Books with category 🌎 Latin America
Displaying 2 books

Super Extra Grande

Super Extra Grande, penned by the celebrated Cuban science fiction master Yoss, is a grand space opera that earned the 20th annual UPC Science Fiction Award in 2011. Set in the far reaches of a distant future, the novel unfolds across the Milky Way, introducing a universe teeming with bizarre and diverse creatures. From world-enveloping amoebas and sensual females sustaining themselves on their mates' reproductive offerings, to articulate reptiles and other beings culled from the annals of Cuban and global science fiction, these entities fill roles as varied as comrades, explorers, intimate companions, educators, and military commanders within the Galactic Commonwealth.

The story's hero, Jan Amos Sangan Dongo, occupies a unique niche in this fantastical ecosystem as a veterinarian dedicated to the care of the galaxy's gargantuan fauna. When a colonial dispute endangers the delicate equilibrium among the Galaxy's seven sapient species, Dr. Sangan embarks on a perilous journey inside an enormous creature to retrieve two ingested ambassadors—who also vie for his affection.


OCTOCÉFALO es un experimento. Unir a 8 escritores en torno a temáticas fantásticas, en un trabajo editorial que busca linkear los textos como perlas de un collar, o cabezas en una estaca, como gustes. La idea es unir la experiencia narrativa literaria con gráfica (el libro es ilustrado) en un todo más o menos integrado.

1. Dientes de Leche - I. C. Tirapegui
2. Terranova - Alberto Rojas
3. Piel de Uroboros - Sebastián Garrido
4. Martina y el Fénnec - Sergio Alejandro Amira
5. África Arcangélica - Gabriel Mérida
6. Heartquake - Angela González
7. Pájaro - JL Flores
8. Time Wars Lluscuma - Jorge Baradit

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