Susan Elizabeth Phillips is a renowned romance novelist from the United States, famously known as the "Queen of Romantic Comedy" and the creator of the sports romance genre. She was born on December 11, 1944, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Phillips has made an indelible mark in the world of contemporary romance writing.
Phillips studied theater at Ohio University and initially taught drama, literature, and English at a local high school until the birth of her first child. In 1976, her family moved from Ohio to New Jersey, where she met her neighbor and close friend Claire Kiehl. Together, they wrote and published a historical romance titled "The Copeland Bride" under the pseudonym Justine Cole in 1983.
After Kiehl moved away, Susan ventured into writing on her own, beginning with another historical romance, "Risen Glory," which was later re-edited as "Just Imagine." She found her true calling in contemporary fiction, starting with "Glitter Baby," which received international acclaim.
Now based in Chicago, Phillips continued to write engaging novels such as "Fancy Pants," "Hot Shot," and "Honey Moon." Despite initial challenges in gaining recognition in the U.S., she became widely known with the publication of "It Had To Be You," "Heaven, Texas," and "Kiss an Angel."
Her contributions to the genre have earned her numerous accolades, including being the only four-time recipient of the Romance Writers of America's Favorite Book of the Year Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition to her writing, she enjoys vegetarian cooking, gardening, art museum visits, and traveling with her husband, Bill.
Her latest book, "Simply the Best," is set to release in February 2024 as part of her "Chicago Stars" football series.