Books with category Cultural Critique
Displaying 7 books

Burmese Days


by George Orwell

Set in the days of the Empire, with the British ruling in Burma, Orwell's book describes corruption and imperial bigotry. Flory, a white timber merchant, befriends Dr. Veraswami, a black enthusiast for the Empire, whose downfall can only be prevented by membership at an all-white club.

Orwell draws on his years of experience in India to tell this story of the waning days of British imperialism. A handful of Englishmen living in a settlement in Burma congregate in the European Club, drink whiskey, and argue over an impending order to admit a token Asian.

George Orwell’s triumphant first novel. Informed by his experiences as a police officer in Burma, the novel paints a vivid portrait of the waning days of British imperial rule, and the racism and corruption that ran rampant. It centres on John Flory, a European businessman in colonial Burma, disenfranchised by the bigotry he sees around him and his persistent feeling of being out of place.

The Wretched of the Earth


by Frantz Fanon

The Wretched of the Earth is a seminal work by the distinguished psychiatrist from Martinique, Frantz Fanon, who actively participated in the Algerian Nationalist Movement. This masterpiece is a brilliant analysis of the psychology of the colonized and their path to liberation.

Fanon provides singular insight into the rage and frustration experienced by colonized peoples, and examines the role of violence in effecting historical change. The book incisively critiques the twin perils of post-independence colonial politics: the disenfranchisement of the masses by the elites, and intertribal and interfaith animosities.

This work, a veritable handbook of social reorganization for leaders of emerging nations, reflects the corruption and violence plaguing present-day Africa. The Wretched of the Earth has significantly influenced civil rights, anticolonialism, and black consciousness movements worldwide, reaffirming its status as a landmark in revolutionary literature.

The Overcoat


by Nikolai Gogol

The Overcoat is generally acknowledged as the finest of Gogol's memorable Saint Petersburg stories. It is a tale of the absurd and misplaced obsessions, centered around the life and death of Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, an impoverished government clerk and copyist in the Russian capital of St. Petersburg.

Akaky is dedicated to his job as a titular councillor, taking special relish in the hand-copying of documents, though little recognized in his department for his hard work. Instead, the younger clerks tease him and attempt to distract him whenever they can. His threadbare overcoat is often the butt of their jokes.

Akaky decides it is necessary to have the coat repaired, so he takes it to his tailor, Petrovich, who declares the coat irreparable, telling Akaky he must buy a new overcoat. The story follows Akaky's journey to attain an "overcoat" of untold value and power, representing the mighty bureaucracy.

The narrative takes an interesting turn when Akaky dies of a broken heart after his beloved smart coat is stolen, symbolizing the reprisal of the lower class against the dominance of the ruling class.

99 francs

En ce temps-là, on mettait des photographies géantes de produits sur les murs, les arrêts d'autobus, les maisons, le sol, les taxis, les camions, la façade des immeubles en cours de ravalement, les meubles, les ascenseurs, les distributeurs de billets, dans toutes les rues et même à la campagne.

La vie était envahie par des soutiens-gorge, des surgelés, des shampoings antipelliculaires et des rasoirs triple-lame. L'œil humain n'avait jamais été autant sollicité de toute son histoire : on avait calculé qu'entre sa naissance et l'âge de 18 ans, toute personne était exposée en moyenne à 350 000 publicités.

Même à l'orée des forêts, au bout des petits villages, en bas des vallées isolées et au sommet des montagnes blanches, sur les cabines de téléphérique, on devait affronter des logos "Castorama", "Bricodécor", "Champion Midas" et "La Halle aux Vêtements". Il avait fallu deux mille ans pour en arriver là.

Jejak Langkah

Jejak Langkah is not just a historical novel meant to fill an episode of a nation at a critical juncture, but also aims to address the lack of literature exploring this complex period. This novel offers an alternative reading for us to view the path and waves of history from different perspectives.

The tetralogy is divided into four books, representing different periods of movement. This third novel, Jejak Langkah, is the phase of organizing resistance. Minke mobilizes all efforts to fight against the long-standing power of the Indies. However, Minke chooses not armed resistance but the path of journalism, creating as much Indigenous reading material as possible. The most famous of these is Medan Prijaji.

Through this newspaper, Minke calls upon the Indigenous people to do three things: increase boycotts, organize, and abolish feudalistic culture. Simultaneously, through journalistic steps, Minke calls out: "Educate the people with organization and educate the rulers with resistance."

The Women's Room


by Marilyn French

The Women's Room is the bestselling feminist novel that awakened both women and men. It follows the transformation of Mira Ward and her circle as the women's movement begins to have an impact on their lives. A biting social commentary on an emotional world gone silently haywire, this book is a modern classic offering piercing insight into the social norms accepted so blindly and revered so completely.

Marilyn French questions those accepted norms and poignantly portrays the hopeful believers looking for new truths.

زمن الخيول البيضاء

زمن الخيول البيضاء هي رواية ملحمية استثنائية كتبها الشاعر والروائي إبراهيم نصرالله. تتزامن هذه الرواية مع الذكرى الستين لاحتلال فلسطين، وهي جزء من المشروع الروائي الكبير الذي يُعرف بـالملهاة الفلسطينية، والذي بدأ العمل عليه منذ عام 1985.

يتضمن المشروع ست روايات، لكل منها أجواؤها الخاصة وشخوصها وبناؤها الفني، وتستقل عن الروايات الأخرى. يستعرض نصرالله في هذا العمل 125 عامًا من تاريخ الشعب الفلسطيني بنظرة نقدية عميقة ومستويات فنية راقية.

ينطلق الكاتب من تلك الحقيقة الراسخة التي تؤكد أن إيماننا بالقضايا الكبيرة يتطلب منا إيجاد مستويات فنية عالية للتعبير عنها.

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