Freedom and Justice — American Style
1632 And in northern Germany, things couldn't get much worse. Famine. Disease. Religious war laying waste to the cities. Only the aristocrats remained relatively unscathed; for the peasants, death was a mercy.
2000 Things are going okay in Grantville, West Virginia, and everybody attending the wedding of Mike Stearn's sister (including the entire local chapter of the United Mine Workers of America, which Mike leads) is having a good time. Then, everything changed...
When the dust settles, Mike leads a group of armed miners to find out what happened and discovers the road into town is cut, as if by a sword. On the other side, a scene out of Hell: a man nailed to a farmhouse door, his wife and daughter attacked by men in steel vests.
Faced with this, Mike and his friends don't have to ask who to shoot. At that moment, Freedom and Justice, American style, are introduced to the middle of the Thirty Years' War.
Fame. Money. Glory. These were all the things that you would expect from being famous. The bait that the producers of the industry would tempt you with to get you on their side.
What they don't tell you, though, are all the inner tragedies that come along just as quickly. They don't tell you about the heartache that occurs when you realize that this wasn't what you wanted at all. They don't tell you about the pressure that's always on the verge of crushing you when you're forced to do everything that the public demands and not what you truly desire. They don't tell you about the self-hatred that would soon take over your entire being at the thought that you will never be good enough.
No - they don't tell you these things at all. But, Lilith Rose will.
Lilith Rose, lead singer of one of the most famous rock bands around, gets tired of all the lies and secrets that come with being famous. She decides that it's time for all of it to stop and ends up revealing everything on a Facebook live stream.
The result... "Part of me wants to die tonight, part of me wants it to be an accident, and part of me wants someone to notice and save me." - Lilith Rose.
Lima sahabat telah menjalin persahabatan selama tujuh tahun. Mereka adalah Arial yang paling tampan, Riani sebagai satu-satunya wanita dalam kelompok itu, Zafran yang berlagak seperti seorang penyair, Ian yang paling subur badannya, dan Genta yang dianggap sebagai leader dalam kelompok itu.
Kegemaran mereka adalah mengeksekusi hal-hal yang tidak mungkin dan mencoba segala hal, mulai dari kafe paling terkenal di Jakarta, sampai nonton layar tancap. Semuanya penggemar film, dari film Hollywood sampai film yang nggak kelas—kecuali film India karena mereka punya prinsip bahwa semua persoalan di dunia atau masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya, tapi bukan dalam bentuk joget.
Suatu saat, karena terdorong oleh rasa bosan di antara satu dan yang lain, mereka memutuskan untuk tidak saling berkomunikasi dan bertemu satu sama lain selama tiga bulan. Selama tiga bulan berpisah itulah telah terjadi banyak hal yang membuat hati mereka lebih kaya dari sebelumnya.
Pertemuan setelah tiga bulan yang penuh dengan rasa kangen akhirnya terjadi dan dirayakan dengan sebuah perjalanan. Sebuah perjalanan yang penuh dengan keyakinan, mimpi, cita-cita, dan cinta. Sebuah perjalanan yang telah mengubah mereka menjadi manusia sesungguhnya, bukan cuma seonggok daging yang bisa berbicara, berjalan, dan punya nama.
Ada yang pernah bilang kalau idealisme adalah kemewahan terakhir yang dimiliki oleh generasi muda….
50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology uses popular myths as a vehicle for helping students and laypersons to distinguish science from pseudoscience.
Explore topics that readers will relate to, but often misunderstand, such as 'opposites attract', 'people use only 10% of their brains', and 'handwriting reveals your personality'.
Provides a 'mythbusting kit' for evaluating folk psychology claims in everyday life and teaches essential critical thinking skills through detailed discussions of each myth.
Engaging and accessible writing style that appeals to students and lay readers alike.
Nas escadarias do Museu Egípcio, em pleno Cairo, Tomás Noronha é abordado por uma desconhecida. Chama-se Ariana Pakravan, é iraniana e traz consigo a cópia de um documento inédito, um velho manuscrito com um estranho título e um poema enigmático.
O inesperado encontro lança Tomás numa empolgante aventura, colocando-o na rota da crise nuclear com o Irão e da mais importante descoberta jamais efectuada por Albert Einstein, um achado que o conduz ao maior de todos os mistérios: a prova científica da existência de Deus.
Uma história de amor, uma intriga de traição, uma perseguição implacável, uma busca espiritual que nos leva à mais espantosa revelação mística de todos os tempos.
Baseada nas últimas e mais avançadas descobertas científicas nos campos da física, da cosmologia e da matemática, A Fórmula de Deus transporta-nos numa surpreendente viagem até às origens do tempo, à essência do universo e ao sentido da vida.
A Gallery of Mothers by J.S. Latshaw is the second book in the Brathius History series. Dive into this captivating tale that weaves together elements of fantasy, history, and family drama.
A Long Walk to Water begins as two stories, told in alternating sections, about a girl in Sudan in 2008 and a boy in Sudan in 1985.
The girl, Nya, is fetching water from a pond that is two hours’ walk from her home. She makes two trips to the pond every day.
The boy, Salva, becomes one of the "lost boys" of Sudan, refugees who cover the African continent on foot as they search for their families and for a safe place to stay.
Enduring every hardship from loneliness to attack by armed rebels to contact with killer lions and crocodiles, Salva is a survivor, and his story goes on to intersect with Nya’s in an astonishing and moving way.
When Dad becomes the lone caregiver for a dependent adult son, Dad has to answer the terrifying question: What happens if I die first? A retired CIA operative comes to believe he wasted his professional life not only promoting questionable American policies, but missing life with his family.
Suddenly, his wife is gone, and he must learn all that she knew about caring for their mentally retarded son. After a life of planning for contingencies, the former spy must deal with the possibility that he may die before his son. Who will care for the son when the dad spent a life out of the country and now has no one to lean on?
I didn’t know what I would’ve done without Lena, because she was truly my rock. ~Victoria
Victoria Grace Winter always thought of herself as able-minded and strong-willed. But after a great loss, she discovers how soft she truly is. Losing her mother gave her grief she could barely explain, but after venturing out to seek her estranged father and finding out that he too was gone, she didn’t know what to think anymore.
Luckily enough, she meets her half-sister, Lena who’s quirky, fun, and very kind. Lena and her mom, Margaret, practically saved her from being an orphan as they both took her in and treated her as a part of the family.
But despite this happy twist of events, she can’t help but think about her old life. The life she has now is great, but everyone knows; a girl will always need her mother no matter how old she gets.
See things through Tori’s eyes from “A Unique Kind of Love”. A chapter about her thoughts and point of view as she deals with the fact of being orphaned and finding a family she learned to love.
O fantástico épico está novamente de parabéns com mais uma estreia literária de uma autora portuguesa que a Presença propõe ao seu público. Em A Saga das Pedras Mágicas os heróis, diz-nos Sandra Carvalho, têm uma profunda ligação à Natureza e aos Elementos, são apaixonados pela Vida e inteiramente determinados na sua coragem.
A acção passa-se num tempo em que os sábios Druidas se recolhiam nas florestas para perpetuarem o Conhecimento que em eras passadas lhes fora transmitido pelos Seres Mágicos. O berço da heroína desta história, Catelyn, e dos seus cinco irmãos varões, situa-se na Grande Ilha, cada vez mais fustigada pelos ataques dos Viquingues.
Os senhores locais formaram uma Aliança para os repelirem, consolidando essa política através de casamentos combinados entre os herdeiros das grandes famílias. Depois de uma infância paradisíaca, Catelyn cresce num mundo cada vez mais violento, assistindo impotente às manipulações da maldosa Myrna, a protegida do homem com quem o pai de Catelyn destinou casá-la.
A long time ago... He had imprisoned them in the caverns of Mt. Hemil. They who ravaged the city of Kushlam...The golden capital... The Gods spoke of a Prophecy then... And now it has come to pass. The dark enemy of yore rises. Only an incarnation of Lord Vishnu has the power to defeat and destroy the enemy of Kushlam. A farmer from Bamiyan, unaware of what destiny has in store for him, is pushed into circumstances beyond his control. Will he accept that he is the prophesised Avatar? Will he save Kushlam from its enemies and free the world from the fear of the trapped monsters who have found a way out of their infallible trap?
Set in St Ives, the Cornish boutique holiday resort, this fast-paced, page-turning adventure fantasy draws on the locality, traditions, religions, and myths for its themes. Starring Alexander Crowley, a smart-arsed, shoot-from-the-hip trickster (supposedly the bastard Great Grandson of Aleister Crowley, the 20th Century Occultist) who is on the run from his recent escapades. He decides to lay low in a holiday home borrowed from a dubious benefactor, and his swashbuckling adventures throughout the summer draw on supernatural foundations and circumstances that are well researched and contain a modicum of reality.
From the minute he enters the town, our hero is pitched at odds with the local mobsters, demons, and deities. There is an intriguing and exciting cast of supporting characters who are a delight; Booby De-Faux - a needy “Sidekick,” The Spirit Saint who acts as “Minder,” supported by her mysterious cat “The Black Manilishi,” A Vampire assassin, and a Killer King are also along for the ride, and even romance is on the cards as our character, a renowned and successful womaniser, seems this time to be looking for a meaningful relationship amongst all the chaos. Strap in!
All the Skills is an exciting tale that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a world where mastering skills is the key to success. Join our protagonist as they navigate challenges and adventures, discovering the power of knowledge and determination.
In a universe filled with obstacles, the story unfolds with unexpected twists and heartfelt moments, making it a captivating read for anyone who loves a mix of adventure and fantasy.
The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered - fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she's known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.
But Tris's new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature - and of herself - while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.
Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.
Amatore's Restaurant marks the end of another successful year for the Recreative Theatre Company. The cast gathers at Ristorante Amatore for an end-of-season dinner.
As the evening progresses, each guest recalls a past sexual liaison. These recollections transport us to various locations: from the rolling countryside of Brittany to the brown cafés of Amsterdam, from the grandeur of Venice to the slums of Marseilles.
The stories describe various situations: Prudence relates her encounters on a train journey, and Colin makes a surprising discovery when he settles down to watch his favourite film.
Some characters are driven by self-interest: the sociopath Nicole with her reckless behaviour towards her trusting nephew, and Colette who takes advantage of her unsuspecting tenant. A common theme unfolds: the hidden truths behind the motives for seduction.
As the evening comes to a close, old alliances are re-kindled, new attachments are formed, while others are broken. Frustrations rise to the surface as truths are revealed. For some, the evening is a great success, for others, a disaster.
In the highly anticipated continuation of the Land of Stories series, Conner learns that the only place to fight the Masked Man's literary army is inside his own short stories!
When the twins and their friends enter worlds crafted from Conner's imagination, they find allies no one else could have ever dreamed of. The race begins to put an end to the Masked Man's reign of terror. Can the twins finally restore peace in the fairy tale world?
This is a collection of offbeat and cheerful poems written and illustrated by O. D. D. Cummings. This book is a treasure trove of lyrical and whimsical poetry including: Oh Merry Mocking Bird, Three Tigers And A Hot Air Balloon and of course the humorous, An Elephant Is On My House. Kids will love the fifteen adorable poems included in this collection!
An Immense World opens a door to a dimension previously unfathomable—the world as it is truly perceived by other animals. Ed Yong takes us on a journey into the unique sensory experiences of various creatures, revealing the diversity of life's perceptions beyond our own human capabilities.
We delve into the lives of beetles drawn to fires, songbirds that visualize magnetic fields, and the tactile sensitivity of a crocodile's face. The evolutionary marvel of a giant squid's eyesight and the astronomical observations of spiders are just a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of life's sensory palette.
The book not only recounts tales of significant scientific discoveries but also contemplates the enigmas that continue to puzzle researchers. It's a celebration of the vastness of nature and the intricate ways in which all creatures, great and small, navigate their existence.
Lenny Oliver’s secrets ended his life—lies he dressed up in detailed and occasionally elaborate finery. But only the secret holder is fooled in the long run, as Lenny discovered in a dark alley in the Wall Street neighborhood. Michael McKaybees is a private investigator working in New York’s five boroughs. He specializes in money crimes like insurance fraud, with the occasional cheating spouse (his partner’s favorite since she thinks all cheaters should be flogged in public). Now, however, he has been forced to expand his investigative work to include homicide. Implicated in his best friend Lenny’s death, Michael finds himself entangled in a web carefully woven by someone who wants to destroy him—and there’s no doubt he’s up to his neck in trouble.
Then there’s his father, Marlowe Black, who has decided now is the right time to show up after an absence of more than three decades. Hell, Michael didn’t even know he was still alive. Marlowe’s reputation as a combat-hardened PI is well-known among the City’s criminal element, making him a hated man. And he, too, is a suspect in Lenny’s murder. When McKaybees discovers the body of Lenny’s wife, Jill—Michael’s childhood sweetheart—hidden in his apartment, murder becomes seriously personal and the need for vengeance demanding.
Under the guidance of Netty, Abby concocts her plans to abduct the wildlife at the Big Cat Sanctuary in Sarasota. She enlists the help of the handsome Italian yacht captain, Cobby and his son Kane, forcing her to expose the changes to her body, including her hidden wings. Hiding her plans from Jose, he departs on his own mission to find his adopted mother and sisters, leaving Abby to draw closer to the charming and capable Captain Cobby.
Young Scotty embarks on a romance with a young rich local girl named Chloe who suffers from the mysterious death of her mother and the constant absences of her father.
Life moves expeditiously toward the climax at Chloe’s father’s mansion on Bird Key as strange connections and revealed identities collide with political intrigue and murder, leaving Chloe and Jose traumatized. Joining them in the frantic dash to a yacht moored on the key enabling them to make their escape, wildlife and all, to Tampa Bay, is Kenya, a sassy and striking young pregnant black girl; and Peter, their trusted attorney that falls victim to Armoni and Ginger Mae’s plot, leaving him dangerously scarred and emotionally ruined. During their escape to Tampa Bay ahead of the cops and devastation from the sky, it becomes clear that Scotty might be the mysterious One, as foretold by Caesar, the iconic Siberian tiger that attaches himself to Echo and Scotty.
Assassin's Apprentice and Royal Assassin are the first two books in The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb. This epic fantasy series follows the journey of FitzChivalry Farseer, a royal bastard who is trained as an assassin in the royal court.
In Assassin's Apprentice, Fitz is introduced to the world of politics, magic, and intrigue as he learns to navigate the dangerous waters of the Six Duchies. His unique ability to bond telepathically with animals sets him apart, but also puts him in great danger.
In Royal Assassin, Fitz's journey continues as he faces new threats to the kingdom, battles personal demons, and struggles with his own identity. The stakes are higher, and the consequences of his actions could change the fate of the realm.
Join Fitz on a thrilling adventure filled with magic, betrayal, and friendship as he fights to protect those he loves and discovers his true destiny.
Maria has been caught and sent to the home of the mentally ill after killing her parents. Everybody is keeping her from going home, and Maria doesn't want to be here. She's had enough of these games and meeting new people as bad as her.
She wants the voices back. And she'll do anything to get them back and go home.
But will she ever get home?
Elizabeth is a brilliant loner with a troubling secret she doesn't even know. As if the trauma of her mother being abducted before her eyes as a young girl wasn't enough, the small town she lives in thinks she’s crazy. That all changed when she met Michael, a mysterious and handsome man who identified with her like no one else before.
Michael’s long-time friend Vincent visits and drops the bombshell of a lifetime on Elizabeth and her world becomes completely unraveled. Vincent’s information has revealed the world for what it is; a place where the impossible is real, and myths and legends walk slyly in shadow. A world that Elizabeth will learn she too is a member.
Now, the three are caught up in a thousand-year-long conspiracy they never could have imagined. The three must rely on one another and the secret connection they all share if they have a chance to survive.
Babel is a novel that weaves a rich tapestry of historical intrigue and magical realism. Set in an alternate history, it explores the power of language and translation as a tool for imperial dominance and resistance.
The story follows a group of talented individuals who navigate through the complexities of their world, facing moral dilemmas and discovering the true cost of knowledge and power. With its captivating narrative and complex characters, Babel challenges readers to ponder on the impact of words and the boundaries of loyalty.
Baby is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the inherent greed and evil of man, dooming the planet. This novel serves as a cautionary tale of the merciless disrespect man gives his planet and the vulnerable creatures entrusted to him.
Set during the years of Prohibition in Sussex County, New Jersey, the story introduces Netty, a naive teenage farm girl given in marriage to an older brutal opportunist. After years of enslavement, Netty flees from her rapist and bootlegger husband, finding solace in an enigmatic alien she names Baby. Together, they experience happiness and fulfillment, despite the unforeseen changes to Netty's body and their farm.
Their tranquil life is complicated when a handsome Italian stranger enters Netty's life, leading to a heart-rending and astonishingly brutal climax. The novel not only tells the tale of Netty and Baby but also serves as a prologue to a series that foretells the selfishly destructive path man has followed since his species evolved.
With a blend of tenderness, violence, laughter, and hope, Baby and its sequels invite readers on a journey that is both charming and brutal, warning of the depraved indifference towards our planet and its inhabitants.
Innocence was never meant for the addictive…
Addiction was something Krit Corbin accepted as part of his nature a long time ago. He decided to embrace it and flip his finger at the rules. Women had always been the number one thing on his list of addictions. He couldn’t get enough. Being the lead singer in a rock band had only made access to his favorite addiction that much easier.
Being alone was the only thing Blythe Denton understood. The small-town minister’s family that raised her hadn’t accepted her as their own. The minister’s wife had always made sure Blythe understood just how unworthy she was of love. When Blythe is sent away to college and given a chance to finally be free of living as an unwanted burden, she looks forward to having peace in her life. Being alone isn’t something that bothers her. She escapes reality in the stories she writes.
However, the ridiculously sexy tattooed guy who keeps throwing parties in the apartment above hers is driving her crazy. For starters, he doesn’t treat her like she would expect a guy with a different woman always hanging on his arm to treat someone as uninteresting as her. She looks nothing like the gorgeous women she sees parading in and out of his apartment, but for some strange reason, he keeps showing up at her door.
During a party at his apartment, Krit’s new neighbor comes to the door with her long brown hair pulled up in a messy knot and a pair of glasses perched on her cute little nose. She wants him to turn down the music, but he convinces her to stay.
Krit Corbin may have just found his biggest addiction yet. And Blythe Denton realizes too late that she’s finally been claimed.
Greenville County, South Carolina, is a wild, lush place that is home to the Boatwright family—a tight-knit clan of rough-hewn, hard-drinking men who shoot up each other's trucks, and indomitable women who get married young and age too quickly. At the heart of this story is Ruth Anne Boatwright, known simply as Bone, a bastard child who observes the world around her with a mercilessly keen perspective. When her stepfather Daddy Glen, cold as death, mean as a snake, becomes increasingly more vicious toward her, Bone finds herself caught in a family triangle that tests the loyalty of her mother, Anney—and leads to a final, harrowing encounter from which there can be no turning back.
If you could go back in time, who would you want to meet?
In a small back alley of Tokyo, there is a café that has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. Local legend says that this shop offers something else besides coffee—the chance to travel back in time.
Over the course of one summer, four customers visit the café in the hopes of making that journey. But time travel isn’t so simple, and there are rules that must be followed. Most importantly, the trip can last only as long as it takes for the coffee to get cold.
Heartwarming, wistful, mysterious and delightfully quirky, Toshikazu Kawaguchi’s internationally bestselling novel explores the age-old question: What would you change if you could travel back in time?
Beware of Chicken is a delightful tale penned by the talented Casualfarmer. This whimsical story takes readers on a journey of unexpected adventure and humor.
Set in a world where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, the narrative twists and turns in the most amusing ways, ensuring that readers are both entertained and engaged.
Prepare yourself for a unique experience that blends fantasy and reality in a seamless and enchanting way.
This book is perfect for those who love a good laugh and a light-hearted story that still packs a punch of creativity and imagination.
Fairy tales are just the beginning. The Masked Man is on the loose in the Land of Stories, and it's up to Alex and Conner Bailey to stop him...except Alex has been thrown off the Fairy Council, and no one will believe they're in danger.
With only the help of the ragtag group of Goldilocks, Jack, Red Riding Hood, and Mother Goose and her gander, Lester, the Bailey twins discover the Masked Man's secret scheme: He possesses a powerful magic potion that turns every book it touches into a portal, and he is recruiting an army of literature's greatest villains!
So begins a race through the magical Land of Oz, the fantastical world of Neverland, the madness of Wonderland, and beyond. Can Alex and Conner catch up to the Masked Man, or will they be one step behind until it's too late?
Fairy tales and classic stories collide in the fourth adventure in the bestselling Land of Stories series as the twins travel beyond the kingdoms!
Wildly stylish and terrifically entertaining. It ticks all the psychosexual boxes.
When Forensic Pathologist Amelia Sharpe moves to Washington, D.C., she introduces herself to the successful and enigmatic man that moves in next door: Guy Davidson. But terrors from her past resurface, and she finds herself seeking answers.
Tormented by her inner demons and Guy’s need to control, their lives take an unexpected turn, posing challenges neither of them anticipate. When a step too far is taken, Guy takes the law into his own hands. Just when Amelia feels that she really does have it all, both Guy and Amelia find out just how far they are willing to go in the name of love.
Bidadari-Bidadari Surga bercerita tentang pengorbanan seorang kakak, Laisa, untuk adik-adiknya - Dalimunte, Ikanuri, Wibisana, dan Yashinta - di Lembah Lahambay agar adik-adiknya dapat melanjutkan pendidikan mereka. Meski ia harus bekerja di terik matahari setiap hari, mengolah gula aren setiap jam 4 pagi, serta di malam hari menganyam rotan, Laisa tetap berjuang.
Meski pada dasarnya keempat adik-adiknya tersebut berasal dari darah yang berbeda dengan dirinya, Laisa digambarkan sebagai kakak yang galak dan tegas, mengejar-ngejar adiknya yang bolos sekolah dengan rotan dan ranting kayu. Di sisi lain, kontradiktif dengan fisiknya yang gempal, gendut, berkulit hitam, wajah yang tidak proporsional, ditambah dengan rambut gimbal serta ukuran tubuhnya yang tidak normal, lebih pendek, Laisa sesungguhnya adalah tipe kakak yang mendukung adik-adiknya.
Laisa rela mengorbankan diri untuk keselamatan ‘dua anak nakal’ Ikanuri dan Wibisana dari siluman Gunung Kendeng, serta mati-matian mencari obat bagi kesembuhan adiknya Yashinta yang diserang demam panas hingga kejang pada suatu malam.
George Hartley wakes up and realizes that he’s lost his memory. He sees a dead woman sitting in a wheelchair. George searches the place and finds himself trapped in a skyscraper. Someone left the documents revealing that his ex-colleagues, financial partners, and even intelligence officers had been spying on him, watching his business activity, digging up dirt on him, and someone must have poisoned him. Numerous facts show that George Hartley was one of the most influential investors and traders in London. He was the head of the largest British financial fund.
All of a sudden, his enemies make an attempt to kill him, and George Hartley barely escapes the skyscraper. He shakes off the pursuers, finds a temporary hideout, and continues to collect the information on his life. Soon, George finds out that for many years, he has been engaged in high-level behind-the-scenes machinations as a creator and manipulator of future financial developments, events, international scandals, information wars that affected stock and commodity markets’ prices. For the past several months, he met North Korean leader and convinced him to launch a missile, conducted an operation against Saudi Arabian Oil Company, and set off a panic in the oil market, held a secret meeting with a Russian oligarch to speculate on sanctions against Russia. The more facts George Hartley finds out, the more he realizes he misled and deceived thousands of traders and investors, and probably bankrupted them. He hates his past and wants to start a new life.
But his ex-colleagues and enemies don’t let him leave the game. They start using him as a money-making machine, trading and manipulating his life and death. George Hartley has nothing to do but to declare financial war against them.
A gripping thriller from the Richard and Judy award-winning author of Girl, Missing, Sophie McKenzie.
When Theo discovers the father he thought died when he was a baby is still alive, he's determined to find him. The clues lead him to the lonely Rachel, who has problems of her own, including parents who compare her unfavourably to her long-dead sister.
But when Rachel and Theo are attacked by men from RAGE - the Righteous Army against Genetic Engineering - at Rachel's school disco, they are rescued by strangers and taken to meet a mysterious figure. There, they both make some startling discoveries about their identities, which will affect their past, present, and future in dramatic and life-altering ways...
A deadly game of hide and seek. With blood still on her hands, Samantha Matthews is on the run, fleeing from dark secrets and a man she prays will never find her. Running and hiding, just to stay alive, she had no choice but to escape, to leave, to hide, and forget about her life before.
When Samantha believes she's gained enough distance from her past and her demons, she stops running, hoping to find her future in the heavily wooded area of the Adirondack Mountains. It is a place she never expected to encounter a man with secrets as dark and as sordid as hers.
Kade Grayson is hiding, not from the demons after him, but from himself and the entire outside world, wishing every day he could have just died. Arrogant and domineering, he’s tormented and terrorized by his past, seeing nothing good for his future. With the ghosts of his past haunting him, he has exiled himself to a life of solitude, living only for his words and through his stories.
Until her.
An undeniable attraction turns into hate and ultimately obsession, an obsession that grows into a powerful story of love and redemption. Will the bond they have begun to build grow stronger than the tragedies that have scarred both of their lives? Or will they allow their demons to consume them?
When friends stop trusting each other, darkness is there to fan the flames...
Things have turned black at the House of Night. Zoey Redbird's soul has shattered. With a broken heart making her want to stay in the Otherworld forever, she's fading fast. As the only living person who can reach her, Stark must find a way to save her. But how? He will have to die to do so, the Vampyre High Council stipulates. And then Zoey will give up for sure. There are only seven days left...
Enter BFF Stevie Rae. She wants to help Z, but she has massive problems, too. The rogue Red Fledglings are acting up again. Her kinda boyfriend, Dallas, is sweet but too nosy. Stevie Rae's hiding a secret that might be the key to helping Zoey, but which also threatens to explode her whole world.
In the middle of the whole mess is Aphrodite: ex-Fledging, trust-fund baby, total hag from Hell (and proud of it). She's always been blessed (if you could call it that) with prophetic visions, but now it seems Nyx has decided to speak through her, whether she wants it or not. Aphrodite's loyalty can swing a lot of different ways, but right now Zoey's fate hangs in the balance.
Three girls... playing with fire... if they don't watch out, everyone will get Burned.
What if you awoke to find yourself in an entirely different world where your very existence threatened not only your life but the lives of everyone around you – what would you be willing to do to survive?
In Callasandra: Fractured, the story is about a sixteen-year-old girl named Cassi who, when disaster hits and a dark family secret is revealed, must come to terms with the terrible realization that nothing is as it seems. A dangerous secret and enemies everywhere, Cassi becomes Callasandra and must find the strength and courage to fight for her life and the ones she loves.
In Callasandra: Fractured, the unique action and thrill of the story are intertwined with the beauty of music. Throughout the book, music is used to convey hidden messages as well as to provide cover for characters sharing dark secrets and critical information.
Stephanie Douglas worked with musicians from all over the world to artfully create this immersive, one-of-a-kind cinematic reading experience.
Cancer: It can be a lonely journey. This book chronicles a deeply personal experience of a husband dealing with his wife's cancer.
Through heartfelt narratives, the author shares the emotional challenges and resilience required to navigate such a journey.
This book serves as a beacon of hope for those who find themselves on a similar path, providing insight and comfort in times of need.
Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to be the Beauty of the story.
Yet, how many women do you know who ever find that life? Most women think they have to settle for a life of efficiency and duty, striving to be the women they "ought" to be but often feeling they have failed. Sadly, too many messages for Christian women add to the pressure. "Do these ten things, and you will be a godly woman." The effect has not been good on the feminine soul.
The message of "Captivating" is this: Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to rescue your heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is truly captivating.
Caleb is a man with a singular interest in revenge. Kidnapped as a young boy and sold into slavery by a power-hungry mobster, he has thought of nothing but vengeance. For twelve years he has immersed himself in the world of pleasure slaves searching for the one man he holds ultimately responsible. Finally, the architect of his suffering has emerged with a new identity, but not a new nature. If Caleb is to get close enough to strike, he must become the very thing he abhors and kidnap a beautiful girl to train her to be all that he once was.
Eighteen-year-old Olivia Ruiz has just woken up in a strange place. Blindfolded and bound, there is only a calm male voice to welcome her. His name is Caleb, though he demands to be called Master. Olivia is young, beautiful, naïve and willful to a fault. She has a dark sensuality that cannot be hidden or denied, though she tries to accomplish both. Although she is frightened by the strong, sadistic, and arrogant man who holds her prisoner, what keeps Olivia awake in the dark is her unwelcome attraction to him.
WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, dubious consent, strong language, and graphic violence.
Nineteen-year-old Cheyenne tries to portray the perfect life to mask the memories of her past. Walking in on her boyfriend with another woman her freshman year in college threatens that picture of perfection.
Twenty-one-year-old Colt never wanted college and never expected to amount to anything, but when his mom's dying wish is for him to get his degree, he has no choice but to pretend it's what he wants too.
Cheyenne needs a fake boyfriend to get back at her ex and Colt needs cash to take care of his mom, so they strike a deal that helps them both. But what if Cheyenne’s past isn’t what she thought?
Soon they’re trading one charade for another—losing themselves in each other to forget about their pain. The more they play their game, the more it becomes the only thing they have that feels real.
Both Cheyenne and Colt know life is never easy, but neither of them expect the tragedy that threatens to end their charade and rip them apart forever.
Nora Hunt is the last of her kind from an aristocratic bloodline of Viking assassins. She is chosen by the Norse gods to carry the map of the nine Viking worlds, Yggdrasil, which is tattooed on her back.
Nora was blessed by the gods with rare gifts and will become powerful when she finds the assassin weapons. With her unique gifts, she must serve and protect the Goth Empire – the oldest standing Viking monarchy, from its enemy – the Verans.
Her mission as an assassin is to get to the City of Vikings, where her father is in exile, and discover the powerful Viking weapons before the enemy. The Goth Empire is in danger from the Verans, who hold possession of the artifacts that call for Yggdrasil and are getting closer to finding the cryptic symbols that will open the gates to the nine worlds.
The battle for Yggdrasil is about to begin. Who will rule the nine worlds of the Vikings? With a confined monarchy and weak senate trusting her to liberate them, and a heart devoted to her sworn enemy, which side will Nora choose? Will she discover the assassin weapons and win the perilous battle for the worlds of the Vikings?
Being confronted on the beach by a sexy stranger wasn't part of Natalie Conner's plans for a peaceful morning taking photos. And why on earth would he think she's taking pictures of him, anyway? Who is he? One thing’s for sure, he’s hot, and incredibly romantic, feeding Natalie’s wounded soul.
Luke Williams just wants the world to give him a break, so seeing yet another camera aimed at his face has him ready to pounce on the beauty behind the lens. When he finds out she has no idea who he is, he's intrigued and more than a little tempted by her. Natalie has a body made for sex, a sassy mouth, and Luke can’t get enough of her, but he’s not ready to tell her who he really is.
Natalie is a no-nonsense girl who doesn’t do well with lies and secrets. What will happen to this new relationship when she discovers what Luke’s hiding?
How is it, that someone can make decision after decision attempting to get away from their past and somehow end up right back where they started?
When Brenna decided to leave the only life she'd ever known, she never thought she'd ever be back. Now, five years later, she's running from her clean-cut husband straight back to the motorcycle club that raised her... and the man she left behind. She left with a secret, and as soon as she returns, the truth will break her carefully constructed life wide open.
Geralt is a witcher: guardian of the innocent; protector of those in need; a defender, in dark times, against some of the most frightening creatures of myth and legend. His task, now, is to protect Ciri. A child of prophecy, she will have the power to change the world for good or for ill -- but only if she lives to use it.
A coup threatens the Wizard's Guild.
War breaks out across the lands.
A serious injury leaves Geralt fighting for his life...
... and Ciri, in whose hands the world's fate rests, has vanished...
"Love in my world usually ended up with someone hearing 'I smite thee!' as she was cursed to be some lame flower for the rest of her life." For three years, Alexandria has lived among mortals—pretending to be like them and trying to forget the duty she'd been trained to fulfill as a child of a mortal and a demigod. At seventeen, she's pretty much accepted that she's a freak by mortal standards… and that she'll never be prepared for that duty. According to her mother, that’s a good thing. But as every descendant of the gods knows, Fate has a way of rearing her ugly head. A horrifying attack forces Alex to flee Miami and try to find her way back to the very place her mother had warned her she should never return—the Covenant. Every step that brings her closer to safety is one more step toward death… because she's being hunted by the very creatures she'd once trained to kill. The daimons have found her.
Would you help a desperate young woman knocking on your door? As a security guard, do you really have a choice?
A desperate young woman is knocking on the door of the Israeli consulate in Boston, seeking asylum, claiming that she is the only survivor of an Israeli spy network. The gate remains locked, but a security guard, who falls in love with her, is trying unsuccessfully to rescue her. He embarks on a discovery trail, meeting tough American and Israeli government agents, cynical merchants, and passionate dreamers. By the end of the trail, he discovers the woman and the truth that lies underneath her story and his own life.
Dancing Bear is a political thriller, in which the author managed to bring in his life experiences into the story and create a fast-paced read with twists and turns. The story ripples with things just under the surface, waiting to be revealed by the reader.