Books with category 🪄 Magical Realism
Displaying books 289-318 of 318 in total



by Guy Gavriel Kay

Tigana is the magical story of a beleaguered land struggling to be free. It is the tale of a people so cursed by the black sorcery of a cruel despotic king that even the name of their once-beautiful homeland cannot be spoken or remembered...

But years after the devastation, a handful of courageous men and women embark upon a dangerous crusade to overthrow their conquerors and bring back to the dark world the brilliance of a long-lost name...Tigana. Against the magnificently rendered background of a world both sensuous and barbaric, this sweeping epic of a passionate people pursuing their dream is breathtaking in its vision, changing forever the boundaries of fantasy fiction.

Like Water for Chocolate


by Laura Esquivel

Like Water for Chocolate weaves an enchanting tale set in turn-of-the-century Mexico, capturing the essence of family life with a touch of magical realism. This novel became an international best-selling phenomenon, celebrated for its rich blend of romance and bittersweet humor, complete with mouthwatering recipes.

The story follows the all-female De La Garza family, focusing on the youngest daughter, Tita, who is bound by tradition to remain unmarried and care for her mother. Trapped by this fate, Tita's only solace comes from her love for cooking. Her world is turned upside down when she falls in love with Pedro, who, in a twist of desperation, marries Tita's sister Rosaura to stay close to her. Amidst a backdrop of family tensions and societal expectations, Tita and Pedro must navigate their unfulfilled passion, hoping for a chance to be together against all odds.

Through a series of tragic events and twists of fate, the novel explores the themes of love, loss, and the transformative power of food, making it a sumptuous and captivating read.

Eva Luna


by Isabel Allende

Meet New York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende’s most enchanting creation, Eva Luna: a lover, a writer, a revolutionary, and above all a storyteller—available for the first time in ebook.

Eva Luna is the daughter of a professor’s assistant and a snake-bitten gardener—born poor, orphaned at an early age, and working as a servant. Eva is a naturally gifted and imaginative storyteller who meets people from all stations and walks of life. Though she has no wealth, she trades her stories like currency with people who are kind to her. In this novel, she shares the story of her own life and introduces readers to a diverse and eccentric cast of characters including the Lebanese émigré who befriends her and takes her in; her unfortunate godmother, whose brain is addled by rum and who believes in all the Catholic saints and a few of her own invention; a street urchin who grows into a petty criminal and, later, a leader in the guerrilla struggle; a celebrated transsexual entertainer who instructs her in the ways of the adult world; and a young refugee whose flight from postwar Europe will prove crucial to Eva's fate.

As Eva tells her story, Isabel Allende conjures up a whole complex South American nation—the rich, the poor, the simple, and the sophisticated—in a novel replete with character and incident, with drama and comedy and history, with battles and passions, rebellions and reunions, a novel that celebrates the power of imagination to create a better world.

The Temple of My Familiar


by Alice Walker

The Temple of My Familiar is a visionary novel that weaves together a cast of characters, intertwining their past and present into a brilliantly intricate tapestry of tales. It tells the story of the dispossessed and displaced, of peoples whose history is ancient and whose future is yet to come.

Meet Lissie, a woman of many pasts; Arveyda, the great guitarist, and his Latin American wife who has had to flee her homeland; Suwelo, the history teacher, and his former wife Fanny, who has fallen in love with spirits. Hovering tantalizingly above their stories are Miss Celie and Shug, the beloved characters from The Color Purple.

This novel transcends time, examining contradictions such as black vs. white, man vs. woman, sexual freedom vs. sexual slavery, and past vs. present. As Alice Walker follows these astonishing characters, she weaves a new mythology from old fables and history, providing a profoundly spiritual explanation for centuries of shared African American experience.

Alice in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures.

The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre. Its narrative course and structure, characters, and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre.

Nights at the Circus


by Angela Carter

Is Sophie Fevvers, toast of Europe's capitals, part swan...or all fake? Courted by the Prince of Wales and painted by Toulouse-Lautrec, she is an aerialiste extraordinaire and star of Colonel Kearney's circus. She is also part woman, part swan. Jack Walser, an American journalist, is on a quest to discover the truth behind her identity. Dazzled by his love for her, and desperate for the scoop of a lifetime, Walser has no choice but to join the circus on its magical tour through turn-of-the-nineteenth-century London, St Petersburg, and Siberia.

This enchanting journey takes readers on an intoxicating trip through a world so magical that only Angela Carter could have created it.

The House of the Spirits


by Isabel Allende

The House of the Spirits, the unforgettable first novel that established Isabel Allende as one of the world’s most gifted storytellers, brings to life the triumphs and tragedies of three generations of the Trueba family. The patriarch Esteban is a volatile, proud man whose voracious pursuit of political power is tempered only by his love for his delicate wife Clara, a woman with a mystical connection to the spirit world.

When their daughter Blanca embarks on a forbidden love affair in defiance of her implacable father, the result is an unexpected gift to Esteban: his adored granddaughter Alba, a beautiful and strong-willed child who will lead her family and her country into a revolutionary future.

One of the most important novels of the twentieth century, The House of the Spirits is an enthralling epic that spans decades and lives, weaving the personal and the political into a universal story of love, magic, and fate.

Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-Earth

Unfinished Tales is a fascinating collection of stories that continues the tales of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. This classic edition features Tolkien’s own painting of the dragon Glaurung on the cover.

The book is a collection of narratives ranging from the Elder Days of Middle-earth to the end of the War of the Ring. It provides readers with a wealth of background and new stories from the twentieth century’s most acclaimed popular author.

The tales concentrate on the realm of Middle-earth and include elements such as Gandalf’s lively account of how he came to send the Dwarves to the celebrated party at Bag-End, the emergence of the sea-god Ulmo before the eyes of Tuor on the coast of Beleriand, and an exact description of the military organization of the Riders of Rohan.

Unfinished Tales also contains the only story about the long ages of Númenor before its downfall, as well as insights into the Five Wizards, the Palantiri, and the legend of Amroth.

The tales were collated and edited by J.R.R. Tolkien’s son and literary heir, Christopher Tolkien, who provides a short commentary on each story, helping readers to fill in the gaps and place each story into the context of the rest of his father’s writings.

The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories


by Angela Carter

Angela Carter was a storytelling sorceress, the literary godmother of Neil Gaiman, David Mitchell, Audrey Niffenegger, J. K. Rowling, Kelly Link, and other contemporary masters of supernatural fiction. In her masterpiece, The Bloody Chamber—which includes the story that is the basis of Neil Jordan’s 1984 movie The Company of Wolves—she spins subversively dark and sensual versions of familiar fairy tales and legends like “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Bluebeard,” “Puss in Boots,” and “Beauty and the Beast,” giving them exhilarating new life in a style steeped in the romantic trappings of the gothic tradition.

The Dragon and the George

Jim Eckert was a dragon. He hadn't planned it that way, but that's what happened when he set out to rescue his betrothed. Following her through an erratic astral-projection machine, Jim suddenly found himself in a cockeyed world - locked in the body of a talking dragon named Gorbash.

That wouldn't have been so bad if his beloved Angie were also a dragon. But in this magical land, that was not the case. Angie had somehow remained a very female human - or a george, as the dragons called any human. And Jim, no matter what anyone called him, was a dragon.

To make matters worse, Angie had been taken prisoner by an evil dragon and was held captive in the impenetrable Loathly Tower. So in this land where georges were edible and beasts were magical - where spells worked and logic didn't - Jim Eckert had a problem.

And he needed help, by george!

Jack of Shadows


by Roger Zelazny

The Earth no longer rotates. Science rules the dayside of the globe. Magic rules the World of Night, and Jack of Shadows, Shadowjack the Thief, who broke the Compact and duped the Lord of High Dudgeon, walks in silence and in shadows to seek vengeance upon his enemies.

Who are his foes? All who would despise him or love the Lord of Bats: Smage of the Jackass Ears, the Colonel Who Never Died, the Borshin, and Quazer, winner of the Hellgames and abductor of the voluptuous Evene. One by one, Shadowjack would seek them out and have his revenge, building his power as he goes.

And once his vengeance is obtained, he would come to terms with all others who are against him, he would unite the World of High Dudgeon, destroy the Land of Filth, and bring peace to the Shadowguard. But to accomplish all, Jack of Shadows must find Kolwynia, the Key That Was Lost...

Innocent Erendira and Other Stories

Innocent Erendira and Other Stories is a captivating collection of fiction by the acclaimed Gabriel García Márquez. This collection includes eleven short stories and a novella, Innocent Eréndira, where a young girl who dreams of freedom cannot escape the reach of her vicious and avaricious grandmother.

The stories are rich and startling in their matter, exhibiting a magical quality that is uniquely García Márquez's. His fictional universe is filled with myth and mystery, pathos and passion, blending imagination and reality seamlessly.

Readers will find characters of magic and truth, and will be drawn into a world where fatalism and possibility coexist, dreams redeem, and there is laughter even in death.

Cien años de soledad

Cien años de soledad es una obra clave en la literatura hispanoamericana, una magnífica creación del escritor colombiano Gabriel Garcíaa Márquez. Reconocida como una de las más importantes novelas del siglo XX, esta obra se considera un pilar del realismo mágico, un estilo literario que mezcla lo maravilloso con la realidad.

La novela se centra en la historia de la familia Buendía a lo largo de siete generaciones, en el pueblo ficticio de Macondo. Este relato épico abarca diversos temas como el amor, la muerte, la soledad, la riqueza, la guerra y la paz, creando un universo literario donde lo cotidiano y lo fantástico se entrelazan de manera natural y poética.

Con su poderosa narrativa y su rica imaginación, Gabriel García Márquez teje una historia que no solo cuenta la vida de los personajes, sino que también refleja la historia y el espíritu de toda una época y cultura.


Hopscotch is a novel by Julio Cortazar, translated by Gregory Rabassa, that revolutionized the narrative structure with its non-linear approach. The story follows Horacio Oliveira, an Argentinian writer living in Paris with his mistress, La Maga, amid a group of bohemian friends known as "the Club." After a series of personal tragedies, Oliveira returns to Buenos Aires, where his life takes a series of unexpected turns as he takes on various odd jobs.

The novel is famous for its unique structure, allowing readers to navigate through its chapters in a non-conventional order. This innovative layout mirrors the book’s thematic exploration of life's complexity and the search for meaning. Cortazar drew inspiration from a variety of sources, including Henry Miller's quest for truth, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki's Zen Buddhism teachings, and the aesthetics of Modernist writers like Joyce. Additionally, the novel reflects influences from Surrealism, the French New Novel, jazz music, and New Wave Cinema.

Gregory Rabassa's translation of Hopscotch won the National Book Award in 1966, marking a significant moment for the recognition of translation in literature. Cortazar's approval of Rabassa's work led to the translator's collaboration with Gabriel García Márquez on One Hundred Years of Solitude, further cementing Rabassa's reputation as a master translator.

Los recuerdos del porvenir


by Elena Garro

En 1963, cuatro años antes de la publicación de Cien años de soledad, apareció en México una novela singular, historia de amor sombría, misteriosa, que cambió el tono de la narrativa mexicana de tan profunda y sorprendente manera como Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo: Los recuerdos del porvenir.

La asombrosa novela de Elena Garro es gótica y barroca. Más que una crónica -que sí lo es, de la Revolución Mexicana y de la guerra de los Cristeros- es una nostalgia y una soledad, es la voz de un pueblo iluminado, hallado y perdido, que habla en una primera persona desesperanzada y triste.

Una familia y otra familia, más las amantes solitarias, el loco del pueblo, las cuscas, los soldados, las beatas, un cura y un sacristán, más un campanario y una joven endemoniada de amor por el general Francisco Rosas, constituyen los solistas, las parejas y las comparsas de esta bella, ebria y condenada Danza de la Muerte.



by Julio Cortázar

El amor turbulento de Oliveira y La Maga, los amigos del Club de la Serpiente, las caminatas por París en busca del cielo y el infierno, tienen su reverso en la aventura simétrica de Oliveira, Talita y Traveler en un Buenos Aires teñido por el recuerdo.

La aparición de Rayuela en 1963 fue una verdadera revolución dentro de la novelística en lengua castellana: por primera vez, un escritor llevaba hasta las últimas consecuencias la voluntad de transgredir el orden tradicional de una historia y el lenguaje para contarla.

El resultado es este libro único, abierto a multiples lecturas, lleno de humor, de riesgo y de una originalidad sin precedentes.

Prince Caspian


by C.S. Lewis

NARNIA... the land between the lamp-post and the castle of Cair Paravel, where animals talk, where magical things happen... and where the adventure begins.

Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are returning to boarding school when they are summoned from the dreary train station (by Susan's own magic horn) to return to the land of Narnia—the land where they had ruled as kings and queens and where their help is desperately needed.

Finn Family Moomintroll


by Tove Jansson

It is spring in the valley and the Moomins are ready for adventure! Moomintroll and his friends Snufkin and Sniff find the Hobgoblin's top hat, all shiny and new and just waiting to be taken home. They soon realize that this is no ordinary hat; it can turn anything—or anyone—into something else!

The Aleph and Other Stories

Full of philosophical puzzles and supernatural surprises, these stories contain some of Borges's most fully realized human characters. With uncanny insight, he takes us inside the minds of an unrepentant Nazi, an imprisoned Mayan priest, fanatical Christian theologians, a woman plotting vengeance on her father’s “killer,” and a man awaiting his assassin in a Buenos Aires guest house. This volume also contains the hauntingly brief vignettes about literary imagination and personal identity collected in The Maker, which Borges wrote as failing eyesight and public fame began to undermine his sense of self.



by Hermann Hesse

Steppenwolf is a poetical self-portrait of a man who felt himself to be half-human and half-wolf. This Faust-like and magical story is evidence of Hesse's searching philosophy and extraordinary sense of humanity as he tells of the humanization of a middle-aged misanthrope. Yet his novel can also be seen as a plea for rigorous self-examination and an indictment of the intellectual hypocrisy of the period.

Hermann Hesse himself remarked, "Of all my books Steppenwolf is the one that was more often and more violently misunderstood than any of the others."

鬼滅の刃 8 [Kimetsu no Yaiba 8]

眠り鬼・魘夢にヒノカミ神楽「碧羅の天」を放った炭治郎の戦いの顛末は!? さらに、炭治郎一行の下に現れたものの正体とは!? そしてついに炎柱・煉獄杏寿郎が動く。その強き者の口から語られる言葉の先に炭治郎が見たものとは!?

An Author's Odyssey

In the highly anticipated continuation of the Land of Stories series, Conner learns that the only place to fight the Masked Man's literary army is inside his own short stories!

When the twins and their friends enter worlds crafted from Conner's imagination, they find allies no one else could have ever dreamed of. The race begins to put an end to the Masked Man's reign of terror. Can the twins finally restore peace in the fairy tale world?

Fire of Stars and Dragons

A dragon's fire cannot be tamed.

In 22nd century sovereign America, women should be seen and not heard. Unfortunately, twenty-one-year-old Caitriona Hayden didn't get that memo!

Determined to make her way in the world following the death of her uncle, being "seen" is the least of Cait's problems.
Someone's trying to kill her.

Ordained to guard and protect her, when Theo Pendragon claims Cait as his ward, he finds more than he expects as the flames of passion ignite within the dragon for the first time. But Theo is not alone in his desire, and he must learn to fight for what he wants, even if it costs him his best friend.

Dante, a powerful demigod and beloved friend to Theo, has spent centuries pursuing intellectual endeavors rather than indulging in the heat of desire. But everything changes when Cait arouses an attraction he cannot deny. But Dante isn't the only one with a vested interest in Cait's future.

America's monarch, an ancient vampire named Corrin, puts no stock in the frivolity of love, and yet a proper queen would boost his approval rating amongst the people. Marrying Cait could hold the key to his survival.

Now, love, desire, and need force Cait into an impossible situation with dire consequences.
Soon, Cait goes from studying for college exams to fighting for a future she never knew she wanted with a man she never imagined she could love. But the key to her future is held in the one secret she has yet to uncover.

Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings

Although his work has been restricted to the short story, the essay, and poetry, Jorge Luis Borges of Argentina is recognized all over the world as one of the most original and significant figures in modern literature. In his preface, Andre Maurois writes: "Borges is a great writer who has composed only little essays or short narratives. Yet they suffice for us to call him great because of their wonderful intelligence, their wealth of invention, and their tight, almost mathematical style."

Labyrinths is a representative selection of Borges' writing, some forty pieces drawn from various books of his published over the years. The translations are by Harriet de Onis, Anthony Kerrigan, and others, including the editors, who have provided a biographical and critical introduction, as well as an extensive bibliography.

The Crossing of Ingo

No human has ever made the Crossing of Ingo - the most dangerous journey young Mer have to face. Sapphy and Conor have been chosen for this epic challenge, and the future of both Air and Ingo depends on their success. But Ervys, his followers and new recruits, the sharks, are determined to stop them - dead or alive...

The Faraway Tree Stories

Jo, Bessie, and Fanny move to the country and find an Enchanted Wood right on their doorstep. And in the wood stands the magic Faraway Tree, and in that tree live the magical characters that soon become their new friends - Moon-Face, Silky the fairy, and Saucepan Man.

Together they climb through the clouds to the top of the tree and discover the Land of Spells, The Land of Secrets, and the Land of Do-As-You-like. There are lots of magical adventures to read about in this bumper 3-in-1 edition.

The Highlander's Touch

A Warrior Of Immortal Powers

He was a mighty Scottish warrior who lived in a world bound by ancient laws and timeless magic. But no immortal powers could prepare the laird of Castle Brodie for the lovely, accursed lass who stood before him. A terrible trick of fate had sent her 700 years back in time and into his private chamber to tempt him with her beauty—and seduce him with a desire he could never fulfill. For this woman he burned to possess was also the woman he had foresworn to destroy.

A Woman Caught In The Mists Of Time

When Lisa felt the earth move under her feet, the fiercely independent 21st-century woman never dreamed she was falling...into another century. But the powerful, naked warrior who stood glaring down at her was only too real...and too dangerously arousing. Irresistibly handsome he might be, but Lisa had no intention of remaining in this savage land torn by treachery and war. How could she know that her seductive captor had other plans for her...plans that would save her from a tragic fate? Or that this man who had long ago forsaken love would defy time itself to claim her for his own...

The Missing

An Elvin baby has gone missing, a killer is on the loose, and lurking in the shadows, secret societies are looking for blood.

The Elder is on campaign and back in the glades of Olian, a great sorrow grips the community: the infant daughter of Higher Durasian Lightfire has suddenly gone missing, and the infamous Old Way falls under immediate suspicion.

Andarken Sourleaf and his shadowa are on the case, but while the Old Way remain faceless, none can be trusted, and murderous sprees have become a thing of beauty.

The Steward

Maggie O’Shea expected the worst when her family relocated from the lively beaches of Boca Raton to the secluded forests of the Ozark Mountains. What she didn’t expect was a new beginning – one full of Fae, magical powers, dangerous physical and mental trials, and two surprisingly gorgeous young men. These aren’t the fairies you’re familiar with, but dangerous superpowers embroiled in an enduring struggle among themselves over the fate of all humanity. Some want to protect us, and others would love nothing more than to see us, and especially fifteen-year-old Maggie, dead and buried.

Now, torn between her new duties as Steward of the most sacred Fae land and her burgeoning love for Gavin, a powerful Fae, Maggie must fight to protect her family, her friends, herself, and the fate of the entire world.

Join Maggie as she learns that fairy lore is not as far from the truth as she had believed, but neither is it anything like the tales in books or movies. As she navigates the treacherous schemes of the magical Fae, Maggie must become a quick study if she hopes to protect the lives of many, and possibly all, people from the insidious plot the Unseelie Fae have planned for centuries.

The Wandering Inn

The Wandering Inn is a captivating tale that transports readers to a world of magic and mystery. Follow the adventures of an innkeeper who finds herself in a fantastical realm filled with colorful characters, mythical creatures, and epic quests.

As she navigates this new world, she discovers her own hidden potentials and the true meaning of courage and friendship. With every chapter, you'll find yourself drawn deeper into the enchanting universe of The Wandering Inn.

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