Books with category 🔱 Epic
Displaying books 721-765 of 765 in total

Täällä Pohjantähden alla 1–3


by Väinö Linna

Väinö Linnan suurteos Täällä Pohjantähden alla on piirtynyt suomalaisten muistiin lähihistorian näkemyksellisenä kuvauksena. Sen sivuilla syrjäinen hämäläiskylä elää alkuvoimaista, maanläheistä elämäänsä kansamme suurina murroskausina.

Trilogian ajallisina rajakohtina ovat helmikuun manifestia edeltänyt vuosikymmen, josta edetään torppariperheiden tragedian kautta kansalaissotaan ja Suomen itsenäisyyden vuosikymmeniin aina 1950-luvulle saakka.

Varttuneempi lukijapolvi tuntee katselevansa silmästä silmään omiakin kokemuksiaan, nuoremmille avautuu ennen tuntemattomia näkymiä kansakunnan kulkemalta tieltä.

Dream of the Red Chamber


by Cao Xueqin

Dream of the Red Chamber is esteemed as one of the greatest novels in Chinese literature, often compared to a Chinese Romeo-and-Juliet love story. It not only explores the intricacies of love and relationships but also provides a detailed portrait of one of the world's great civilizations.

This novel is semi-autobiographical, offering a profound insight into 18th-century life in China, especially within the aristocracy. The plot is grand in scale, featuring a complex array of characters, each richly detailed and unforgettable.

Through its pages, readers are introduced to the social structures and life typical of 18th-century Chinese society, making it a remarkable piece of historical literature.

The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor

The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor is Gabriel García Márquez's remarkable account of a real-life event. In 1955, eight crew members of the destroyer Caldas were swept into the Caribbean Sea. The tale unfolds with Luis Alejandro Velasco, the sole survivor, who bravely endured ten days adrift on a life raft without food or water. His harrowing ordeal of survival is vividly captured in this narrative, which also explores the aftermath of his rescue, including the unexpected consequences of fame and the fickle nature of public adoration.

Originally published as a series of newspaper articles, this work caused a sensation and a scandal upon its release. Márquez's retelling of Velasco's extraordinary tale of endurance, from his intense loneliness and thirst to his unwavering determination to survive, reads like an epic, drawing readers into the depths of human resilience and the will to live. This story not only highlights the physical challenges of Velasco's journey but also delves into the psychological effects of isolation and the struggle to maintain hope in the face of overwhelming adversity.

The Unknown Soldier


by Väinö Linna

The Unknown Soldier is a story about the Continuation War between Finland and Soviet Union, told from the viewpoint of ordinary Finnish soldiers. Gritty and realistic, it was partly intended to shatter the myth of the noble, obedient Finnish soldier, and in that it succeeded admirably.

The Fellowship of the Ring


by J.R.R. Tolkien

Begin your journey into Middle-earth with The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure, The Lord of the Rings. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power—the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring—the ring that rules them all—which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins.

In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.

Freedom or Death

Freedom or Death by Nikos Kazantzakis is a novel on the heroic or epic scale about the rebellion of the Greek Christians against the Turks on the island of Crete, where Kazantzakis was from.

The story follows the exploits of a Greek: Captain Michalis and his blood brother, Nurey Bey, a Turk, through war, love, friendship, hatred, and a backdrop of the island of Crete with all its beauty, drama, joy, and sadness.

This book is a work of a master with characters that come to life and are destined to live forever.

East of Eden


by John Steinbeck

East of Eden is a novel that John Steinbeck considered to be his magnum opus. The story is set in the rich farmland of California's Salinas Valley and follows the intertwined destinies of two families—the Trasks and the Hamiltons. Steinbeck explores themes such as the mystery of identity, the inexplicability of love, and the consequences of love's absence.

The narrative spans generations and begins with Adam Trask, who moved to California from the East to farm and raise a family on the new, rich land. However, the birth of his twin sons, Cal and Aaron, leads to his wife's descent into madness, leaving Adam to raise the boys alone. As the brothers grow, one is nurtured by the love of those around him while the other is shrouded in a mysterious darkness, embodying the biblical allegory of Cain and Abel.

East of Eden delves into the characters' most enduring themes, drawing parallels to the Book of Genesis and presenting a powerful, ambitious narrative that is both a family saga and a modern retelling of ancient stories. The novel's characters are some of Steinbeck's most mesmerizing, and the story is a captivating tale of human emotion and conflict.

الساعة الخامسة والعشرون

رواية الساعة الخامسة والعشرون هي واحدة من أكثر الأعمال السردية التي تثير أسئلة جذرية حول مصير الإنسان المأسوي. العالم الافتراضي للرواية هو متاهة يتعذر على أحد النجاة منها.

على النقيض من معظم الأعمال السردية، حيث يختل توازن الأحداث ثم يعاد في النهاية، فإن نسق الاختلال يتعمق بمرور الزمن، ولا يعود إلى سابق عهده أبداً. تتجلى في هذه الرواية أصداء الملاحم الكبرى، والتراجيديات الإغريقية والمآسي الشكسبيرية، وكل الأعمال التي انصبت اهتمامها على مصير الإنسان.

لذلك، فهي تنتسب إلى سلالة الآداب السردية الرفيعة الخالدة. كثير من الروايات يتلاشى حضورها مع الذاكرة بمرور الأيام، وتصبح استعادة أجوائها صعبة، وربما شبه مستحيلة، وقليل منها يدمغ الذاكرة بختمه الأبدي، ومن ذلك القليل النادر رواية الساعة الخامسة والعشرون.

El matadero / La cautiva

Pertenece Echeverría al llamado grupo intelectual de 1837, que sentó las bases de la incipiente sociedad argentina. El éxito y la gran acogida de "La cautiva" se debe a que es una obra comprometida con el medio social en el que surge y cuya renovación formal intenta adecuarse a la realidad que describe. "El matadero" se anticipa en cierto modo a su época y desarrolla líneas que seguirá después la literatura argentina.


Freedom and Justice — American Style

1632 And in northern Germany, things couldn't get much worse. Famine. Disease. Religious war laying waste to the cities. Only the aristocrats remained relatively unscathed; for the peasants, death was a mercy.

2000 Things are going okay in Grantville, West Virginia, and everybody attending the wedding of Mike Stearn's sister (including the entire local chapter of the United Mine Workers of America, which Mike leads) is having a good time. Then, everything changed...

When the dust settles, Mike leads a group of armed miners to find out what happened and discovers the road into town is cut, as if by a sword. On the other side, a scene out of Hell: a man nailed to a farmhouse door, his wife and daughter attacked by men in steel vests.

Faced with this, Mike and his friends don't have to ask who to shoot. At that moment, Freedom and Justice, American style, are introduced to the middle of the Thirty Years' War.

A Última Feiticeira

O fantástico épico está novamente de parabéns com mais uma estreia literária de uma autora portuguesa que a Presença propõe ao seu público. Em A Saga das Pedras Mágicas os heróis, diz-nos Sandra Carvalho, têm uma profunda ligação à Natureza e aos Elementos, são apaixonados pela Vida e inteiramente determinados na sua coragem.

A acção passa-se num tempo em que os sábios Druidas se recolhiam nas florestas para perpetuarem o Conhecimento que em eras passadas lhes fora transmitido pelos Seres Mágicos. O berço da heroína desta história, Catelyn, e dos seus cinco irmãos varões, situa-se na Grande Ilha, cada vez mais fustigada pelos ataques dos Viquingues.

Os senhores locais formaram uma Aliança para os repelirem, consolidando essa política através de casamentos combinados entre os herdeiros das grandes famílias. Depois de uma infância paradisíaca, Catelyn cresce num mundo cada vez mais violento, assistindo impotente às manipulações da maldosa Myrna, a protegida do homem com quem o pai de Catelyn destinou casá-la.

An Author's Odyssey

In the highly anticipated continuation of the Land of Stories series, Conner learns that the only place to fight the Masked Man's literary army is inside his own short stories!

When the twins and their friends enter worlds crafted from Conner's imagination, they find allies no one else could have ever dreamed of. The race begins to put an end to the Masked Man's reign of terror. Can the twins finally restore peace in the fairy tale world?

Assassin's Apprentice / Royal Assassin

Assassin's Apprentice and Royal Assassin are the first two books in The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb. This epic fantasy series follows the journey of FitzChivalry Farseer, a royal bastard who is trained as an assassin in the royal court.

In Assassin's Apprentice, Fitz is introduced to the world of politics, magic, and intrigue as he learns to navigate the dangerous waters of the Six Duchies. His unique ability to bond telepathically with animals sets him apart, but also puts him in great danger.

In Royal Assassin, Fitz's journey continues as he faces new threats to the kingdom, battles personal demons, and struggles with his own identity. The stakes are higher, and the consequences of his actions could change the fate of the realm.

Join Fitz on a thrilling adventure filled with magic, betrayal, and friendship as he fights to protect those he loves and discovers his true destiny.


Babel is a novel that weaves a rich tapestry of historical intrigue and magical realism. Set in an alternate history, it explores the power of language and translation as a tool for imperial dominance and resistance.

The story follows a group of talented individuals who navigate through the complexities of their world, facing moral dilemmas and discovering the true cost of knowledge and power. With its captivating narrative and complex characters, Babel challenges readers to ponder on the impact of words and the boundaries of loyalty.

City of Vikings

Nora Hunt is the last of her kind from an aristocratic bloodline of Viking assassins. She is chosen by the Norse gods to carry the map of the nine Viking worlds, Yggdrasil, which is tattooed on her back.

Nora was blessed by the gods with rare gifts and will become powerful when she finds the assassin weapons. With her unique gifts, she must serve and protect the Goth Empire – the oldest standing Viking monarchy, from its enemy – the Verans.

Her mission as an assassin is to get to the City of Vikings, where her father is in exile, and discover the powerful Viking weapons before the enemy. The Goth Empire is in danger from the Verans, who hold possession of the artifacts that call for Yggdrasil and are getting closer to finding the cryptic symbols that will open the gates to the nine worlds.

The battle for Yggdrasil is about to begin. Who will rule the nine worlds of the Vikings? With a confined monarchy and weak senate trusting her to liberate them, and a heart devoted to her sworn enemy, which side will Nora choose? Will she discover the assassin weapons and win the perilous battle for the worlds of the Vikings?

Czas pogardy

Geralt is a witcher: guardian of the innocent; protector of those in need; a defender, in dark times, against some of the most frightening creatures of myth and legend. His task, now, is to protect Ciri. A child of prophecy, she will have the power to change the world for good or for ill -- but only if she lives to use it.

A coup threatens the Wizard's Guild.
War breaks out across the lands.
A serious injury leaves Geralt fighting for his life...
... and Ciri, in whose hands the world's fate rests, has vanished...

Dreams of the Ringed Vale

Luthiel's Song is an epic fantasy novel for young adults. It is the first in a series of seven.

First Summer's Eve has come and all elves celebrate as the black moon's shadow fades from the world. It is also Luthiel's fifteenth birthday. With it come two extraordinary and dangerous surprises: a Wyrd Stone, its silvery heart a window into a world of dreams and nightmares, and a Blade Dancer, dreaded protector of the Faelands, who bears a dark message.

Instead of celebration, Luthiel is given a terrible choice: if she does nothing, someone she loves deeply will die. Or to save a life, she can break the most perilous law of the Faelands, and venture alone to the Vale of Mists.

If she chooses the journey, she must race Othalas — eldest and most feared of all the werewolves — past great black spiders who weave webs out of nightmares, through glittering mists with the power to reshape flesh, and at last into death by the teeth of dark and ancient Vyrl, who feed on the blood of elves.

Either choice will bring death — unless Luthiel can find the secret in her remarkable Stone, a secret that even the nightmares fear.

Fall of Giants

It is 1911. The Coronation Day of King George V. The Williams, a Welsh coal-mining family, is linked by romance and enmity to the Fitzherberts, aristocratic coal-mine owners. Lady Maud Fitzherbert falls in love with Walter von Ulrich, a spy at the German Embassy in London. Their destiny is entangled with that of an ambitious young aide to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and to two orphaned Russian brothers, whose plans to emigrate to America fall foul of war, conscription and revolution.

Five families, American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh, move through the dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for women's suffrage. The plot contains profanity, graphic sexual situations, and violence. Book #1

Fire of Stars and Dragons

A dragon's fire cannot be tamed.

In 22nd century sovereign America, women should be seen and not heard. Unfortunately, twenty-one-year-old Caitriona Hayden didn't get that memo!

Determined to make her way in the world following the death of her uncle, being "seen" is the least of Cait's problems.
Someone's trying to kill her.

Ordained to guard and protect her, when Theo Pendragon claims Cait as his ward, he finds more than he expects as the flames of passion ignite within the dragon for the first time. But Theo is not alone in his desire, and he must learn to fight for what he wants, even if it costs him his best friend.

Dante, a powerful demigod and beloved friend to Theo, has spent centuries pursuing intellectual endeavors rather than indulging in the heat of desire. But everything changes when Cait arouses an attraction he cannot deny. But Dante isn't the only one with a vested interest in Cait's future.

America's monarch, an ancient vampire named Corrin, puts no stock in the frivolity of love, and yet a proper queen would boost his approval rating amongst the people. Marrying Cait could hold the key to his survival.

Now, love, desire, and need force Cait into an impossible situation with dire consequences.
Soon, Cait goes from studying for college exams to fighting for a future she never knew she wanted with a man she never imagined she could love. But the key to her future is held in the one secret she has yet to uncover.

Forever Amber

Abandoned pregnant and penniless on the teeming streets of London, 16-year-old Amber St. Clare manages, by using her wits, beauty, and courage, to climb to the highest position a woman could achieve in Restoration England—that of favorite mistress of the Merry Monarch, Charles II. From whores and highwaymen to courtiers and noblemen, from events such as the Great Plague and the Fire of London to the intimate passions of ordinary—and extraordinary—men and women, Amber experiences it all. But throughout her trials and escapades, she remains, in her heart, true to the one man she really loves, the one man she can never have. Frequently compared to Gone with the Wind, Forever Amber is the other great historical romance, outselling every other American novel of the 1940s—despite being banned in Boston for its sheer sexiness. A book to read and reread, this edition brings back to print an unforgettable romance and a timeless masterpiece.

He Who Fights with Monsters

He Who Fights with Monsters is an exhilarating tale of adventure and fantasy.

Join the protagonist as they navigate through a world filled with monstrous creatures and epic quests. With each battle, new challenges arise, testing courage and wit.

Engage in a story where every decision can change the course of destiny, and bravery is the key to survival.

Hunt for the Star

Victory is not judged by benevolence. A hero is not forged by the good deeds they commit, but rather by how many bad deeds they do whilst remaining true to the journey.

The Eldon Star is the last remnant power of a long extinct dynasty of Dragon Deities. Tasked with retrieving it is the aging warrior, Artos Hestrom, who utilizes lies and deception just as frequently as blades and glory to procure who and what he wants.

Standing in his way is the evil Sorcerer, Ruehl, who uses his minions to relentlessly scour the land for the crystal. Betrayals, challenges, and the ever-lingering threat of death loom over the heroes as entire armies are drawn into the conflict.

The world of Edoria is at war as the hunt for the Star begins…

King of Sword and Sky

King of Sword and Sky is the third book in the epic romantic adventure that combines sweeping fantasy with breathtaking paranormal romance. USA Today and New York Times bestseller C. L. Wilson’s magnificent story continues—as the Fey King Rain must risk everything for his truemate Ellysetta, even as he struggles to save his imperiled kingdom with magic, sword, and flame.

Rain embarks on a heroic quest to awaken the astonishing dormant inner power that his lady love possesses. This journey is fraught with danger, intrigue, and the potential for great sacrifice, as the fate of the tairen and their realm hangs in the balance.

Magic's Price

The final chapter in Mercedes Lackey's spellbinding fantasy trilogy! The Herald-Mage, Vanyel, and his Companion, Yfandes, are alone responsible for saving the once-peaceful kingdom of Valdemar from the forces of a master who wields a dark, forbidding magic.

Valdemar—the once-peaceful kingdom protected by the magic of its Herald-Mages—is now besieged on all fronts. The king lies near death, the neighboring land of Karse wages a relentless war against Valdemar, and the forces led by a master of dark forbidden magic are massing to strike the final devastating blow against the kingdom.

And Vanyel, the most powerful Herald-Mage Valdemar has even known, has become the primary target of the evil which is reaching out to poison all the land. With all his fellow mages slain, Vanyel alone remains to defend his people against the dark master’s army. Yet a dream vision has revealed to Vayel the fate which awaits should he and his Companion Yfandes take up the dark master’s challenge. And if either Vanyel or Yfandes falters, the dream will become a horrifying reality in which both Valdemar and its last Herald-Mage must pay the ultimate price.

Queen of Song and Souls

Two lovers, two hearts, one soul.

Only joined can they be truly complete. Only joined can they survive the darkness.

The Fey King Rain and his truemate Ellysetta share a passionate love unrivaled in the history of their world—and a forbidden power that made them outcasts from the Fading Lands. As war looms and the evil mages of Eld threaten to rip their world asunder, they must fight to defend the very kingdom and people who reviled them.

Only by trusting completely in their love—and in themselves—can Rain and Ellysetta hope to defeat the gathering forces of Darkness. But it will take more than the strength of their devotion to endure. They must unlock the secrets of the past and find the courage to embrace the dangerous destiny that awaits them.

Only they can save their world, but that victory might cost them their lives.

Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis, a historical epic set against the backdrop of Rome at the height of its power, explores a Rome under the despotic emperor Nero. The novel follows our protagonist, Vinicius, a Centurion in the army who has fallen madly in love with the elusive Ligia, a Christian. As Nero's harrowing plans for Rome’s Christians become ever clearer, Vinicius will have to act fast if he hopes to save his love.

From the sweeping Alps to the blood-drenched sand of the Coliseum, Sienkiewicz brings the glory of Rome to life in an entertaining, gripping novel. Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) was a Polish fiction writer awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905, for his outstanding merits as a writer of epic fiction. He became one of the most famous authors in Poland at the end of the 19th century, before translations of his work catapulted him to international renown. Among his most famous novels are ‘With Fire and Sword,’ ‘Quo Vadis,’ and ‘Sir Michael.’


El Ramayana es un libro de la India antigua. Se cree que sus orígenes se remontan al siglo IV a.C. ya que forma parte de los smíriti hindúes (textos no aportados directamente por Dios, sino transmitidos por la tradición).

El Ramayana es una de las obras literarias más importantes de la India, este libro estableció algunas pautas fundamentales dentro de la poesía sánscrita y ha tenido una gran influencia en el arte y la cultura del sureste de Asia.

El texto de esta obra es alegórico definitivamente, cuenta la historia del semidiós Rama, quien representa todo lo bueno, y su encantada lucha contra los asuras, que ostentan el poder del mal. En la mitología hindú, asura es el símbolo equivalente al titán o demonio gigante, así que en esta epopeya tenemos el mito de la lucha entre semidioses y demonios, es decir, el combate entre los poderes de la luz y las fuerzas malignas de la oscuridad.

Rama constituye el ideal del hombre sabio, fuerte, justo y bueno, en él se funden todas las cualidades del gobernante y del guerrero. Además, tiene magníficos recursos, que utiliza en el momento oportuno.


Shadow Pantheon is an enthralling journey into a world where gods and mortals collide. Dive into a realm filled with epic battles and heroic quests as you follow the path of characters destined to change the fate of their world.

Unravel the mysteries of a universe where darkness and light wage an eternal war, and every choice can lead to triumph or ruin. With each turn of the page, be prepared to encounter supernatural thrills and mythical adventures that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

This is a tale of courage, power, and the timeless struggle between good and evil. Join the adventure and discover the secrets of the Shadow Pantheon.


It's a beautiful day for a war.

As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.

And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.

In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear… or the end of herself.

Shattered Kingdom (Shattered Kingdom, #1)

Perfect for fans of Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas and Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.

Sworn to a goddess. One with her blade. A heart yet unbroken.

It would have been only one more year of training. One year in the dust and wind of the Calma Desert. But Gandrett Brayton’s fate storms in disguised as a beautiful stranger with a damning secret.

As he forces her into the service of the lord who tore her from her mother’s arms ten years ago to commit her to the Order of Vala, Gandrett is left with a choice: run, or work for the man she despises and earn the chance to see her family again.

Trained with all the weapons she can wield with her hands, Gandrett must learn that at the courts of the shattered kingdom of Sives, her sword won’t help her - especially when it is her own heart on the line.

Shattered Kingdom is bestselling author Angelina J. Steffort's new young adult epic fantasy romance about a girl whose heart could change the course of history.

Taunting Destiny

I thought things were bad and weird before—hold on—it’s getting worse. Adam and I are both going through identity crises of epic proportions as we Transition from who we were, and discover who we were meant to be. More Fae are dying, and I feel as if time is running out for us to find all of those responsible and put an end to the killings.

The people I thought I could trust have betrayed me and the one person I should absolutely not trust is taking me deeper and deeper into his world. Ryder’s secrets are dangerous and devastating. With each touch and word, he pulls my heart closer to himself and at the same time he is trying to keep me at arm’s length.

The dance he and I have begun is getting more complicated as our worlds are being shaken from all sides, and the visions of the future are frightening, and nothing like I had ever pictured for myself or those I care for. This time, destiny is taunting me.

I had always thought that I controlled my destiny. Now, my rights are being taken from me by powerful people and leaving me with alternatives that range between bad and awful. This time, the choices I have to make can decide the fate of both worlds. Everything is unraveling, and nothing will ever be the same again.

The Archer's Tale

From New York Times bestselling author Bernard Cornwell, comes the first book in the Grail Series—a spellbinding tale of a young man, a fearless archer, who sets out wanting to avenge his family's honor and winds up on a quest for the Holy Grail.

At dawn on Easter morning 1343, a marauding band of French raiders arrives by boat to ambush the coastal English village of Hookton. To brave young Thomas, the only survivor, the horror of the attack is epitomized in the casual savagery of a particular black-clad knight, whose flag—three yellow hawks on a blue field—presides over the bloody affair. As the killers sail away, Thomas vows to avenge the murder of his townspeople and to recapture a holy treasure that the black knight stole from the church.

To do this, Thomas of Hookton must first make his way to France. So, in 1343 he joins the army of King Edward III as it is about to invade the continent—the beginning of the Hundred Years War. A preternaturally gifted bowman, Thomas quickly becomes recognized as one of England's most deadly archers in King Edward's march across France. Yet he never stops scanning the horizon for his true enemy's flag.

When Thomas saves a young Frenchwoman from a bloodthirsty crowd, her father—French nobleman Sir Guillaume d'Evecque—rewards his bravery by joining him in the hunt for the mysterious dark knight and the stolen holy relic. What begins as a search for vengeance will soon prove the beginning of an even higher purpose: the quest for the Holy Grail itself.

The Children of Húrin

This tale of Middle-earth's First Age, which appeared in incomplete forms in the posthumously published The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, also edited by Tolkien's son, Christopher, only hinted at the depth and power of the tragic story of Túrin and Niënor, the children of Húrin, the lord of Dor-lómin, who achieved renown for having confronted Morgoth, who was the master of Sauron, the manifestation of evil in the Lord of the Rings.

Six thousand years before the One Ring is destroyed, Middle-earth lies under the shadow of the Dark Lord Morgoth. The greatest warriors among elves and men have perished, and all is in darkness and despair. But a deadly new leader rises, Túrin, son of Húrin, and with his grim band of outlaws begins to turn the tide in the war for Middle-earth -- awaiting the day he confronts his destiny and the deadly curse laid upon him.

The Crossing of Ingo

No human has ever made the Crossing of Ingo - the most dangerous journey young Mer have to face. Sapphy and Conor have been chosen for this epic challenge, and the future of both Air and Ingo depends on their success. But Ervys, his followers and new recruits, the sharks, are determined to stop them - dead or alive...

The Evening Tide

Asharal wants to rule, he seeks the Sunchair and will bloody his blade upon anyone who stands in his way.

The Sun Elves yearn for the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy that has foretold their rise amidst moon and stars. Among them, there is one who will wait no longer for such a prophecy to come to pass. Asharal seeks to dethrone the ruling family, the Winds, who have just done the impossible: they have discovered immortality.

The Fish the Fighters and the Song-Girl

New blood and old warriors face unforeseen challenges as one war ends in triumph and another conflict looms. Stories you'll love to hear again and stories you've been hoping to hear for the first time in a brand-new Sacred Band anthology that takes the Stepsons where they've never been before...

Tales of risk and glory, past, present and future, among the Sacred Band of Stepsons cavalry in The Fish the Fighter and the Song-girl, the second Sacred Band anthology.

Tempus and his Sacred Band won the battle of their dreams, but now the time has come to count the cost and face the consequences in fifteen tales, old and new, of the iconic Sacred Band of Stepsons.

Includes the last six classic Sacred Band stories from the million-copy bestselling shared universe of Thieves' World and nine new adventures.

The Judgement

Ruin wakes up on Earth knowing only one thing: to Judge and Execute.

As an Angel of Judgment with no memory of his origins and no ability to communicate, he seeks help from Isadore, the first human he comes into contact with. Without realizing, he binds molecularly with the OCD Neuroscientist, and slowly becomes permanently attached to her.

But, there is a mission he's sent to accomplish and it isn't about Isadore. Or is it? Something about the eccentric and beautiful woman seems to be preventing him from remembering what he must do in order to complete his task on Earth.

In the breathtaking third book of the Ruin Series, The Judgment, Ruin tackles missions designed to bring him face to face with the answers he desperately needs. Soon, however, he discovers that the clues he gains to unravel the mysteries of his mission will declare war on his heart and soul.

The Novice

"Even if a magician's powers surface of their own accord, he will soon be dead if he does not gain the knowledge of how to control them." Alone among all the novices in the Magicians' Guild, only Sonea comes from lowly beginnings. Yet she has won powerful allies—including Lord Dannyl, newly promoted to Guild Ambassador. But Dannyl must now depart for the Elyne court, leaving Sonea at the mercy of the lies and malicious rumors her enemies are busy spreading ... until the High Lord Akkarin steps in. The price of Akkarin's support is dear, however, because Sonea, in turn, must protect his mysteries and a secret that could lead a young novice mage deep into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Dannyl's first order to resume High Lord Akkarin's long-abandoned research into ancient magical knowledge is setting him on an extraordinary journey fraught with unanticipated peril as he moves ever-closer to a future both wondrous ... and terrible.

The Shadow Throne

One war. Too many deadly battles. Can a king save his kingdom when his own survival seems unlikely?

War has come to Carthya. It knocks at every door and window in the land. And when Jaron learns that King Vargan of Avenia has kidnapped Imogen in a plot to bring Carthya to its knees, Jaron knows it is up to him to embark on a daring rescue mission. But everything that can go wrong does.

His friends are flung far and wide across Carthya and its neighbouring lands. In a last-ditch effort to stave off what looks to be a devastating loss for the kingdom, Jaron undertakes what may be his last journey to save everything and everyone he loves. But even with his lightning-quick wit, Jaron cannot forestall the terrible danger that descends on him and his country. Along the way, will he lose what matters most? And in the end, who will sit on Carthya's throne?

The Wandering Inn

The Wandering Inn is a captivating tale that transports readers to a world of magic and mystery. Follow the adventures of an innkeeper who finds herself in a fantastical realm filled with colorful characters, mythical creatures, and epic quests.

As she navigates this new world, she discovers her own hidden potentials and the true meaning of courage and friendship. With every chapter, you'll find yourself drawn deeper into the enchanting universe of The Wandering Inn.


Los miembros de la Resistencia han llegado por fin a Idhún, dispuestos a hacer cumplir la profecía. Pero no todo es tan sencillo como parece. ¿Asumirán los protagonistas su papel en el destino vaticinado por los Oráculos? ¿Puede la Resistencia confiar en su nuevo aliado? ¿Cómo serán recibidos en Idhún, después de quince años de ausencia? ¿Cuál será el próximo movimiento de Ashran y los sheks?

Un viaje épico lleno de intriga y sorpresas en un mundo mágico donde el destino de todos está en juego.

Under Wildwood

Under Wildwood is the second book in the New York Times bestselling adventure series, the Wildwood Chronicles, from Colin Meloy, lead singer of the Decemberists, and Carson Ellis, the acclaimed illustrator of The Mysterious Benedict Society.

Ever since Prue McKeel returned home from the Impassable Wilderness after rescuing her brother from the malevolent Dowager Governess, life has been pretty dull. School holds no interest for her, and her new science teacher keeps getting on her case about her dismal test scores and daydreaming in class. Her mind is constantly returning to the verdant groves and sky-tall trees of Wildwood, where her friend Curtis still remains as a bandit-in-training.

But all is not well in that world. Dark assassins with mysterious motives conspire to settle the scores of an unknown client. A titan of industry employs inmates from his orphanage to work his machine shop, all the while obsessing over the exploitation of the Impassable Wilderness. And, in what will be their greatest challenge yet, Prue and Curtis are thrown together again to save themselves and the lives of their friends, and to bring unity to a divided country. But in order to do that, they must go under Wildwood.

In Under Wildwood, Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis reveal new dimensions of the epic fantasy-adventure series begun with the critically acclaimed, bestselling Wildwood.

Vlad: The Last Confession

Dracula. A name of horror, depravity, and the darkest sensuality. Yet the real Dracula was just as alluring, just as terrifying, his tale not one of a monster but of a man... and a contradiction.

His tale is told by those who knew him best. The only woman he ever loved...and whom he had to sacrifice. His closest comrade...and traitor. And his priest, betraying the secrets of the confessional to reveal the mind of the man history would forever remember as The Impaler.

This is the story of the man behind the it has never been told before.


A Vampire Novel that Changes Everything

What is forever anyways? To anyone?

Ianthe Gold is a Vampire who will do anything to save her one true love, Charlotte Bell Aberdeen. To finally be united with a love that she has been chasing over the millennia, through time and space. Now, she has found the chance to reunite with Charlotte and keep her promise of forever that she had made to her, the soul within, so long ago. But God, as always, has other plans.

WITHOUT, is an epic journey set in the modern day. It eloquently and boldly captures both the beauty and the horror of life, this cosmic journey of the flesh, and the soul within God’s grand design. Gritty, ugly, and languishing are just a few emotions evoked as we witness the rise and fall of life and love.

زمن الخيول البيضاء

زمن الخيول البيضاء هي رواية ملحمية استثنائية كتبها الشاعر والروائي إبراهيم نصرالله. تتزامن هذه الرواية مع الذكرى الستين لاحتلال فلسطين، وهي جزء من المشروع الروائي الكبير الذي يُعرف بـالملهاة الفلسطينية، والذي بدأ العمل عليه منذ عام 1985.

يتضمن المشروع ست روايات، لكل منها أجواؤها الخاصة وشخوصها وبناؤها الفني، وتستقل عن الروايات الأخرى. يستعرض نصرالله في هذا العمل 125 عامًا من تاريخ الشعب الفلسطيني بنظرة نقدية عميقة ومستويات فنية راقية.

ينطلق الكاتب من تلك الحقيقة الراسخة التي تؤكد أن إيماننا بالقضايا الكبيرة يتطلب منا إيجاد مستويات فنية عالية للتعبير عنها.

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