The teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff (1866-1949) has come to be recognized as one of the most original, enduring, and penetrating of our century. While Gurdjieff used many different means to transmit his vision of the human dilemma and human possibility, he gave special importance to his acknowledged masterwork, Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson.
Beelzebub's Tales is an "ocean of story" and of ideas that one can explore for a lifetime. It is majestic in scale and content, challengingly inventive in prose style, and often approached with apprehension. This revised edition, prepared under the direction of Gurdjieff's closest pupil, Jeanne de Salzmann, offers a new experience of Gurdjieff's masterpiece for contemporary readers.
This edition provides a translation that clarifies the verbal surface while respecting the author's thought and style. It is presented in a sturdy cloth edition, echoing its original publication.
No villains here... yet! Stay tuned for more intrigue. ๐ฆนโโ๏ธ.