Books with category 🔱 Epic
Displaying books 769-780 of 780 in total

The Evening Tide

Asharal wants to rule, he seeks the Sunchair and will bloody his blade upon anyone who stands in his way.

The Sun Elves yearn for the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy that has foretold their rise amidst moon and stars. Among them, there is one who will wait no longer for such a prophecy to come to pass. Asharal seeks to dethrone the ruling family, the Winds, who have just done the impossible: they have discovered immortality.

The Fish the Fighters and the Song-Girl

New blood and old warriors face unforeseen challenges as one war ends in triumph and another conflict looms. Stories you'll love to hear again and stories you've been hoping to hear for the first time in a brand-new Sacred Band anthology that takes the Stepsons where they've never been before...

Tales of risk and glory, past, present and future, among the Sacred Band of Stepsons cavalry in The Fish the Fighter and the Song-girl, the second Sacred Band anthology.

Tempus and his Sacred Band won the battle of their dreams, but now the time has come to count the cost and face the consequences in fifteen tales, old and new, of the iconic Sacred Band of Stepsons.

Includes the last six classic Sacred Band stories from the million-copy bestselling shared universe of Thieves' World and nine new adventures.

The Judgement

Ruin wakes up on Earth knowing only one thing: to Judge and Execute.

As an Angel of Judgment with no memory of his origins and no ability to communicate, he seeks help from Isadore, the first human he comes into contact with. Without realizing, he binds molecularly with the OCD Neuroscientist, and slowly becomes permanently attached to her.

But, there is a mission he's sent to accomplish and it isn't about Isadore. Or is it? Something about the eccentric and beautiful woman seems to be preventing him from remembering what he must do in order to complete his task on Earth.

In the breathtaking third book of the Ruin Series, The Judgment, Ruin tackles missions designed to bring him face to face with the answers he desperately needs. Soon, however, he discovers that the clues he gains to unravel the mysteries of his mission will declare war on his heart and soul.

The Novice

"Even if a magician's powers surface of their own accord, he will soon be dead if he does not gain the knowledge of how to control them." Alone among all the novices in the Magicians' Guild, only Sonea comes from lowly beginnings. Yet she has won powerful allies—including Lord Dannyl, newly promoted to Guild Ambassador. But Dannyl must now depart for the Elyne court, leaving Sonea at the mercy of the lies and malicious rumors her enemies are busy spreading ... until the High Lord Akkarin steps in. The price of Akkarin's support is dear, however, because Sonea, in turn, must protect his mysteries and a secret that could lead a young novice mage deep into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Dannyl's first order to resume High Lord Akkarin's long-abandoned research into ancient magical knowledge is setting him on an extraordinary journey fraught with unanticipated peril as he moves ever-closer to a future both wondrous ... and terrible.

The Shadow Throne

One war. Too many deadly battles. Can a king save his kingdom when his own survival seems unlikely?

War has come to Carthya. It knocks at every door and window in the land. And when Jaron learns that King Vargan of Avenia has kidnapped Imogen in a plot to bring Carthya to its knees, Jaron knows it is up to him to embark on a daring rescue mission. But everything that can go wrong does.

His friends are flung far and wide across Carthya and its neighbouring lands. In a last-ditch effort to stave off what looks to be a devastating loss for the kingdom, Jaron undertakes what may be his last journey to save everything and everyone he loves. But even with his lightning-quick wit, Jaron cannot forestall the terrible danger that descends on him and his country. Along the way, will he lose what matters most? And in the end, who will sit on Carthya's throne?

The Wandering Inn

The Wandering Inn is a captivating tale that transports readers to a world of magic and mystery. Follow the adventures of an innkeeper who finds herself in a fantastical realm filled with colorful characters, mythical creatures, and epic quests.

As she navigates this new world, she discovers her own hidden potentials and the true meaning of courage and friendship. With every chapter, you'll find yourself drawn deeper into the enchanting universe of The Wandering Inn.


Los miembros de la Resistencia han llegado por fin a Idhún, dispuestos a hacer cumplir la profecía. Pero no todo es tan sencillo como parece. ¿Asumirán los protagonistas su papel en el destino vaticinado por los Oráculos? ¿Puede la Resistencia confiar en su nuevo aliado? ¿Cómo serán recibidos en Idhún, después de quince años de ausencia? ¿Cuál será el próximo movimiento de Ashran y los sheks?

Un viaje épico lleno de intriga y sorpresas en un mundo mágico donde el destino de todos está en juego.

Under Wildwood

Under Wildwood is the second book in the New York Times bestselling adventure series, the Wildwood Chronicles, from Colin Meloy, lead singer of the Decemberists, and Carson Ellis, the acclaimed illustrator of The Mysterious Benedict Society.

Ever since Prue McKeel returned home from the Impassable Wilderness after rescuing her brother from the malevolent Dowager Governess, life has been pretty dull. School holds no interest for her, and her new science teacher keeps getting on her case about her dismal test scores and daydreaming in class. Her mind is constantly returning to the verdant groves and sky-tall trees of Wildwood, where her friend Curtis still remains as a bandit-in-training.

But all is not well in that world. Dark assassins with mysterious motives conspire to settle the scores of an unknown client. A titan of industry employs inmates from his orphanage to work his machine shop, all the while obsessing over the exploitation of the Impassable Wilderness. And, in what will be their greatest challenge yet, Prue and Curtis are thrown together again to save themselves and the lives of their friends, and to bring unity to a divided country. But in order to do that, they must go under Wildwood.

In Under Wildwood, Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis reveal new dimensions of the epic fantasy-adventure series begun with the critically acclaimed, bestselling Wildwood.

Vlad: The Last Confession

Dracula. A name of horror, depravity, and the darkest sensuality. Yet the real Dracula was just as alluring, just as terrifying, his tale not one of a monster but of a man... and a contradiction.

His tale is told by those who knew him best. The only woman he ever loved...and whom he had to sacrifice. His closest comrade...and traitor. And his priest, betraying the secrets of the confessional to reveal the mind of the man history would forever remember as The Impaler.

This is the story of the man behind the it has never been told before.


A Vampire Novel that Changes Everything

What is forever anyways? To anyone?

Ianthe Gold is a Vampire who will do anything to save her one true love, Charlotte Bell Aberdeen. To finally be united with a love that she has been chasing over the millennia, through time and space. Now, she has found the chance to reunite with Charlotte and keep her promise of forever that she had made to her, the soul within, so long ago. But God, as always, has other plans.

WITHOUT, is an epic journey set in the modern day. It eloquently and boldly captures both the beauty and the horror of life, this cosmic journey of the flesh, and the soul within God’s grand design. Gritty, ugly, and languishing are just a few emotions evoked as we witness the rise and fall of life and love.

زمن الخيول البيضاء

زمن الخيول البيضاء هي رواية ملحمية استثنائية كتبها الشاعر والروائي إبراهيم نصرالله. تتزامن هذه الرواية مع الذكرى الستين لاحتلال فلسطين، وهي جزء من المشروع الروائي الكبير الذي يُعرف بـالملهاة الفلسطينية، والذي بدأ العمل عليه منذ عام 1985.

يتضمن المشروع ست روايات، لكل منها أجواؤها الخاصة وشخوصها وبناؤها الفني، وتستقل عن الروايات الأخرى. يستعرض نصرالله في هذا العمل 125 عامًا من تاريخ الشعب الفلسطيني بنظرة نقدية عميقة ومستويات فنية راقية.

ينطلق الكاتب من تلك الحقيقة الراسخة التي تؤكد أن إيماننا بالقضايا الكبيرة يتطلب منا إيجاد مستويات فنية عالية للتعبير عنها.

مدن الملح

مدن الملح هي رواية عربية للروائي السعودي عبد الرحمن المنيف، وتعد واحدة من أشهر الروايات العربية. تتألف هذه الرواية من خمسة أجزاء، حيث تتناول بداية اكتشاف النفط والتحولات المتسارعة التي حلت بمدن وقرى الجزيرة العربية بسبب اكتشاف النفط.

أجزاء الرواية

1- التيه: يتناول الجزء الأول بوادر ظهور النفط في الجزيرة العربية من خلال سكانها وتظهر شخصية متعب الهذال الرافضة كتعبير عن الموقف العفوي لأصحاب الأرض مما أجبر السلطة على استعمال العنف. يصف هذا الجزء بالتفصيل بناء المدن الجديدة (حران كانت النموذج) والتغيرات القاسية والعاصفة على المستوى المكاني وخاصة الإنساني.

2- الأخدود: في الجزء الثاني ينتقل منيف إلى تصوير أهل السلطة والسياسة في الصحراء التي تتحول إلى حقل بترولي. الشخصية الرئيسية في هذا الجزء هو مستشار السلطان الجديد صبحي المحملجي الملقب بالحكيم.

3- تقاسيم الليل والنهار: يعود الجزء الثالث إلى جذور العائلة الحاكمة إلى سنوات التصارع القبائلي التي تتوج خربيط كأهم حاكم في المنطقة.

4- المنبت: يتناول الجزء الرابع سيرة خزعل في المنفى حتى وفاته مع رصد للتغييرات الانقلابية التي فرضها فنر.

5- بادية الظلمات: في هذا الجزء الأخير، يصبح اسم الأرض بالدولة الهديبية ويصبح فنر شخصية أسطورية لكنه ينتهي بالاغتيال من خاصته.

الرواية تمثل نقلة نوعية في السرد التاريخي والتأريخ الشخصي لحقبة مؤثرة في حياة البداوة، حيث رصد الكاتب بدقة الحياة البدوية وتحولها إلى الغنى المفاجئ والآثار الناتجة عن ذلك.

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