Jeremy Forsyth

Jeremy Forsyth is the author of the epic fantasy, Upon the Sands, book 1 of A Symphony of Shadow and Darkness. He is also the author of The Sun, Moon, Sand, and Star series, a collection of short stories which include The Evening Tide, The Broken Rose, The Missing, The Raven Heiress, The Little Fairleaf and The Other Fairleaf.

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Author's Note:
These words changed the game for me like you have no idea, leading me straight to the abyss and pushing me over the precipice of that weak-ass shit I used to call my stories when first I tried my hand at writing. And what is the point of going through the effort of reading something if there is a guarantee of safety or a happy ending?

I will not read something if my heart does not pound in pace with the frantic steps of my favorite characters as they attempt a desperate escape or leap into worlds they have never seen. If I know they will be okay, what is the point of reading? And if you know they will be okay, what is the point of me writing?

I write dark fantasy. If you're into fantasy where elves rule the pages, get your hands on any one of my stories to experience a whole new world full of intrigue and adventure.

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