Paulo Coelho de Souza is a renowned Brazilian lyricist and novelist, born on 24 August 1947 in Rio de Janeiro. He has been a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters since 2002. Coelho gained international fame with his novel The Alchemist, published in 1988, which became a best-seller worldwide. Before fully dedicating himself to writing, he worked as a theatre director and actor, lyricist, and journalist. In 1986, he embarked on a pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience that inspired his book The Pilgrimage.
Among his other notable works are Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), and By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept (1994). Coelho's writings have been translated into 88 languages, and he has sold over 320 million books in more than 170 countries. His literary prowess has earned him numerous awards, including the Chevalier de L'Ordre National de La Legion d'Honneur from the French government and the Crystal Award from the World Economic Forum.
Paulo Coelho is also recognized for his influence on social media, boasting millions of followers across platforms. He continues to write weekly columns published globally and serves as a special advisor to UNESCO for spiritual convergence and intercultural dialogues. He is also a United Nations Messenger of Peace. Coelho is married to Brazilian painter Christina Oiticica.