I Always Wanted To Be A Dad: Men Without Children


by Robert Nurden

I Always Wanted To Be A Dad is a poignant memoir by Robert Nurden, a man of 72 who always dreamed of becoming a father. This heartfelt narrative explores the pain and regret he experienced when this dream didn't materialize.

In this book, Nurden unravels the complexities of the often-neglected issue of male childlessness, showing that the grief of childlessness can affect men as much as it does women. The 17 short chapters, infused with humor, are interspersed with heartfelt testimonies from other men who also find themselves childless-not-by-choice.

The book distinguishes between being childless due to circumstances and childless because of infertility. Through a series of reflective passages, the narrative arcs away from hurt towards acceptance and optimism for the future.

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