The Splinter in the Sky is a diverse, exciting debut space opera about a young tea expert named Enitan, who finds herself taken as a political prisoner and recruited to spy on government officials. This precarious role may empower her to win back her nation's independence, making it a compelling read for fans of N.K. Jemisin and Nnedi Okorafor.
After the dust settles from the failed war of conquest between the Holy Vaalbaran Empire and the Ominirish Republic, Enitan's simple life as a scribe and tea enthusiast is upended. Despite the last Emperor's surrender, the aftermath is deeply personal when her lover is assassinated, and her sibling is abducted by Imperial soldiers. Determined to seek vengeance and rescue her sibling, Enitan abandons her dreams of a peaceful life to navigate the treacherous political landscape of the Vaalbaran capital. Through her journey, she discovers the lengths she is willing to go to not only exact vengeance but also to secure the freedom of her homeland.
August Blue, a mesmerising new novel from the twice Booker-shortlisted author Deborah Levy, delves into the life of Elsa M. Anderson, a piano virtuoso and former child prodigy, now in her thirties, who finds herself in a moment of crisis. At the pinnacle of her career, Elsa walks off the stage in Vienna, mid-performance, setting off on a journey to escape her talent and her past.
Her odyssey takes her to Athens, where she encounters a woman so familiar, she could be her double. This woman purchases a pair of mechanical dancing horses at a flea market—objects Elsa herself desires but cannot have. This encounter sparks Elsa's trek across Europe, haunted by the presence of the woman who seems to share her soul.
August Blue paints a dazzling portrait of melancholy and metamorphosis, exploring the ways we attempt to rewrite our life stories and the pursuit to reinvent ourselves.
Las Mujeres Cuentan. Relatos de escritoras chilenas ofrece un encuentro con algunas de las mejores voces narrativas de escritoras chilenas en plena actividad. Las autoras escogieron y propusieron nuevas historias que dieran cuenta de su particular visi�n del mundo actual, conformando un libro caleidosc�pico, como un trozo de cristal que refleja las diferentes dimensiones de una realidad retratada por mujeres de �pocas diversas e historias heterog�neas.
Esta colecci�n es imprescindible para quien desee obtener una perspectiva de Chile, su historia y estado actual. La mirada de las mujeres en estas historias es a veces feroz y descarnada, otras tierna e indulgente. Ning�n lector o lectora quedar� indiferente frente a esta di�spora de relatos donde se mezclan amor, crimen, necesidades urgentes y abandono, y donde los afectos son la �ltima esperanza a la que nos aferramos con salvajismo.