Books with category Police Procedural
Displaying 5 books

Forgotten Bones


by Vivian Barz

An unlikely pair teams up to investigate a brutal murder in a haunting thriller that walks the line between reality and impossibility.

When small-town police officers discover the grave of a young boy, they're quick to pin the crime on a convicted felon who lives nearby. But when it comes to murder, Officer Susan Marlan never trusts a simple explanation, so she's just getting started.

Meanwhile, college professor Eric Evans hallucinates a young boy in overalls: a symptom of his schizophrenia - or so he thinks. But when more bodies turn up, Eric has more visions, and they mirror details of the murder case.

As the investigation continues, the police stick with their original conclusion, but Susan's instincts tell her something is off. The higher-ups keep stonewalling her, and the FBI's closing in. Desperate for answers, Susan goes rogue and turns to Eric for help.

Together they take an unorthodox approach to the case as the evidence keeps getting stranger. With Eric's hallucinations intensifying and the body count rising, can the pair separate truth from illusion long enough to catch a monster?

Night Watch


by Terry Pratchett

'Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come round again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes.'For a policeman, there can be few things worse than a serial killer at loose in your city. Except, perhaps, a serial killer who targets coppers, and a city on the brink of bloody revolution. The people have found their voice at last, the flags and barricades are rising...And the question for a policeman, an officer of the law, a defender of the peace, is:Are you with them, or are you against them?

مخزن الأعضاء البشرية

تدور أحداث الرواية في إيسلندا اليوم وبالتحديد في العاصمة ريكيافيك بكل تفاصيلها الخفية، إذ تُظهر الرواية الوجه الآخر للنموذج الاسكندنافي وروائح الجريمة والمافيات المستترة في مغامرة بوليسية. أجاد الروائي رسم تحركات أبطالها داخل النص في حبكة جنائية معقدة، مستخدماً شخصيات جذابة تبين قدرة أندريداسون على الغوص أكثر في عالم الجريمة والتحقيق الجنائي.

وعندما يبدأ "إلندور" مفتش شرطة ريكيافيك، التحقيق في ملابسات الجريمة التي راح ضحيتها رجل عجوز يدعى "هولبرغ" يعيش في عزلة بشقته بقبو أحد الأبنية التي تخرج منها رائحة غريبة، يساعده في ذلك زميلاه سيغوردور أولي وإيلنبورغ. يكتشفون ملاحظة غامضة على جثته وصورة بالأبيض والأسود لشاهدة قبر. يبدأ إلندور الكشف بدقة شديدة عن أدلة يستطيع من خلالها رسم صورة لهوية الضحية.

حيث يتبين أن هولبرغ، هو سائق شاحنة ذو تاريخ أسود، سبق وتم توجيه اتهام له بجريمة اغتصاب قبل سنوات طويلة لكنه لم يدن. وعندما يكتشف إلندور مزيداً من الحقائق عن ماضي هولبرغ يدرك أن هناك صلات مع أفعال إجرامية أخرى بقيت طي الكتمان أو لم تتمكن الشرطة من إماطة اللثام عنها.

عبر متابعة خيوط تلك الأدلة يتمكن عبر تقنيات وراثية حديثة في علم الإجرام أن يمضي قدماً نحو حل هذه القضية الغامضة والمعقدة. عبر أحداث هذه الرواية يرسم الروائي صوراً واقعية عن نمط الحياة في المجتمعات التي نخرها الفساد وعاث فيها العنف وتفشت فيها ظواهر خطيرة على المجتمع.

Sworn to Silence


by Linda Castillo

Some secrets are too terrible to reveal...

Some crimes are too unspeakable to solve...

In the sleepy rural town of Painters Mill, Ohio, the Amish and "English" residents have lived side by side for two centuries. But sixteen years ago, a series of brutal murders shattered the peaceful farming community. In the aftermath of the violence, the town was left with a sense of fragility, a loss of innocence.

Kate Burkholder, a young Amish girl, survived the terror of the Slaughterhouse Killer but came away from its brutality with the realization that she no longer belonged with the Amish. Now, a wealth of experience later, Kate has been asked to return to Painters Mill as Chief of Police. Her Amish roots and big city law enforcement background make her the perfect candidate. She's certain she's come to terms with her past—until the first body is discovered in a snowy field.

Kate vows to stop the killer before he strikes again. But to do so, she must betray both her family and her Amish past—and expose a dark secret that could destroy her.

Rules of Prey


by John Sandford

The "maddog" murderer who is terrorizing the Twin Cities is two things: insane and extremely intelligent. He kills for the pleasure of it and thoroughly enjoys placing elaborate obstacles to keep police befuddled. Each clever move he makes is another point of pride.

But when the brilliant Lieutenant Lucas Davenport—a dedicated cop and a serial killer's worst nightmare—is brought in to take up the investigation, the maddog suddenly has an adversary worthy of his genius.

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