Lima sahabat telah menjalin persahabatan selama tujuh tahun. Mereka adalah Arial yang paling tampan, Riani sebagai satu-satunya wanita dalam kelompok itu, Zafran yang berlagak seperti seorang penyair, Ian yang paling subur badannya, dan Genta yang dianggap sebagai leader dalam kelompok itu.
Kegemaran mereka adalah mengeksekusi hal-hal yang tidak mungkin dan mencoba segala hal, mulai dari kafe paling terkenal di Jakarta, sampai nonton layar tancap. Semuanya penggemar film, dari film Hollywood sampai film yang nggak kelasâkecuali film India karena mereka punya prinsip bahwa semua persoalan di dunia atau masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya, tapi bukan dalam bentuk joget.
Suatu saat, karena terdorong oleh rasa bosan di antara satu dan yang lain, mereka memutuskan untuk tidak saling berkomunikasi dan bertemu satu sama lain selama tiga bulan. Selama tiga bulan berpisah itulah telah terjadi banyak hal yang membuat hati mereka lebih kaya dari sebelumnya.
Pertemuan setelah tiga bulan yang penuh dengan rasa kangen akhirnya terjadi dan dirayakan dengan sebuah perjalanan. Sebuah perjalanan yang penuh dengan keyakinan, mimpi, cita-cita, dan cinta. Sebuah perjalanan yang telah mengubah mereka menjadi manusia sesungguhnya, bukan cuma seonggok daging yang bisa berbicara, berjalan, dan punya nama.
Ada yang pernah bilang kalau idealisme adalah kemewahan terakhir yang dimiliki oleh generasi mudaâŠ.
When Dad becomes the lone caregiver for a dependent adult son, Dad has to answer the terrifying question: What happens if I die first? A retired CIA operative comes to believe he wasted his professional life not only promoting questionable American policies, but missing life with his family.
Suddenly, his wife is gone, and he must learn all that she knew about caring for their mentally retarded son. After a life of planning for contingencies, the former spy must deal with the possibility that he may die before his son. Who will care for the son when the dad spent a life out of the country and now has no one to lean on?
I didnât know what I wouldâve done without Lena, because she was truly my rock. ~Victoria
Victoria Grace Winter always thought of herself as able-minded and strong-willed. But after a great loss, she discovers how soft she truly is. Losing her mother gave her grief she could barely explain, but after venturing out to seek her estranged father and finding out that he too was gone, she didnât know what to think anymore.
Luckily enough, she meets her half-sister, Lena whoâs quirky, fun, and very kind. Lena and her mom, Margaret, practically saved her from being an orphan as they both took her in and treated her as a part of the family.
But despite this happy twist of events, she canât help but think about her old life. The life she has now is great, but everyone knows; a girl will always need her mother no matter how old she gets.
See things through Toriâs eyes from âA Unique Kind of Loveâ. A chapter about her thoughts and point of view as she deals with the fact of being orphaned and finding a family she learned to love.
If you could go back in time, who would you want to meet?
In a small back alley of Tokyo, there is a cafĂ© that has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. Local legend says that this shop offers something else besides coffeeâthe chance to travel back in time.
Over the course of one summer, four customers visit the cafĂ© in the hopes of making that journey. But time travel isnât so simple, and there are rules that must be followed. Most importantly, the trip can last only as long as it takes for the coffee to get cold.
Heartwarming, wistful, mysterious and delightfully quirky, Toshikazu Kawaguchiâs internationally bestselling novel explores the age-old question: What would you change if you could travel back in time?
Bidadari-Bidadari Surga bercerita tentang pengorbanan seorang kakak, Laisa, untuk adik-adiknya - Dalimunte, Ikanuri, Wibisana, dan Yashinta - di Lembah Lahambay agar adik-adiknya dapat melanjutkan pendidikan mereka. Meski ia harus bekerja di terik matahari setiap hari, mengolah gula aren setiap jam 4 pagi, serta di malam hari menganyam rotan, Laisa tetap berjuang.
Meski pada dasarnya keempat adik-adiknya tersebut berasal dari darah yang berbeda dengan dirinya, Laisa digambarkan sebagai kakak yang galak dan tegas, mengejar-ngejar adiknya yang bolos sekolah dengan rotan dan ranting kayu. Di sisi lain, kontradiktif dengan fisiknya yang gempal, gendut, berkulit hitam, wajah yang tidak proporsional, ditambah dengan rambut gimbal serta ukuran tubuhnya yang tidak normal, lebih pendek, Laisa sesungguhnya adalah tipe kakak yang mendukung adik-adiknya.
Laisa rela mengorbankan diri untuk keselamatan âdua anak nakalâ Ikanuri dan Wibisana dari siluman Gunung Kendeng, serta mati-matian mencari obat bagi kesembuhan adiknya Yashinta yang diserang demam panas hingga kejang pada suatu malam.
Dia bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Merengkuh aku, adikku, dan Ibu dari kehidupan jalanan yang miskin dan nestapa. Memberikan makan, tempat berteduh, sekolah, dan janji masa depan yang lebih baik.
Dia sungguh bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Memberikan kasih sayang, perhatian, dan teladan tanpa mengharap budi sekali pun. Dan lihatlah, aku membalas itu semua dengan membiarkan mekar perasaan ini.
Ibu benar, tak layak aku mencintai malaikat keluarga kami. Tak pantas. Maafkan aku, Ibu. Perasaan kagum, terpesona, atau entahlah itu muncul tak tertahankan bahkan sejak rambutku masih dikepang dua.
Sekarang, ketika aku tahu dia boleh jadi tidak pernah menganggapku lebih dari seorang adik yang tidak tahu diri, biarlah... Biarlah aku luruh ke bumi seperti sehelai daun... daun yang tidak pernah membenci angin meski harus terenggutkan dari tangkai pohonnya.
Firmin is a rat born in a bookâa shredded copy of Finnegan's Wakeâwho finds the books he consumes also consume his soul. He becomes a vagabond and philosopher, struggling with mortality and meaning.
In the basement of a Boston bookstore, Firmin is born in a shredded copy of Finnegan's Wake, nurtured on a diet of Zane Grey, Lady Chatterleyâs Lover, and Jane Eyre (which tastes a lot like lettuce). While his twelve siblings gnaw these books obliviously, for Firmin the words, thoughts, deeds, and hopesâall the literature he consumesâsoon consume him.
Emboldened by reading, intoxicated by curiosity, foraging for food, Firmin ventures out of his bookstore sanctuary, carrying with him all the yearnings and failings of humanity itself. Itâs a lot to ask of a ratâespecially when his home is on the verge of annihilation.
A novel that is by turns hilarious, tragic, and hopeful, Firmin is a masterpiece of literary imagination. For here, a tender soul, a vagabond and philosopher, struggles with mortality and meaningâin a tale for anyone who has ever feasted on a bookâŠand then had to turn the final page.
Using fairy and goblin in lieu of female and male, the author has created a timely allegorical fairy tale. A youngster named Julep, who lives in a forest tribe, insists on growing up to be a goblin rather than a fairy. The tribe learns to accept that Julep is a goblin at heart, eventually coming around to support the physical transition that must be made for Julep to live as a goblin.
Intermix: to mix together, blend.
North America, paragon of diversity, is gone. From its ashes, a new nation has arisen â Renatus â where the government segregates the surviving population into races, forbidding interracial marriage, mating, and love.
Eighteen-year-old Nazirah Nation is a pariah, an intermix, born of people from different races. When her parents are murdered in the name of justice, Nazirah grudgingly joins the growing rebellion fighting against the despotic government.
Overwhelmed with grief, consumed by guilt, Nazirah craves vengeance as a substitute for absolution. But on her journey to find the girl she once was, Nazirah must learn the hard way that nothing ⊠no one ⊠is purely black or white. Like her, every human is intermix, shades and hues of complex emotions. And those who can take everything away are also the ones who can give everything back.
Stellaluna is the tender story of a lost young bat who finally finds her way safely home to her mother and friends. This delightful tale illustrates the adventures of a young fruit bat named Stellaluna who becomes separated from her mother and finds herself in a nest of birds. Adopted by the birds, she learns their ways, but ultimately reunites with her mother, discovering her true identity as a bat.
Along the way, Stellaluna introduces her bird friends to her bat family, and they all learn that despite their many differences, friendship transcends those barriers.
Stellaluna is a heartwarming story celebrating the uniqueness of individuals and the power of friendship.
Walaupun tidak ada hal lain di dunia ini yang bisa kaupercayai, percayalah bahwa aku mencintaimu. Sepenuh hatiku.
Ini adalah salah satu kisah yang terjadi di bawah langit kota New YorkâŠ
Ini kisah tentang harapan yang muncul di tengah keputusasaanâŠ
Tentang impian yang bertahan di antara keraguanâŠ
Dan tentang cinta yang memberikan alasan untuk bertahan hidup.
Awalnya Alex Hirano lebih memilih jauh-jauh dari gadis ituâmalaikat kegelapannya yang sudah membuatnya cacat. Kemudian Mia Clark tertawa dan Alex bertanya-tanya bagaimana ia dulu bisa berpikir gadis yang memiliki tawa secerah matahari itu adalah malaikat kegelapannya.
Awalnya mata hitam yang menatapnya dengan tajam dan dingin itu membuat Mia gemetar ketakutan dan berharap bumi menelannya detik itu juga. Kemudian Alex Hirano tersenyum dan jantung Mia yang malang melonjak dan berdebar begitu keras sampai Mia takut Alex bisa mendengarnya.
Every story has two sides, and in this new book, the epic love story between Kiera and Kellan is shown through his eyes. All Kellan Kyle needs is his guitar, and some clean sheets of paper. Growing up in a house that was far from a home, he learned a hard lesson: You're worthless.
Now his life is comfortably filled with passionate music, loyal band mates, and fast women... until he meets her. Kiera makes him ache for more. Makes him feel for the first time that he's worth more. But there's one problemâ she's his best friend's girl.
Just when Kellan thought his emotional defenses were rock solid, Kiera's indecisive heart wreaks havoc on his soul, changing him forever. Losing Kiera is not an option.