Books with category đź©ą Emotional Healing
Displaying 4 books

I Always Wanted To Be A Dad: Men Without Children


by Robert Nurden

I Always Wanted To Be A Dad is a poignant memoir by Robert Nurden, a man of 72 who always dreamed of becoming a father. This heartfelt narrative explores the pain and regret he experienced when this dream didn't materialize.

In this book, Nurden unravels the complexities of the often-neglected issue of male childlessness, showing that the grief of childlessness can affect men as much as it does women. The 17 short chapters, infused with humor, are interspersed with heartfelt testimonies from other men who also find themselves childless-not-by-choice.

The book distinguishes between being childless due to circumstances and childless because of infertility. Through a series of reflective passages, the narrative arcs away from hurt towards acceptance and optimism for the future.

El lado B de las emociones


by Eduardo Calixto

¿Qué nos produce turbación, desprecio o asco? ¿Por qué a veces el llanto nos desborda y nos deja exhaustos? ¿Qué nos lleva a culpar a los demás de lo que no somos capaces de resolver? ¿En qué momento nos convertimos en seres furibundos si perdemos el control?

En este libro sabremos por qué cedemos y en qué circunstancias a los deseos sexuales más intensos; cómo se proyectan en nuestro presente los traumas de la infancia; qué indica reír sin control si pasamos por una tragedia, un dolor físico severo o una gran tristeza; cuáles son las señales de una soledad profunda o un miedo sin límites que pueden derivar en una enfermedad crónica.

El lado B de las emociones es una obra provocadora porque nos confronta con lucidez y contundencia sobre aspectos que tememos, negamos o sencillamente odiamos. Eduardo Calixto llega hasta lo más hondo para hablarnos de nuestro enojo, el resentimiento, la vergüenza, el resultado: un libro con explicaciones impactantes sobre nuestras conductas más siniestras, la verdad sobre los actos perversos y, más que nada, las claves para conocer nuestros abismos, enfrentarlos y llenarlos de luz.

Truth & Beauty


by Ann Patchett

Ann Patchett and the late Lucy Grealy met in college in 1981, and, after enrolling in the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, began a friendship that would be as defining to both of their lives as their work.

In Grealy’s critically acclaimed memoir, Autobiography of a Face, she wrote about losing part of her jaw to childhood cancer, years of chemotherapy and radiation, and endless reconstructive surgeries. In Truth & Beauty, the story isn’t Lucy’s life or Ann’s life, but the parts of their lives they shared.

This is a portrait of unwavering commitment that spans twenty years, from the long winters of the Midwest, to surgical wards, to book parties in New York. Through love, fame, drugs, and despair, this is what it means to be part of two lives that are intertwined... and what happens when one is left behind.

This is a tender, brutal book about loving the person we cannot save. It is about loyalty, and being lifted up by the sheer effervescence of someone who knew how to live life to the fullest.



by Peter Attia

In Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, Dr. Peter Attia offers a new perspective on living a better and longer life by challenging conventional medical thinking on aging and chronic disease prevention. Dr. Attia, a visionary physician and longevity expert, provides an operating manual for longevity, drawing on the latest science to introduce innovative nutritional interventions, techniques for optimizing exercise and sleep, and tools for addressing emotional and mental health.

Mainstream medicine, despite its successes, has struggled to combat aging-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and type 2 diabetes, often providing treatment too late. Dr. Attia advocates for a personalized, proactive strategy for longevity, emphasizing the importance of taking action now rather than waiting. This strategic and tactical approach aims to extend lifespan while improving physical, cognitive, and emotional health.

With the right approach, it's possible to outlive our genetic predispositions and enjoy better health with each passing decade.

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