Ferien auf Saltkrokan! Pelle, seine große Schwester Malin und seine beiden Brüder entdecken auf der kleinen Insel die unberührte Natur der schwedischen Schären. Sie baden im Meer, fangen Fische, sammeln Pfifferlinge und feiern Mittsommer.
Nichts aber ist schöner für Pelle, als gemeinsam mit Tjorven, dem Inselmädchen, und ihrem großen Bernhardinerhund Bootsmann über die Felsen und durch den Wald zu streifen und dabei von einem Abenteuer ins nächste zu stolpern.
Sommer, Sonne, Inselspaß! Natur, Sommer und Freundschaft in einer Geschichte vereint: Stürze dich mit Pelle und seinen Freunden auf Abenteuerreise in Schweden und entdeckt gemeinsam die unerforschte Landschaft der Insel Saltkrokan. Der Ferienspaß im Buchformat für Kinder ab neun Jahren.
Ferien auf Saltkrokan – der Klassiker von Kinderbuchautorin Astrid Lindgren.
Annabelle Doll is 8 years old—and has been for over 100 years. Nothing much has changed in the dollhouse during that time, except for the fact that 45 years ago, Annabelle's Auntie Sarah disappeared from the dollhouse without a trace.
After all this time, restless Annabelle is becoming more and more curious about her aunt's fate. And when she discovers Auntie Sarah's old diary, she becomes positively driven. Her cautious family tries to discourage her, but Annabelle won't be stopped, even though she risks Permanent Doll State, in which she could turn into a regular, nonliving doll.
And when the "Real Pink Plastic" Funcraft family moves in next door, the Doll family's world is turned upside down—in more ways than one! The relationship between the two doll families, one antique, one modern, is hilariously, wonderfully drawn. The Funcrafts are reckless and raucous, with fearlessness born of their unbreakable plastic parts. The Doll family is reserved and somewhat prim, even though they occasionally break into '60s tunes like "Respect" in their sing-alongs.
Annabelle is a heroine with integrity and gumption. Ann Martin and Laura Godwin create a witty, intriguing tale, illustrated with humor and a clever eye for detail by Brian Selznick.
When left to take care of himself, a young boy becomes involved with a community of intelligent lizards who tell him of a little-known invasion from outer space.
Things Victor loves: pizza with anchovies, grape soda, B movies aired at midnight, the evening news. With his parents off at a resort and his older sister shirking her babysitting duties, Victor has plenty of time to indulge himself and to try a few things he’s been curious about.
Exploring the nearby city of Hogboro, he runs into a curious character known as the Chicken Man (a reference to his companion, an intelligent hen named Claudia who lives under his hat). The Chicken Man speaks brilliant nonsense, but he seems to be hip to the lizard musicians (real lizards, not men in lizard suits) who’ve begun appearing on Victor’s television after the broadcast of the late-late movie.
Are the lizards from outer space? From “other space”? Together Victor and the Chicken Man, guided by the able Claudia, journey to the lizards’ floating island, a strange and fantastic place that operates with an inspired logic of its own.
Moominland Midwinter is a delightful children's story that is part of the charming Mumintrollen series. This enchanting tale blends magic, humour, and adventure in the ever-changing setting of Moominvalley.
Everyone knows that the Moomins sleep through the winter, but this year, Moomintroll has woken up in January. After his initial shock at seeing his familiar haunts covered in snow, he discovers that winter is worth waking up for. More creatures than he ever imagined inhabit this new world, including a wise newcomer named Too-ticky, who introduces him to this most mysterious of all seasons.
Join Moomintroll as he goes where no Moomin has gone before and discovers the wonders and mysteries of winter.