It's a Storm Without God... It's the Perfect Journey When You Know the Name of Jesus Is Guaranteed!!!: My Life Testimony: There's No Excuse to Not Be Who You Want to Be... God's So Great!!!


by Larry Taylor

He's that little bit of hope, when your back's against the ropes, YO i made it(THANK YOU JESUS!!!), he's the World's greatest(THANK YOU JESUS!!!). i just asked the lord to help me... GOD'S SO GREAT!!! I just said in the name of JESUS... GOD'S SO GREAT!!! GOD used my health problems to pull me out of the real storm, the storm/battle against myself; I was fighting and drowning myself... BUT GOD!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! my health problems was nothing compared to what I was doing to myself. God allowed me to see why I went through everything I did as a kid, teen, and a younger adult! Just know NO matter what you go through, GOD IS GUARANTEED!!!


67 Pages
Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform on Sep 08, 2018
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