Books with category 🎗 Classics
Displaying books 1-48 of 667 in total

KĂĽrk Mantolu Madonna


by Sabahattin Ali

Her gün, daima öğleden sonra oraya gidiyor, koridorlardaki resimlere bakıyormuş gibi ağır ağır, fakat büyük bir sabırsızlıkla asıl hedefine varmak isteyen adımlarımı zorla zapt ederek geziniyor, rastgele gözüme çarpmış gibi önünde durduğum Kürk Mantolu Madonnayı seyre dalıyor, ta kapılar kapanıncaya kadar orada bekliyordum.

Kimi tutkular rehberimiz olur yaşam boyunca. Kollarıyla bizi sarar. Sorgulamadan peşlerinden gideriz ve hiç pişman olmayacağımızı biliriz. Yapıtlarında insanların görünmeyen yüzlerini ortaya çıkaran Sabahattin Ali, bu kitabında güçlü bir tutkunun resmini çiziyor. Düzenin sildiği kişiliklere, yaşamın uçuculuğuna ve aşkın olanaksızlığına dair, yanıtlanması zor sorular soruyor.

The Hobbit, Part One


by J.R.R. Tolkien

Smaug certainly looked fast asleep, when Bilbo peeped once more from the entrance. He was just about to step out onto the floor when he caught a sudden thin ray of red from under the drooping lid of Smaug's left eye. He was only pretending to be sleep! He was watching the tunnel entrance!

Whisked from his comfortable hobbit-hole by Gandalf the wizard and a band of dwarves, Bilbo Baggins finds himself caught up in a plot to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon.

I, Claudius/Claudius the God


by Robert Graves

Clau-Clau-Claudius the stammerer was known as a buffoon and a pitiful fool. He made it his business to watch from the sidelines and record the antics, funny, violent, and lustful, of the imperial household as its members vied with each other for power. Then he found himself Emperor.

From the great days of Augustus and the cruelties of Tiberius to the deified insanity of Caligula, he records a story breathtaking in its murderousness, greed, and folly. Throughout the swings of fortune, his own disastrous love affair with the depraved Messalina and surprisingly successful reign, his voice sometimes puzzled, sometimes rueful, always sane, speaks to us across the centuries in two great, classic historical novels.

The Bridge of San Luis Rey


by Thornton Wilder

This Pulitzer Prize-winning, fable-like short novel—by the author of Our Town and The Skin of Our Teeth—has been beloved around the world for nearly a century. This splendid and profoundly moving novel begins with a simple and seemingly senseless tragedy. "On Friday noon, July the twentieth, 1714, the finest bridge in all Peru broke and precipitated five travelers into the gulf below." A traveling monk, Brother Juniper, witnesses the catastrophe and becomes obsessed with investigating the lives of the five victims in order to prove that their deaths had meaning. His mission is doomed to fail, but over the course of the story, the five unlucky individuals—a noblewoman, a maid, an orphan, an old man, and a child—come to life for the reader in all of their glorious complexity. Their intertwined lives—snuffed out in one shattering moment—illuminate the biggest questions that we can ask ourselves about the nature of love and meaning of the human condition.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version


by Anonymous

The English Standard Version (ESV) Bible is an essentially literal Bible translation that combines word-for-word precision and accuracy with literary excellence, beauty, and depth of meaning.

The ESV Bible is equipped with an enhanced navigation feature. Kindle's index feature can be used to navigate directly to any verse. This feature is not supported on the Kindle 1 or any Kindle applications.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is the longest major poem by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Poem relates the experiences of a sailor who has returned from a long sea voyage. The mariner stops a man who is on the way to a wedding ceremony and begins to narrate a story. The wedding-guest's reaction turns from bemusement to impatience to fear to fascination as the mariner's story progresses, as can be seen in the language style: Coleridge uses narrative techniques such as personification and repetition to create a sense of danger, the supernatural, or serenity, depending on the mood in different parts of the poem.

Along with other poems in Lyrical Ballads, it was a signal shift to modern poetry and the beginning of British Romantic literature. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834) was an English poet, literary critic and philosopher who, with his friend William Wordsworth, was a founder of the Romantic Movement in England and a member of the Lake Poets.


Reşat Nuri Güntekin'in 1922 yılında ilk kez Vakit gazetesinde tefrika edilen en tanınmış eseridir. Fransız Lisesi mezunu gencecik, delişmen bir kız olan Feride'nin serüveni yaşadığı derin bir hayal kırıklığı sonrasında nişanlısını, ailesini İstanbul'da bırakarak Anadolu'nun küçük bir köyüne öğretmen olmasıyla başlar. Daha sonra bu köyü diğer kasabalar, şehirler izler. Önceleri her gittiği yerde Kurtuluş Savaşı'nın etkileri görülür, güç koşulların, sefaletin izlerine rastlanır. Sonraları farklı kültürden gelen genç, yalnız ve bağımsız bir kızın toplumsal yaşamdaki zorlukları, çatışan değer yargıları, karşısına dikilen çıkar ilişkileri, Feride'nin iç dünyasındaki fırtınalar ve derin yalnızlıkla iç içe geçerek okurun karşısına çıkar. Çalıkuşu, gerçekçi yönelimin ilk dönemlerinden olan bir başyapıttır.

Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas

Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, one of the greatest novels written in Portuguese, is a celebration of language and a revolutionary work that shattered all of the literary conventions of its time. The reader is mistreated, with chapters left blank and others deemed useless. Brás Cubas, the unlikely hero of this story, did nothing special in life. He fell in love with a married woman, failed a political career, never had children, and then he died. After his death, he wrote his memoirs. Since its publication in 1881, it has continued to gain the appreciation and affection of some of the greatest contemporary intellectuals and artists. Woody Allen considered it one of his favorite books, calling it a "very, very original masterpiece." Susan Sontag mentioned that this book always impresses readers with the strength of a personal discovery. Harold Bloom described the book as comic, clever, evasive, and very fun to read, sentence after sentence.

The Forsyte Saga


by John Galsworthy

The Forsyte Saga was the title originally destined for that part of it which is called The Man of Property; and to adopt it for the collected chronicles of the Forsyte family has indulged the Forsytean tenacity that is in all of us. The word Saga might be objected to on the ground that it connotes the heroic and that there is little heroism in these pages. But it is used with a suitable irony; and, after all, this long tale, though it may deal with folk in frock coats, furbelows, and a gilt-edged period, is not devoid of the essential heat of conflict. Discounting for the gigantic stature and blood-thirstiness of old days, as they have come down to us in fairy-tale and legend, the folk of the old Sagas were Forsytes, assuredly, in their possessive instincts, and as little proof against the inroads of beauty and passion as Swithin, Soames, or even Young Jolyon. And if heroic figures, in days that never were, seem to startle out from their surroundings in fashion unbecoming to a Forsyte of the Victorian era, we may be sure that tribal instinct was even then the prime force, and that family and the sense of home and property counted as they do to this day, for all the recent efforts to talk them out.

Dead Souls


by Nikolai Gogol

Dead Souls, a seminal work in Russian literature, offers a vivid portrayal of provincial Russian life. It is celebrated for its realistic depiction as well as for its exaggerated narrative, serving both as a tribute to the Russian spirit and a scathing satire of the imperial Russian flaws of venality, vulgarity, and pomp. At the heart of the story is Gogol's cunning antihero, Chichikov, who traverses the countryside engaging in transactions for "dead souls" - deceased serfs who still represent value to those astute enough to trade in them. This journey introduces us to a cast reminiscent of Dickens, filled with peasants, landowners, and scheming officials, all drawn into Chichikov's elaborate scheme. Through this narrative, Gogol masterfully explores themes of human oddity and error, making Dead Souls a masterpiece of both humor and insight.

Os Maias

Os Maias é uma das obras mais conhecidas do escritor português Eça de Queiroz. O livro foi publicado no Porto em 1888. A ação de Os Maias passa-se em Lisboa, na segunda metade do século XIX, e apresenta-nos a história de três gerações da família Maia. A ação inicia-se no Outono de 1875, quando Afonso da Maia, nobre e pobre proprietário, se instala no Ramalhete com o neto recém formado em Medicina. Neste momento faz-se uma longa descrição da casa - "O Ramalhete," cujo nome tem origem num painel de azulejos com um ramo de girassóis, e não em algo fresco ou campestre, tal como o nome nos remete a pensar.

Afonso da Maia era o personagem mais simpático do romance e aquele que o autor mais valorizou, pois não se lhe conhecem defeitos. É um homem de carácter, culto e requintado nos gostos. Em jovem aderiu aos ideais do Liberalismo e foi obrigado, por seu pai, a sair de casa e a instalar-se em Inglaterra. Após o pai falecer regressa a Lisboa para casar com Maria Eduarda Runa, mas pouco tempo depois escolhe o exílio por razões de ordem política.

Há em Os Maias um retrato da Lisboa da época. Carlos, que mora na Rua das Janelas Verdes, caminha com frequência até ao Rossio (embora, por vezes, vá a cavalo ou de carruagem). Algumas das lojas citadas no livro ainda existem - a Casa Havaneza, no Chiado, por exemplo. É possível seguir os diferentes percursos de Carlos ou do Ega pelas suas da Baixa lisboeta, ainda que algumas tenham mudado de nome. No final do livro, quando Carlos volta a Lisboa muitos anos depois, somos levados a ver as novidades - a Avenida da Liberdade, que substituiu o Passeio Público, e que é descrita como uma coisa nova, e feia pela sua novidade, exactamente como nos anos 70 se falava das casas de emigrante.

O romance veicula sobre o país uma perspectiva muito derrotista, muito pessimista. Tirando a natureza (o Tejo, Sintra, Santa Olávia...), é tudo uma choldra ignóbil. Predomina uma visão de estrangeirado, de quem só valoriza as civilizações superiores - da França e Inglaterra, principalmente. Os políticos são mesquinhos, ignorantes ou corruptos; os homens das Letras são boémios e dissolutos, retrógrados ou distantes da realidade concreta; os jornalistas boémios e venais; os homens do desporto não conseguem organizar uma corrida de cavalos, pois não há hipódromo à altura, nem cavalos, nem cavaleiros, as pessoas não vestem como o evento exigia, as senhoras traziam vestidos de missa. Para cúmulo de tudo isto, os protagonistas acabam vencidos da vida. Apesar de ser isto referido no fim do livro, pode-se ver que ainda há alguma esperança implícita, nas passagens em que Carlos da Maia e João da Ega dizem que o apetite humano é a causa de todos os seus problemas e que portanto nunca mais terão apetites, mas logo a seguir dizem que lhes está a apetecer um prato de paio com ervilhas, ou quando dizem que a pressa não leva a nada e que a vida deve ser levada com calma mas começam a correr para apanhar o americano (eléctrico). Mais do que crítica de costumes, o romance mostra-nos um país - sobretudo Lisboa - que se dissolve, incapaz de se regenerar. Quando o autor escreve mais tarde A Cidade e as Serras, expõe uma atitude muito mais construtiva: o protagonista regenera-se pela descoberta das raízes rurais ancestrais não atingidas pela degradação da civilização, num movimento inverso ao que predomina n'Os Maias.

Journey to the Center of the Earth


by Jules Verne

As one of the many installments in Jules Verne’s Voyage Extraordinaire series, Journey to the Center of the Earth promises high stakes and thrilling adventure. When Professor Otto Lidenbrock bought an ancient runic manuscript, which chronicles the lives of Norwegian Kings, he did not expect to learn of anything but the history of Icelandic leaders. However, upon further inspection, Lidenbrock and his nephew, Axel, find that the manuscript includes a coded message written by a 16th century alchemist.

After rigorous translating and decoding, Axel and Lidenbrock discover the content of the note, in which the author reveals that it is possible to travel to the center of the Earth through volcanic passages. When Lidenbrock heard the news, he immediately started preparations to start the journey, though Axel was skeptical. When Lidenbrock’s will proves to be more powerful than his nephew’s doubt, the two decide to make the journey, recruiting an Icelandic tour guide named Hans on the way.

As the three men make their way to inactive volcanic tubes, they embark on a high-stake adventure, facing dangers of cave-ins, subpolar tornados, an underground ocean and prehistoric creatures. The three men stay strong in their adventure, knowing the risky journey promises superior knowledge and acclaim, granted that they make it out alive.

With the combination of science fiction and the adventure genre, Jules Verne created a novel that captures the attention of his audience. Originally published in 1864, Journey to the Center of the Earth still provides modern readers with entertainment and insight with its detailed and imaginative prose. Journey to the Center of the Earth can be read independently or as a companion to the other titles of Jules Verne’s critically acclaimed series, Voyage Extraordinaire. This edition of Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne now features an eye-catching cover design and is printed in a stylish and readable font, crafting an accessible and pleasant reading experience for modern audiences.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass


by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass are the timeless tales that have enchanted readers young and old alike. Follow Alice as she falls down a rabbit hole into a world full of fantastical characters where nothing is quite as it seems.

From the frantic White Rabbit to the enigmatic Cheshire Cat and the manic Mad Hatter, Alice's journey is filled with wonder, wit, and whimsy. These stories by Lewis Carroll are not only a delightful romp through a magical land but also a satire of the rigid Victorian society of Carroll's time.

Embark on an extraordinary adventure to a place where the impossible becomes possible, the unreal becomes real, and the heights of imagination know no bounds. The combined volume of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass is a masterpiece of literature that continues to inspire and intrigue readers to this day.

Anne of Green Gables

As soon as Anne Shirley arrives at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she is sure she wants to stay forever. But will the Cuthberts send her back to the orphanage? Anne knows she's not what they expected—a skinny girl with fiery red hair and a temper to match. If only she can convince them to let her stay, she'll try very hard not to keep rushing headlong into scrapes and blurting out the first thing that comes to her mind.

Anne is not like anyone else, the Cuthberts agree; she is special—a girl with an enormous imagination. This orphan girl dreams of the day when she can call herself Anne of Green Gables.

The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter, a profound work of American literature, delves into the rigid Puritan society of 17th-century Boston to tell a tale of sin, guilt, and redemption. The narrative centers on Hester Prynne, a woman who endures public scorn for bearing an illegitimate child while wrestling with her own complex feelings of penitence and dignity.

Through Hester's story, Nathaniel Hawthorne explores the human condition, examining themes of legalism, sin, and guilt. Hester's resilience and strength in the face of adversity make her a timeless character, whose struggles and triumphs continue to resonate with readers today.

Hawthorne's rich language and psychological insight imbue the novel with a timeless quality, ensuring its place as a classic in American literature and a reflective mirror into the societal norms and moral dilemmas of its time.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


by Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer revolves around the youthful adventures of the novel's schoolboy protagonist, Thomas Sawyer, whose reputation precedes him for causing mischief and strife. Tom lives with his Aunt Polly, half-brother Sid, and cousin Mary in the quaint town of St. Petersburg, just off the shore of the Mississippi River. St. Petersburg is described as a typical small-town atmosphere where the Christian faith is predominant, the social network is close-knit, and familiarity resides.

Unlike his brother Sid, Tom receives "lickings" from his Aunt Polly; ever the mischief-maker, would rather play hooky than attend school and often sneaks out his bedroom window at night to adventure with his friend, Huckleberry Finn — the town's social outcast. Tom, despite his dread of schooling, is extremely clever and would normally get away with his pranks if Sid were not such a "tattle-tale."

As punishment for skipping school to go swimming, Aunt Polly assigns Tom the chore of whitewashing the fence surrounding the house. In a brilliant scheme, Tom is able to con the neighborhood boys into completing the chore for him, managing to convince them of the joys of whitewashing. At school, Tom is equally as flamboyant, and attracts attention by chasing other boys, yelling, and running around.

With his usual antics, Tom attempts to catch the eye of Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get "engaged" by kissing him. But their romance collapses when she learns Tom has been "engaged" previously to Amy Lawrence. Shortly after Becky shuns him, he accompanies Huckleberry Finn to the graveyard at night, where they witness the murder of Dr. Robinson.

The Age of Innocence


by Edith Wharton

The Age of Innocence, written by Edith Wharton, is a poignant exploration of New York society in the 1870s. Following the end of the First World War, Wharton delves into the intricacies of the world she was born into and sought to escape from throughout her life.

The protagonist, Newland Archer, embodies the charm, tact, and enlightenment of his society. Fully integrated into its standards and rules, Archer's engagement to the impeccable May Welland signifies a future of safety and conventionality. However, the arrival of May's cousin, Ellen Olenska, disrupts his well-laid plans. Ellen, independent and free-thinking, separated from her husband, challenges Archer to reassess the values and assumptions of his insular world. As their love grows, Archer faces a critical decision about where his ultimate loyalty lies.

Wives and Daughters

Set in English society before the 1832 Reform Bill, Wives and Daughters centers on the story of youthful Molly Gibson, brought up from childhood by her father. When he remarries, a new step-sister enters Molly's quiet life – loveable, but worldly and troubling, Cynthia. The narrative traces the development of the two girls into womanhood within the gossiping and watchful society of Hollingford.

Wives and Daughters is far more than a nostalgic evocation of village life; it offers an ironic critique of mid-Victorian society. This novel demonstrates an intelligent and compassionate understanding of human relationships, and offers a witty, ironic critique of mid-Victorian society, exploring themes of Englishness, Darwinism, and the Victorian male assumption of moral authority.

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of eleven detective stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. Silver Blaze, The Yellow Face, The Stockbroker's Clerk, The Gloria Scott, The Musgrave Ritual, The Reigate Squire, The Crooked Man, The Resident Patient, The Greek Interpreter, The Naval Treaty, and The Final Problem are the fascinating narratives that comprise this anthology.

These tales present a variety of intriguing cases, showcasing Holmes's legendary prowess in observation, forensic science, and logical reasoning. Notably, this volume includes the climactic battle of wits between Holmes and his arch-nemesis, the criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty, which is widely considered to solidify Holmes' immortality as a literary figure.



by G.K. Chesterton

This book is meant to be a companion to Heretics, and to put the positive side in addition to the negative. Many critics complained of the book because it merely criticised current philosophies without offering any alternative philosophy. This book is an attempt to answer the challenge. It is the purpose of the writer to attempt an explanation, not of whether the Christian Faith can be believed, but of how he personally has come to believe it.

The book is therefore arranged upon the positive principle of a riddle and its answer. It deals first with all the writer's own solitary and sincere speculations and then with the startling style in which they were all suddenly satisfied by the Christian Theology. The writer regards it as amounting to a convincing creed. But if it is not that it is at least a repeated and surprising coincidence.

The Alexandria Quartet

Lawrence Durrell's series of four novels set in Alexandria, Egypt during the 1940s. The lush and sensuous series consists of Justine(1957) Balthazar(1958) Mountolive(1958) Clea(1960).Justine, Balthazar and Mountolive use varied viewpoints to relate a series of events in Alexandria before World War II. In Clea, the story continues into the years during the war. One L.G. Darley is the primary observer of the events, which include events in the lives of those he loves, and those he knows. In Justine, Darley attempts to recover from and put into perspective his recently ended affair with a woman. Balthazar reinterprets the romantic perspective he placed on the affair and its aftermath in Justine, in more philosophical and intellectual terms. Mountolive tells a story minus interpretation, and Clea reveals Darley's healing, and coming to love another woman.

Stuart Little


by E.B. White

Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George, and Snowbell the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's also a true lover of adventure.

Stuart's greatest adventure comes when his best friend, a beautiful little bird named Margalo, disappears from her nest. Determined to track her down, Stuart ventures away from home for the very first time in his life. He finds adventure aplenty. But will he find his friend?

The Color Purple


by Alice Walker

Alice Walker's iconic modern classic, The Color Purple, is a powerful cultural touchstone of modern American literature that depicts the lives of African American women in early twentieth-century rural Georgia. Separated as girls, sisters Celie and Nettie sustain their loyalty to and hope in each other across time, distance, and silence.

Through a series of letters spanning twenty years, first from Celie to God, then the sisters to each other despite the unknown, the novel draws readers into its rich and memorable portrayals of Celie, Nettie, Shug Avery, and Sofia and their experiences. The Color Purple broke the silence around domestic and sexual abuse, narrating the lives of women through their pain and struggle, companionship and growth, resilience and bravery.

Deeply compassionate and beautifully imagined, Alice Walker's epic carries readers on a spirit-affirming journey towards redemption and love.

A Room with a View


by E.M. Forster

One of E. M. Forster's most celebrated novels, A Room With a View is the story of a young English middle-class girl, Lucy Honeychurch. While vacationing in Italy, Lucy meets and is wooed by two gentlemen, George Emerson and Cecil Vyse. After turning down Cecil Vyse's marriage proposals twice, Lucy finally accepts. Upon hearing of the engagement, George protests and confesses his true love for Lucy.

Lucy is torn between the choice of marrying Cecil, who is a more socially acceptable mate, and George, who she knows will bring her true happiness. A Room With a View is a tale of classic human struggles such as the choice between social acceptance or true love.

The Canterville Ghost


by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde's tale of the American family moved into a British mansion, Canterville Chase, much to the annoyance of its tired ghost. The family -- which refuses to believe in him -- is in Wilde's way a commentary on the British nobility of the day -- and on the Americans, too. The tale, like many of Wilde's, is rich with allusion, but ends as sentimental romance...

The Testaments


by Margaret Atwood

The Testaments, Margaret Atwood's highly anticipated sequel to The Handmaid's Tale, unfolds the darkly compelling story of Gilead more than fifteen years after Offred's ambiguous end. With The Testaments, Atwood opens the innermost workings of Gilead and brings the iconic story to a dramatic conclusion through the voices of three female narrators.

Two of the narrators, Daisy and Agnes, have grown up as part of the first generation in the new order of Gilead. They are joined by a third voice, Aunt Lydia, who wields power through the ruthless accumulation and deployment of secrets. Each woman is forced to come to terms with who she is, and how far she will go for what she believes.

As the regime of Gilead begins to rot from within, these three women's lives converge in a potentially explosive manner. The Testaments answers the questions that have tantalized readers for decades, offering a harrowing and exhilarating exploration of resistance against oppression.


Watchmen, the Hugo Award-winning graphic novel, is a groundbreaking deconstruction of the superhero concept, set in an alternate history where the existence of superheroes has dramatically altered the course of events. This seminal work by Alan Moore with art by Dave Gibbons follows a group of former heroes as they grapple with their past glories and present failings, all while an ominous threat looms over them.

The narrative unfolds from a simple murder mystery into a complex commentary on power, corruption, and what it means to be human. The series has been both critically acclaimed and commercially successful, serving as a gateway to other iconic graphic novels and influencing the medium of comics as a whole.

Watchmen remains a perennial favorite, continuing to captivate readers with its rich storytelling and intricate artwork. Its impact is evident in its lasting presence in academic discussions, pop culture, and the hearts of fans around the world.

A Hero of Our Time

A Hero of Our Time is a novel by Mikhail Lermontov, written in 1839, published in 1840, and revised in 1841. It is an example of the superfluous man novel, noted for its compelling Byronic hero (or antihero) Pechorin and for the beautiful descriptions of the Caucasus.

Pechorin treats women as an incentive for endless conquests and does not consider them worthy of any particular respect. He considers women such as Princess Mary to be little more than pawns in his games of romantic conquest, which in effect hold no meaning in his listless pursuit of pleasure. This is shown in his comment on Princess Mary: "I often wonder why I'm trying so hard to win the love of a girl I have no desire to seduce and whom I'd never marry." The only contradiction in Pechorin's attitude to women are his genuine feelings for Vera, who loves him despite, and perhaps due to, all his faults.

At the end of "Princess Mary" one is presented with a moment of hope as Pechorin gallops after Vera. The reader almost assumes that a meaning to his existence may be attained and that Pechorin can finally realize that true feelings are possible. Yet a lifetime of superficiality and cynicism cannot be so easily eradicated and when fate intervenes and Pechorin's horse collapses, he undertakes no further effort to reach his one hope of redemption: "I saw how futile and senseless it was to pursue lost happiness. What more did I want? To see her again? For what?"

Pechorin's chronologically last adventure, was first described in the book, showing the events that explain his upcoming fall into depression and retreat from society, resulting in his self-predicted death. The narrator is Maxim Maximytch telling the story of a beautiful Circassian princess 'Bela', whom Azamat abducts for Pechorin in exchange for Kazbich's horse. Maxim describes Pechorin's exemplary persistence to convince Bela to give herself sexually to him, in which she with time reciprocates. After living with Bela for some time, Pechorin starts explicating his need for freedom, which Bela starts noticing, fearing he might leave her. Though Bela is completely devoted to Pechorin, she says she's not his slave, rather a daughter of a Circassian tribal Chieftain, also showing the intention of leaving if he 'doesn't love her'. Maxim's sympathy for Bela makes him question Pechorin's intentions. Pechorin admits he loves her and is ready to die for her, but 'he has a restless fancy and insatiable heart, and that his life is emptier day by day'. He thinks his only remedy is to travel, to keep his spirit alive.

Children of Dune


by Frank Herbert

Book three in Frank Herbert's magnificent Dune Chronicles—one of the most significant sagas in the history of literary science fiction.

The Children of Dune are twin siblings Leto and Ghanima Atreides, whose father, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, disappeared in the desert wastelands of Arrakis nine years ago. Like their father, the twins possess supernormal abilities—making them valuable to their manipulative aunt Alia, who rules the Empire in the name of House Atreides.

Facing treason and rebellion on two fronts, Alia's rule is not absolute. The displaced House Corrino is plotting to regain the throne while the fanatical Fremen are being provoked into open revolt by the enigmatic figure known only as The Preacher. Alia believes that by obtaining the secrets of the twins' prophetic visions, she can maintain control over her dynasty.

But Leto and Ghanima have their own plans for their visions—and their destinies....

Includes an introduction by Brian Herbert.

The Beautiful and Damned

First published in 1922, The Beautiful and the Damned followed Fitzgerald's impeccable debut, This Side of Paradise, thus securing his place in the tradition of great American novelists. Embellished with the author's lyrical prose, here is the story of Harvard-educated, aspiring aesthete Anthony Patch and his beautiful wife, Gloria. As they await the inheritance of his grandfather's fortune, their reckless marriage sways under the influence of alcohol and avarice.

A devastating look at the nouveau riche, and the New York nightlife, as well as the ruinous effects of wild ambition, The Beautiful and the Damned achieved stature as one of Fitzgerald's most accomplished novels. Its distinction as a classic endures to this day.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


by Jules Verne

When an unidentified “monster” threatens international shipping, French oceanographer Pierre Aronnax and his unflappable assistant Conseil join an expedition organized by the US Navy to hunt down and destroy the menace. After months of fruitless searching, they finally grapple with their quarry, but Aronnax, Conseil, and the brash Canadian harpooner Ned Land are thrown overboard in the attack, only to find that the “monster” is actually a futuristic submarine, the Nautilus, commanded by a shadowy, mystical, preternaturally imposing man who calls himself Captain Nemo.

Thus begins a journey of 20,000 leagues—nearly 50,000 miles—that will take Captain Nemo, his crew, and these three adventurers on a journey of discovery through undersea forests, coral graveyards, miles-deep trenches, and even the sunken ruins of Atlantis. Jules Verne’s novel of undersea exploration has been captivating readers ever since its first publication in 1870, and Frederick Paul Walter’s reader-friendly, scientifically meticulous translation of this visionary science fiction classic is complete and unabridged down to the smallest substantive detail.

Dr. Faustus

The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on German stories about the title character Faust, that was first performed sometime between 1588 and Marlowe's death in 1593. Two different versions of the play were published in the Jacobean era, several years later.

The powerful effect of early productions of the play is indicated by the legends that quickly accrued around them—that actual devils once appeared on the stage during a performance, to the great amazement of both the actors and spectators, a sight that was said to have driven some spectators mad.

White Fang


by Jack London

White Fang is part dog, part wolf, and the lone survivor of his family. In his lonely world, he soon learns to follow the harsh law of the North—kill or be killed. But nothing in White Fang's life can prepare him for the cruel owner who turns him into a vicious killer. Will White Fang ever know the kindness of a gentle master?



by Carlo Collodi

A classic tale of mischance and mischief based on the original adventures.

A naughty wooden puppet gets into trouble, disobeys his father, forgets his promises, and skips through life looking for fun. Just like a "real boy." Until he learns that to become truly real, he must open his heart and think of others.

The Invisible Man


by H.G. Wells

THE INVISIBLE MAN lets loose a reign of terror! He assaults people, damages property and creates utter chaos. In a blind burst of fire, he gets injured, but manages to escape. He takes shelter at the house of Dr. Kemp, a scientist, who turns out to be an old college fellow.

The Invisible Man unfolds before Dr. Kemp, an incredible tale about the amazing powers of Science, by revealing the secret of his invisibility. How does Dr. Kemp react to the story? H. G. Wells, a master of science fiction, brings you this gripping tale, guaranteed to hold your attention till the very end.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

In 1845, runaway slave Frederick Douglass became, almost overnight, the most celebrated African American author in history with the publication of his Narrative. In stark, powerful prose, he conveyed his observations of owners and overseers, the demoralizing effects of slavery on both slave and slaveholder, and his own triumph over oppression.

In the latter part of the century, Douglass became a public figure of enormous stature: an orator, a newspaper publisher, and a statesman. But he is perhaps best remembered as America's first major African American writer, a man whose work still makes a powerful impact on both our minds and hearts.

For a new perspective on Douglass' narrative, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.'s, introduction examines its literary and social importance, and considers the issues Douglass raised as the foundation for today's field of African American studies. Gates's illuminating insights, and an extensive bibliography, make this edition essential reading for scholars, historians, and students of African American literature.

A Doll's House


by Henrik Ibsen

A Doll's House (1879), is a masterpiece of theatrical craft which, for the first time portrayed the tragic hypocrisy of Victorian middle class marriage on the stage. The play ushered in a new social era and "exploded like a bomb into contemporary life".

The Student Edition contains these exclusive features:

  • A chronology of the playwright's life and work
  • An introduction giving the background of the play
  • Commentary on themes, characters. language and style
  • Notes on individual words and phrases in the text
  • Questions for further study
  • Bibliography for further reading.



by Unknown

Beowulf is a major epic of Anglo-Saxon literature, probably composed between the first half of the seventh century and the end of the first millennium. The poem was inspired by Germanic and Anglo-Saxon oral tradition recounting the exploits of Beowulf, the hero who gave his name to the poem.

Here, it's transcribed as a verse epic, onto which are grafted Christian additions.

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters & Seymour: An Introduction


by J.D. Salinger

The author writes: The two long pieces in this book originally came out in The New Yorker - RAISE HIGH THE ROOF BEAM, CARPENTERS in 1955, SEYMOUR - An Introduction in 1959. Whatever their differences in mood or effect, they are both very much concerned with Seymour Glass, who is the main character in my still-uncompleted series about the Glass family. It struck me that they had better be collected together, if not deliberately paired off, in something of a hurry, if I mean them to avoid unduly or undesirably close contact with new material in the series. There is only my word for it, granted, but I have several new Glass stories coming along - waxing, dilating - each in its own way, but I suspect the less said about them, in mixed company, the better. Oddly, the joys and satisfactions of working on the Glass family peculiarly increase and deepen for me with the years. I can't say why, though. Not, at least, outside the casino proper of my fiction.

The Body


by Stephen King

Set in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine, #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King’s timeless novella “The Body”—originally published in his 1982 short story collection Different Seasons, and adapted into the 1986 film classic Stand by Me—is now available as a stand-alone publication.

It’s 1960 in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine. Ray Brower, a boy from a nearby town, has disappeared, and twelve-year-old Gordie Lachance and his three friends set out on a quest to find his body along the railroad tracks. During the course of their journey, Gordie, Chris Chambers, Teddy Duchamp, and Vern Tessio come to terms with death and the harsh truths of growing up in a small factory town that doesn’t offer much in the way of a future.

A timeless exploration of the loneliness and isolation of young adulthood, Stephen King’s The Body is an iconic, unforgettable, coming-of-age story.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson's masterpiece of the duality of good and evil in man's nature sprang from the darkest recesses of his own unconscious—during a nightmare from which his wife awakened him, alerted by his screams. More than a hundred years later, this tale of the mild-mannered Dr. Jekyll and the drug that unleashes his evil, inner persona—the loathsome, twisted Mr. Hyde—has lost none of its ability to shock.

Its realistic police-style narrative chillingly relates Jekyll's desperation as Hyde gains control of his soul—and gives voice to our own fears of the violence and evil within us. Written before Freud's naming of the ego and the id, Stevenson's enduring classic demonstrates a remarkable understanding of the personality's inner conflicts—and remains the irresistibly terrifying stuff of our worst nightmares.

The Nicomachean Ethics


by Aristotle

"One swallow does not make a summer; neither does one day. Similarly neither can one day, or a brief space of time, make a man blessed and happy"

Previously published as Ethics, Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics addresses the question of how to live well and originates the concept of cultivating a virtuous character as the basis of his ethical system. Here Aristotle sets out to examine the nature of happiness, and argues that happiness consists in 'activity of the soul in accordance with virtue', including moral virtues, such as courage, generosity, and justice, and intellectual virtues, such as knowledge, wisdom, and insight.

The Ethics also discusses the nature of practical reasoning, the value and the objects of pleasure, the different forms of friendship, and the relationship between individual virtue, society, and the State. Aristotle's work has had a profound and lasting influence on all subsequent Western thought about ethical matters.

This Penguin Classics edition is translated from the Greek by J.A.K. Thomson with revisions and notes by Hugh Tredennick, and an introduction and bibliography by Jonathan Barnes. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

Norse Mythology


by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman, long inspired by ancient mythology in creating the fantastical realms of his fiction, presents a bravura rendition of the Norse gods and their world from their origin though their upheaval in Ragnarok. In Norse Mythology, Gaiman stays true to the myths in envisioning the major Norse pantheon: Odin, the highest of the high, wise, daring, and cunning; Thor, Odin's son, incredibly strong yet not the wisest of gods; and Loki—son of a giant—blood brother to Odin and a trickster and unsurpassable manipulator.

Gaiman fashions these primeval stories into a novelistic arc that begins with the genesis of the legendary nine worlds and delves into the exploits of deities, dwarfs, and giants. Through Gaiman's deft and witty prose, these gods emerge with their fiercely competitive natures, their susceptibility to being duped and to duping others, and their tendency to let passion ignite their actions, making these long-ago myths breathe pungent life again.

The Pigman


by Paul Zindel

A Most Unusual Friendship

When sophomores John and Lorraine played a practical joke a few months ago on a stranger named Angelo Pignati, they had no idea what they were starting. Virtually overnight, almost against their will, the two befriended the lonely old man; it wasn't long before they were more comfortable in his house than their own. But now Mr. Pignati is dead. And for John and Lorraine, the only way to find peace is to write down their friend's story -- the story of the Pigman.

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie


by Muriel Spark

At the staid Marcia Blaine School for Girls, in Edinburgh, Scotland, teacher extraordinaire Miss Jean Brodie is unmistakably, and outspokenly, in her prime. She is passionate in the application of her unorthodox teaching methods, in her attraction to the married art master, Teddy Lloyd, in her affair with the bachelor music master, Gordon Lowther, and—most important—in her dedication to "her girls," the students she selects to be her crème de la crème. Fanatically devoted, each member of the Brodie set—Eunice, Jenny, Mary, Monica, Rose, and Sandy—is "famous for something," and Miss Brodie strives to bring out the best in each one. Determined to instill in them independence, passion, and ambition, Miss Brodie advises her girls, "Safety does not come first. Goodness, Truth, and Beauty come first. Follow me." And they do. But one of them will betray her.

Frankenstein: The 1818 Text

Mary Shelley's seminal novel of the scientist whose creation becomes a monster. This edition is the original 1818 text, which preserves the hard-hitting and politically charged aspects of Shelley's original writing, as well as her unflinching wit and strong female voice.

This edition also includes a new introduction and suggestions for further reading by author and Shelley expert Charlotte Gordon, literary excerpts and reviews selected by Gordon, and a chronology and essay by preeminent Shelley scholar Charles E. Robinson.



by Rudyard Kipling

Kim is Rudyard Kipling's story of an orphan born in colonial India, torn between love for his native India and the demands of Imperial loyalty to his Irish-English heritage, and to the British Secret Service. The novel unfolds against the backdrop of The Great Game, the political conflict between Russia and Britain in Central Asia. Set after the Second Afghan War which ended in 1881, but before the Third, the story is probably set in the period 1893 to 1898.

At the novel's heart are two men - a boy who grows into early manhood and an old ascetic priest, the lama. They embark on a quest that faces them both; Kim, born in India, is nevertheless white, a sahib. While he aspires to play the Great Game of Imperialism, he is also spiritually bound to the lama, and his aim is to reconcile these opposing strands of his identity. As Kim moves chameleon-like through the two cultures, the lama searches for redemption from the Wheel of Life.

Kim captures the opulence of India's exotic landscape, overlaid by the uneasy presence of the British Raj, presenting a vivid picture of India, its teeming populations, religions, superstitions, and the life of the bazaars and the road. Long recognized as Kipling's finest work, Kim was a key factor in his winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907.

At the Mountains of Madness


by H.P. Lovecraft

At the Mountains of Madness is a tale of terror unlike any other. The barren, windswept interior of the Antarctic plateau was lifeless—or so the expedition from Miskatonic University thought. Then they found the strange fossils of unheard-of creatures...and the carved stones tens of millions of years old...and, finally, the mind-blasting terror of the City of the Old Ones.

Three additional strange tales, written as only H.P. Lovecraft can write, are also included in this macabre collection of the strange and the weird.

  • At the Mountains of Madness • A complete short novel, part of the Cthulhu Mythos.
  • The Dreams in the Witch-House • A novelette, part of the Cthulhu Mythos.
  • The Shunned House • A novelette.
  • The Statement of Randolph Carter • A short story, part of the Randolph Carter series.

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