On the eve of graduating from her posh New England academy, seventeen-year-old Halsey Rookmaaker receives a disturbing package in the mail, from Rome, Italy. She drops everything—her school, her friends, her future—and sets off, to find the only one who can help her get to the bottom of her past, and to the secrets of what happened to her parents.
Kinsey and Maximilian Rookmaaker were two powerful magical beings... until somebody killed them. Now Halsey wants to know why.
With her is Ballard, an attractive teenage boy with problems of his own. Together, they must decipher an ancient magic text and prevent an evil necromancer from taking over the world.
Life is never easy when you're an unfledged teenage witch. In Volume One of The Diaries, Halsey Rookmaaker must come face to face with her past and with a dark stranger, who may be out for her blood.
What is Un Lun Dun? It is London through the looking glass, an urban Wonderland of strange delights where all the lost and broken things of London end up... and some of its lost and broken people, too—including Brokkenbroll, boss of the broken umbrellas; Obaday Fing, a tailor whose head is an enormous pin-cushion, and an empty milk carton called Curdle.
Un Lun Dun is a place where words are alive, a jungle lurks behind the door of an ordinary house, carnivorous giraffes stalk the streets, and a dark cloud dreams of burning the world. It is a city awaiting its hero, whose coming was prophesied long ago, set down for all time in the pages of a talking book.
When twelve-year-old Zanna and her friend Deeba find a secret entrance leading out of London and into this strange city, it seems that the ancient prophecy is coming true at last. But then things begin to go shockingly wrong.
Over and again, the aged seeress Tamis scried all the possible tomorrows. In every one, dark forces threatened Greece; terrible evil was poised to reenter the world. The future held only one hope: a half-caste Spartan boy, Parmenion. So Tamis made it her mission to see that Parmenion would become the deadliest warrior in the world — no matter what the cost.
Raised to manhood in Sparta, bullied and forced to fight for his life every day, Parmenion had no notion of the unseen dimensions of magic and mystery that shaped his fate. He grew in strength and cunning. His military genius earned him the title Strategos in Sparta. His triumphs for the city of Thebes made him a hero. And finally, his fate led him to the service of Philip of Macedon.
As Tamis had foreseen, Parmenion's destiny was tied to the Dark God, to Philip, and to the yet-unborn Alexander. All too soon, the future was upon them. Parmenion stood poised to defeat evil — or to open the gate for the Dark God to reenter the world.