Books with category Spiritual
Displaying 5 books

It's a Storm Without God... It's the Perfect Journey When You Know the Name of Jesus Is Guaranteed!!!: My Life Testimony: There's No Excuse to Not Be Who You Want to Be... God's So Great!!!


by Larry Taylor

He's that little bit of hope, when your back's against the ropes, YO i made it(THANK YOU JESUS!!!), he's the World's greatest(THANK YOU JESUS!!!). i just asked the lord to help me... GOD'S SO GREAT!!! I just said in the name of JESUS... GOD'S SO GREAT!!! GOD used my health problems to pull me out of the real storm, the storm/battle against myself; I was fighting and drowning myself... BUT GOD!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! my health problems was nothing compared to what I was doing to myself. God allowed me to see why I went through everything I did as a kid, teen, and a younger adult! Just know NO matter what you go through, GOD IS GUARANTEED!!!

Meeting With Christ and Other Poems


by Deepak Chaswal

Meeting with Christ and Other Poems is written by internationally renowned poet Deepak Chaswal. His poetry has been widely appreciated by eminent poets, critics, and poetry lovers around the globe.

Prof. Hugh Fox (Professor Emeritus of Michigan State University, archaeologist, editor, writer, and iconic poet of international fame) has liked and appreciated this book in these words: "One of the deepest, widest, most universal poetry books ever written about individual spirituality in a world-wide context. And Chaswal has the single most original view of Christianity in all its totality and specifics of anyone else on the contemporary scene. What he wants is individual sanity, salvation, an escape from the depravities of the modern world into an ancient oneness with the universe, a kind of reworking of human spirituality, so that it really functions and Man as such can glide into, drift into individual completeness. Christ isn't someone distant for Chaswal but someone he goes to Jerusalem to meet and converse with, all about a return to essential humanity. He hates greed, selfishness, in a sense the whole mechanical-cybernetic drifting of the modern world into a flow that is turning humankind into something minor and self-involved that it was never intended to be. Chaswal identifies with blacks, whites, Indians in India, name it, he identifies with it. Universalism at its most universal. You read his poetry and you go through a kind of spiritual renewal."

In the words of Candice James, Poet Laureate, New Westminster, BC CANADA: "Deepak Chaswal is a master of words and weaves them into an intricate pattern that indelibly imprints the mind. His poem, 'Man', tells succinctly the story of our existence from cradle to grave. In 'Day of Judgement' Chaswal's poetry wanders the bleak alleyways of ignorance, atrocity, and man's inhumanity to man. He then leads us from the paths of iniquity into a gentle serenity with his musing in his poem 'Joy'. Deepak Chaswal bares his soul to bleed onto every page that you may be further enriched for reading it."

Felix Nicolau (prolific poet, novelist, critic and Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at "Hyperion" University of Bucharest, Romania, where he is the Dean of Faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages) observes: "Now and again Christ pops up before our eyes - bearer of intense messages. But when He emerges in front of the Poet there’ll be some mind-twisting revelation for sure. Deepak Chaswal regretfully conjures apocalypse and playfully takes snapshots of voracious appearances. His art can’t sit legs crossed and contemplate ivory towers. Every verse in this book testifies for or against something, proving the intellectual and political charge of contemporary poetry. Then, the details and frailties of a world in turmoil are cunningly surprised by the poet. Such an art refutes the confined vision of Cyclops and energetically assumes the thousand-eyed body of Argus. More than ever, the poet is a seer, full of experience and innocence in the same time."

Philip Ellis, a freelance critic, poet and scholar from Australia comments: "The poetry of Deepak Chaswal's Meeting with Christ and Other Poems invokes the exterior world in language both spiritual and secular, so that the world becomes something newer and stranger than what it was in the past. It is also a melange of images and motifs which appear, disappear and reappear throughout this collection, and it is a body of work unique to his life experiences and his worldview. It is a poetry where the tropes of Western religion, such as Christ and angels, encounter Chaswal's eastern milieu and are transformed, made, again, strange. The result of all this is a verbal and formal richness, using rhyme and free verse alike in its dexterity, and poems that are both distinctive."

Believing Christ: The Parable of the Bicycle and Other Good News

Author Stephen Robinson illustrates the power of the Savior as he uses analogies and parables, such as his own bicycle story, and scriptures and personal experiences in this moving, best-selling book. "Mortals have finite liabilities," he explains, "and Jesus has unlimited assets." By merging the two, exaltation can come. As long as we progress in some degree, the Lord will be pleased and will bless us. We must not only believe in Christ but also believe him — believe that he has the power to exalt us, that he can do what he claims. People will better understand the doctrines of mercy, justification, and salvation by grace after reading this book.

By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept


by Paulo Coelho

From Paulo Coelho, author of the international bestseller The Alchemist, comes a poignant, richly poetic story that reflects the depth of love and life. Rarely does adolescent love reach its full potential, but what happens when two young lovers reunite after eleven years? Time has transformed Pilar into a strong and independent woman, while her devoted childhood friend has grown into a handsome and charismatic spiritual leader. She has learned well how to bury her feelings... and he has turned to religion as a refuge from his raging inner conflicts.

Now they are together once again, embarking on a journey fraught with difficulties, as long-buried demons of blame and resentment resurface after more than a decade. But in a small village in the French Pyrenees, by the waters of the River Piedra, a most special relationship will be reexamined in the dazzling light of some of life's biggest questions.

Jubal's Field Trip To Heaven: Jubal and Chanan Enter Through the Narrow Gate (Jubal's Divine Adventures #1)

This is an adventurous story about an 11-year-old boy named Jubal that takes a whimsical journey into Heaven. Chanan (Chan) is a dove, and he's also Jubal's best friend. They both venture on to an exciting place where they discover truths about the Bible, arrive at one of the pearly gates of Heaven, and have heavenly play time. Jubal and Chan get to ride a comet, and also meet their favorite divine beings. The closing of the last chapter has an unexpected ending that your child will be sure to enjoy.

The images were carefully illustrated to keep children entertained and looking forward to the next page. This exploration book is a fun Biblical learning tool, an exciting way to gain insight, encourages a close relationship with the Lord, and is 100% kid approved! Parents and kids alike will stay immersed from beginning to end. Come and join in on the greatest adventure of all time!

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