‘the smoky city’ reinvented itself as a white-collar urban site, fueled by its thriving universities. It had been a place so dark with pollution in the steel days that men carried clean shirts with them to work in order to change during the day. Now you can see the hills, the rivers, the rhythmic skyline—and as the cameras are fond of displaying at sports events, the city is now glittering and beautiful.

What is Pittsburgh to noir and noir to Pittsburgh? It certainly has its rough streets and grisly murders. But dark crime stories depend on something in addition to killing. The best examples of the genre revolve around private moralities and private law; they are the stories of people pushing against real or imagined oppression. In Pittsburgh Noir, as in most of the novels and films that gave the genre its name, the real story is the dark underbelly of existence, the fear and guilt and rebellion and denial in regular people: the woman buying groceries, the man grilling hot dogs. Their secret lives.

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