Watership Down is a compelling tale of adventure, courage, and survival that follows a band of very special creatures. This classic novel, set in England's idyllic rural landscape, begins with a group of rabbits fleeing the intrusion of man and the destruction of their home. Led by a stouthearted pair of friends, the rabbits embark on a journey from their native Sandleford Warren, facing harrowing trials posed by predators and adversaries.
As they navigate these challenges, they seek a mysterious promised land and a more perfect society. The story of their flight towards hope and the bonds they form along the way has captivated readers for decades, making Watership Down not only a beloved novel but also a timeless classic that continues to inspire.
Twenty-five years ago, a volume of memoirs by an unknown Scottish veterinarian was first published--All Creatures Great and Small. Within a year, the book had become recognized as a masterpiece. It went on to sell millions of copies and began the marvelous series of books, beloved of readers all over the world, which have so far sold over 20 million copies in English alone. Here, for the first time, the first two books in this series are being published together.
These pages, now as then, are full of humor, warmth, pathos, drama, and James Herriot's unique and richly justified love of life. His journeys across the Yorkshire dales, his encounters with humans and dogs, cows and kittens, are illuminated by his infinite fascination and affection, and rendered with all the infectious joy of a born storyteller.
Whether struggling mightily to position a calf for birthing, or comforting a lonely old man whose beloved dog and only companion has died, Herriot's heartwarming and often hilarious stories perfectly depict the wonderful relationship between man and animal. His wonderful stories make us laugh and cry, as we marvel at the everyday miracles he creates.
As long ago as forever and as far away as Selidor, there lived the dragonlord and Archmage, Sparrowhawk, the greatest of the great wizards - he who, when still a youth, met with the evil shadow-beast; he who later brought back the Ring of Erreth-Akbe from the Tombs of Atuan; and he who, as an old man, rode the mighty dragon Kalessin back from the land of the dead. And then, the legends say, Sparrowhawk entered his boat, Lookfar, turned his back on land, and without wind or sail or oar moved westward over the sea and out of sight.
Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore - Ursula Le Guin's brilliant and magical trilogy.
Originally titled Children's and Household Tales, The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales contains the essential bedtime stories for children worldwide for the better part of two centuries. The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, were German linguists and cultural researchers who gathered legendary folklore and aimed to collect the stories exactly as they heard them.
2012 marked the 200th anniversary of Grimm's Fairy Tales, and to celebrate, all 211 stories were included in this collection. Featuring all your favorite classics, including "Hansel and Gretel," "Cinderella," "The Frog Prince," "Rapunzel," "Snow White," and "Rumpelstiltskin," among dozens more, this book is a must-have for any personal library collection.
In addition to the beloved tales, this edition is also accompanied by 40 color plates and 60 black and white illustrations from award-winning English illustrator Arthur Rackham, whose books and prints are now highly sought-after collectibles. A selection of stunning color reproductions by the famous illustrator, Arthur Rackham, further enhances the reading experience.
The Earth no longer rotates. Science rules the dayside of the globe. Magic rules the World of Night, and Jack of Shadows, Shadowjack the Thief, who broke the Compact and duped the Lord of High Dudgeon, walks in silence and in shadows to seek vengeance upon his enemies.
Who are his foes? All who would despise him or love the Lord of Bats: Smage of the Jackass Ears, the Colonel Who Never Died, the Borshin, and Quazer, winner of the Hellgames and abductor of the voluptuous Evene. One by one, Shadowjack would seek them out and have his revenge, building his power as he goes.
And once his vengeance is obtained, he would come to terms with all others who are against him, he would unite the World of High Dudgeon, destroy the Land of Filth, and bring peace to the Shadowguard. But to accomplish all, Jack of Shadows must find Kolwynia, the Key That Was Lost...
"Der Richter und sein Henker" ist einer seiner berühmtesten Romane - die Geschichte eines Mordes. Mit den reißerischen Mitteln einer Detektivstory erzählt er die Aufklärung einer Gewalttat an einem Polizeileutnant, den letzten Fall des totkranken Komissars Bärlach - die Geschichte einer hintergründigen Pointe.
Auf einer Landstrasse im Seeland wird Polizeileutnant Schmied von der Stadtpolizei Bern ermordet in seinem Wagen aufgefunden. Sein Vorgesetzter, Kommissar Bärlach, übernimmt den Fall. Unterstützt wird er bei den Untersuchungen vom jungen, ehrgeizigen Tschanz. Erste Spuren führen nach Lamboing zu einem Mann namens Gastmann. Wie sich herausstellt, hatte Schmied unter dem falschen Namen Doktor Prantl eine Party bei Gastmann besucht und wurde auf dem Rückweg nach Bern getötet.
The Revised Standard Version is the English translation of the Christian biblical canon, composed of the Old and New Testaments. This revision is based on the 1901 American Standard Version, and attempts to provide an accessible and literal English translation.
Innocent Erendira and Other Stories is a captivating collection of fiction by the acclaimed Gabriel García Márquez. This collection includes eleven short stories and a novella, Innocent Eréndira, where a young girl who dreams of freedom cannot escape the reach of her vicious and avaricious grandmother.
The stories are rich and startling in their matter, exhibiting a magical quality that is uniquely García Márquez's. His fictional universe is filled with myth and mystery, pathos and passion, blending imagination and reality seamlessly.
Readers will find characters of magic and truth, and will be drawn into a world where fatalism and possibility coexist, dreams redeem, and there is laughter even in death.
This unusual fictional memoir - in good part autobiographical - narrates without self-pity and often with humor the adventures of a penniless British writer among the down-and-outs of two great cities. The Parisian episode is fascinating for its expose of the kitchens of posh French restaurants, where the narrator works at the bottom of the culinary echelon as dishwasher, or plongeur. In London, while waiting for a job, he experiences the world of tramps, street people, and free lodging houses. In the tales of both cities we learn some sobering Orwellian truths about poverty and of society.
Qu'une vieille mule comme Amédée Fleurissoire rencontre des escrocs, et le voilà en route pour Rome, persuadé d'aller sauver le pape. À ce jeu de dupes, il n'a pas grand chose à perdre sinon quelques illusions et beaucoup d'argent.
Qu'un jeune arriviste comme Lafcadio décide de se faire passer pour le fils naturel d'un grand auteur et le voilà maître à chanter. À ce jeu de dupes, il a tout à gagner. Mais que ces deux destins se croisent à bord d'un vieux train et tout bascule : que se passerait-il si Lafcadio poussait cet inconnu hors du train, comme ça, gratuitement, un crime pour rien ?
Ça n'aurait aucun sens, mais c'est justement pour ça que ce serait grisant : la liberté dans l'acte gratuit... Les mécanismes de la pensée, les rouages de la décision, la teneur de notre liberté : autant d'aspects de la nature humaine qui fascinent Gide, et qu'il traque dans toute son oeuvre, flirtant avec les frontières de l'absurde, non sans humour, mais toujours avec style et raffinement.
Mrs. Frisby, a widowed mouse with four small children, must move her family to their summer quarters immediately, or face almost certain death. But her youngest son, Timothy, lies ill with pneumonia and must not be moved. Fortunately, she encounters the rats of NIMH, an extraordinary breed of highly intelligent creatures, who come up with a brilliant solution to her dilemma.
The cult classic that can still change your life... Let the dice decide! This is the philosophy that changes the life of bored psychiatrist Luke Rhinehart - and in some ways changes the world as well.
Because once you hand over your life to the dice, anything can happen. Entertaining, humorous, scary, shocking, subversive, The Dice Man is one of the cult bestsellers of our time.
The Four Loves summarizes four kinds of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God. Masterful without being magisterial, this book offers wise, gentle, candid reflections on the virtues and dangers of love, drawing on sources from Jane Austen to St. Augustine.
The chapter on charity (love of God) may be the best thing Lewis ever wrote about Christianity. Consider his reflection on Augustine's teaching that one must love only God, because only God is eternal, and all earthly love will someday pass away. He questions, "Who could conceivably begin to love God on such a prudential ground—because the security (so to speak) is better?"
His description of Christianity here is no less forceful and opinionated than in Mere Christianity or The Problem of Pain, but it is far less anxious about its reader's response—and therefore more persuasive than any of his apologetics. When he begins to describe the nature of faith, Lewis writes: "Take it as one man's reverie, almost one man's myth. If anything in it is useful to you, use it; if anything is not, never give it a second thought."
Celebrate Earth Day with Dr. Seuss and the Lorax in this classic picture book about sustainability and protecting the environment! I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. Dr. Seuss's beloved story teaches kids to treat the planet with kindness and stand up and speak up for others. Experience the beauty of the Truffula Trees and the danger of taking our earth for granted in a story that is timely, playful, and hopeful.
The book's final pages teach us that just one small seed, or one small child, can make a difference. Printed on recycled paper, this book is the perfect gift for Earth Day and for any child—or child at heart—who is interested in recycling, advocacy, and the environment, or just loves nature and playing outside.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Our Mutual Friend is a satiric masterpiece about the allure and peril of money, revolving around the inheritance of a dust-heap where the rich discard their trash. When the body of John Harmon, the dust-heap’s expected heir, is found in the Thames, fortunes change hands in unexpected ways, elevating "Noddy" Boffin from a low-born but kindly clerk to "the Golden Dustman."
As Charles Dickens’s last complete novel, Our Mutual Friend delves into the great themes of his earlier works: the pretensions of the nouveaux riches, the ingenuousness of the aspiring poor, and the unfailing power of wealth to corrupt all who crave it. With a flavorful cast of characters and numerous subplots, it stands as one of Dickens’s most complex—and satisfying—novels.
Four decades after it first terrified the world, William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist is back! An extraordinary classic work of horror and dark paranormal suspense. In this stunning 40th Anniversary Edition, a desperate mother and two priests fight to free the soul of a little girl from a supernatural entity of pure malevolence.
The novel was inspired by a 1949 case of demonic possession and exorcism that Blatty heard about while he was a student in the class of 1950 at Georgetown University. As a result, the novel takes place in Washington, D.C., near the campus of Georgetown University.
Death on the Installment Plan is the compelling story of young Ferdinand's first 18 years. His life unfolds amidst the grinding struggle of small shopkeepers to survive, filled with childhood sensations and fantasies that are lusty, scatological, violent, yet also imbued with poetry.
Ferdinand battles with his ineffectual insurance clerk father and his mother, who whines around the junkshop she runs for his benefit. He briefly attends the superbly funny Meanwell College in England, a Dickensian nightmare institution.
Humiliation, failure, and boredom are constants until Ferdinand teams up with the "scientist" des Pereires—an inventor, con-man, incorrigible optimist—whose last project is to grow enormous potatoes by electricity. Des Pereires proves to be one of the most lovable charlatans in French literature.
This novel mixes unmitigated despair with Gargantuan comedy, creating a style where invective and obscenity are laced with unforgettable poetry. Céline's influence has revolutionized the contemporary approach to fiction, making this work a forerunner of today’s "black comedy."
Wallace Stegner's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is a story of discovery—personal, historical, and geographical. Confined to a wheelchair, retired historian Lyman Ward sets out to write his grandparents' remarkable story, chronicling their days spent carving civilization into the surface of America's western frontier. But his research reveals even more about his own life than he's willing to admit. What emerges is an enthralling portrait of four generations in the life of an American family.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is an epic poem penned by an anonymous 14th-century poet, celebrated for its equal stature with Chaucer's masterworks and the renowned Old English poems, including Beowulf.
This timeless tale weaves a narrative rich in chivalry, adventure, and mystery. It follows the noble Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, as he embarks on a daring quest to confront the enigmatic Green Knight. With themes of honor, bravery, and the testing of one's character, this story has captivated readers for centuries.
This edition features a Preface by Raffel and a fresh Introduction, offering insights into this classic reissue.
The artefact is a circular ribbon of matter six hundred million miles long and ninety million miles in radius. Pierson's puppeteers, the aliens who discovered it, are understandably wary of encountering the builders of such an immense structure and have assembled a team of two humans, a mad puppeteer and a kzin, a huge cat-like alien, to explore it. But a crash landing on the vast edifice forces the crew on a desperate and dangerous trek across the Ringworld.
Greeneland has been described often as a land bleak and severe. A whisky priest dies in one village, a self-hunted man lives with lepers in another. But Greeneland has its summer regions, and in the sunlight everything looks a bit different.
Here Aunt Augusta travels with her black lover, Wordsworth, Curran, the founder of a doggie's church, the CIA, a man obsessed by statistics and his hippie daughter; and old Mr. Visconti, who has been wanted by Interpol for twenty years.
Henry Pulling, a retired bank manager, unexpectedly caught up with them, describes their activities at first with shock and bewilderment and finally with the tenderness of a fellow traveler going their way.
Handsome, ambitious Julien Sorel is determined to rise above his humble provincial origins. Soon realizing that success can only be achieved by adopting the subtle code of hypocrisy by which society operates, he begins to achieve advancement through deceit and self-interest. His triumphant career takes him into the heart of glamorous Parisian society, along the way conquering the gentle, married Madame de Rênal, and the haughty Mathilde. But then Julien commits an unexpected, devastating crime—and brings about his own downfall.
The Red and the Black is a lively, satirical portrayal of French society after Waterloo, riddled with corruption, greed and ennui, and Julien—the cold exploiter whose Machiavellian campaign is undercut by his own emotions—is one of the most intriguing characters in European literature.
Archy and Mehitabel is the now classic tale of Archy, a philosophical cockroach, and Mehitabel, a cat in her ninth life. First published in 1927, this free verse poem has become an essential part of American literature.
Generations of readers have delighted in the work of the great American humorist Don Marquis. Marquis's satirical free-verse poems, which first appeared in his New York newspaper columns in 1916, revolve around the escapades of Archy, a philosophical cockroach who was a poet in a previous life, and Mehitabel, a streetwise alley cat who was once Cleopatra.
Reincarnated as the lowest creatures on the social scale, they prowl the rowdy streets of New York City in between the world wars, and Archy records their experiences and observations on the boss's typewriter late at night.
First published in 1927, Archy and Mehitabel has become a celebrated part of the twentieth-century American literary canon.
After years of study in Europe, the young narrator of Season of Migration to the North returns to his village along the Nile in the Sudan. It is the 1960s, and he is eager to make a contribution to the new postcolonial life of his country. Back home, he discovers a stranger among the familiar faces of childhood—the enigmatic Mustafa Sa’eed.
Mustafa takes the young man into his confidence, telling him the story of his own years in London, of his brilliant career as an economist, and of the series of fraught and deadly relationships with European women that led to a terrible public reckoning and his return to his native land.
But what is the meaning of Mustafa’s shocking confession? Mustafa disappears without explanation, leaving the young man—whom he has asked to look after his wife—in an unsettled and violent no-man’s-land between Europe and Africa, tradition and innovation, holiness and defilement, and man and woman, from which no one will escape unaltered or unharmed.
Season of Migration to the North is a rich and sensual work of deep honesty and incandescent lyricism. In 2001 it was selected by a panel of Arab writers and critics as the most important Arab novel of the twentieth century.
Welcome to the Monkey House is a collection of Kurt Vonnegut’s shorter works. Originally printed in publications as diverse as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and The Atlantic Monthly, these superb stories share Vonnegut’s audacious sense of humor and extraordinary range of creative vision.
Includes the following stories:
The Satanic Bible was first published by Anton LaVey in 1969. It is a collection of essays, observations, and rituals that outlines LaVey's Satanic ideology. The book contains the core principles of the Church of Satan and is considered the foundation of the philosophy and dogma that constitute LaVeyan Satanism.
Far from a manual for conquering the realms of earth, air, fire, and water, The Satanic Bible is LaVey's manifesto of a new religion, separate from the traditional Judeo-Christian definitions of Satanism. While LaVey rails against the deceit of the Christian church and white magicians, he weaves his own philosophy centered around self-indulgence.
The book claims the heritage of various ancient deities categorized by Christianity as "evil," and attempts to shatter the classical depiction of Satanism as a cult of black mass and child sacrifice. Instead, it presents a surprisingly logical argument in favor of a life focused on self-indulgence.
Ultimately, The Satanic Bible is less of a "bible" and more of a philosophy, with rituals included for entertainment, forming the backbone of a religion that LaVey brought into the public eye as a legitimate belief system.
By one of the most profoundly influential thinkers of our century, The Rebel is a classic essay on revolution. For Albert Camus, the urge to revolt is one of the essential dimensions of human nature, manifested in man's timeless Promethean struggle against the conditions of his existence, as well as the popular uprisings against established orders throughout history.
And yet, with an eye toward the French Revolution and its regicides and deicides, he shows how inevitably the course of revolution leads to tyranny. As old regimes throughout the world collapse, The Rebel resonates as an ardent, eloquent, and supremely rational voice of conscience for our tumultuous times.
Translated from the French by Anthony Bower.
Considerada una obra maestra, esta novela supuso el reconocimiento de Simin Daneshvar como una autora indispensable de la moderna literatura persa. Reeditada en numerosas ocasiones, Suvashun fue una novela valiente, la primera escrita por una mujer iraní y narrada por su protagonista femenina. Ambientada en el Irán de la Segunda Guerra Mundial durante la ocupación de los Aliados, la historia está narrada por Zahra, una joven ama de casa que es testigo de los acontecimientos.
El amor que siente por su marido, sus tres hijos, su casa y su jardín, a los que considera su país, y la educación en el colegio de los misioneros ingleses han hecho de ella una mujer culta pero sumisa, tolerante ante las injusticias que ve a su alrededor, una actitud que choca frontalmente con la personalidad de su marido, Yusef, que se rebela frente a los invasores, como el mítico héroe persa Suvashun.
Dick Young is lent a house in Cornwall by his friend Professor Magnus Lane. During his stay, he agrees to serve as a guinea pig for a new drug that Magnus has discovered in his scientific research. When Dick samples Magnus's potion, he finds himself doing the impossible: traveling through time while staying in place, thrown all the way back into Medieval Cornwall.
The concoction wears off after several hours, but its effects are intoxicating, and Dick cannot resist his newfound powers. As his journeys increase, Dick begins to resent the days he must spend in the modern world, longing ever more fervently to get back into his world of centuries before, and the home of the beautiful Lady Isolda.
George Bowling, the hero of Orwell's comic novel, is a middle-aged insurance salesman who lives in an average English suburban row house with a wife and two children. One day, after winning some money from a bet, he goes back to the village where he grew up, to fish for carp in a pool he remembers from thirty years before.
The pool, alas, is gone, the village has changed beyond recognition, and the principal event of his holiday is an accidental bombing by the RAF.
Another Country is a novel of passions--sexual, racial, political, artistic--that is stunning for its emotional intensity and haunting sensuality, depicting men and women, blacks and whites, stripped of their masks of gender and race by love and hatred at the most elemental and sublime. In a small set of friends, Baldwin imbues the best and worst intentions of liberal America in the early 1970s.
Set in Greenwich Village, Harlem, and France, among other locales, this book delves deep into the personal and societal struggles of the era, making it a timeless exploration of human connections and the forces that challenge them.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is the timeless story of a small, but very ravenous caterpillar who embarks on a journey through an array of delicious foods. Eric Carle's charming tale has touched the hearts of generations, becoming an essential part of a child's literary experience.
One sunny Sunday, the caterpillar comes to life from a tiny egg. He's incredibly hungry, and as the week unfolds, he munches his way through apples, plums, and an assortment of foods. Each day brings a new feast, satisfying his insatiable appetite, until he's finally full. Then, he wraps himself in a cocoon and falls asleep, only to emerge later as a beautiful butterfly.
The book is not only a delight to read but also serves as a gentle introduction to the wonders of nature, specifically the process of metamorphosis. Eric Carle's innovative illustrations and design have made this book a cherished classic, inviting readers to share in the caterpillar's journey again and again.
Sentimental Education is based on Gustave Flaubert’s own youthful passion for an older woman and is described by the author as "the moral history of the men of my generation." It follows the amorous adventures of Frederic Moreau, a law student who, upon returning home to Normandy from Paris, notices Mme Arnoux, a slender, dark woman several years older than himself. This marks the beginning of an infatuation that will last a lifetime.
Frederic befriends her husband, an influential businessman, and as their paths cross and re-cross over the years, Mme Arnoux remains the constant, unattainable love of Moreau’s life. Blending love story, historical authenticity, and satire, Sentimental Education is one of the great French novels of the nineteenth century.
Vanity Fair is William Makepeace Thackeray's classic tale of class, society, and corruption. No one is better equipped in the struggle for wealth and worldly success than the alluring and ruthless Becky Sharp, who defies her impoverished background to clamber up the class ladder. Her sentimental companion Amelia, however, longs only for caddish soldier George.
As the two heroines make their way through the tawdry glamour of Regency society, battles—military and domestic—are fought, fortunes made and lost. The one steadfast and honourable figure in this corrupt world is Dobbin with his devotion to Amelia, bringing pathos and depth to Thackeray's gloriously satirical epic of love and social adventure.
Nausea is the story of Antoine Roquentin, a French writer who is horrified at his own existence. In impressionistic, diary form he ruthlessly catalogues his every feeling and sensation about the world and people around him. His thoughts culminate in a pervasive, overpowering feeling of nausea which "spread at the bottom of the viscous puddle, at the bottom of our time, the time of purple suspenders and broken chair seats; it is made of wide, soft instants, spreading at the edge, like an oil stain."
Roquentin's efforts to try and come to terms with his life, his philosophical and psychological struggles, give Sartre the opportunity to dramatize the tenets of his Existentialist creed.
Coward, scoundrel, lover, and cheat, but there is no better man to go into the jungle with. Join Flashman in his adventures as he survives fearful ordeals and outlandish perils across the four corners of the world.
Can a man be all bad? When Harry Flashman’s adventures as the reluctant secret agent in Afghanistan lead him to join the exclusive company of Lord Cardigan’s Hussars and play a part in the disastrous Retreat from Kabul, it culminates in the rascal’s finest – and most dishonest – turn.
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin is a groundbreaking work of science fiction that explores the story of a lone human emissary to Winter, an alien world whose inhabitants spend most of their time without a gender. His goal is to facilitate Winter's inclusion in a growing intergalactic civilization. However, to achieve this, he must bridge the gulf between his own views and those of the completely dissimilar culture he encounters.
Embracing aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion on an alien world, The Left Hand of Darkness is celebrated as a landmark achievement in the annals of intellectual science fiction. The novel delves into complex themes involving gender and sexuality, challenging readers' perceptions of human nature and societal constructs. It is not only an adventure story but also a profound thought experiment that invites contemplation about the fluidity of gender and the potential for understanding amidst cultural differences.
During his earthly ministry, Jesus performed many miracles, including healing numerous diseased and disabled bodies. But perhaps his greatest miracle was the healing of people's souls, - the forgiveness of sin. Jesus offers us that same miracle on the same terms- sincere repentance.
In The Miracle of Forgiveness, President Spencer W Kimball gives a penetrating explanation of repentance and forgiveness and clarifies their implications for Church members. His in-depth approach shows that the need for forgiveness is universal; portrays the various facets of repentance, and emphasizes some of the more serious errors, particularly sexual ones, which afflict both modern society and Church members. Most important, he illuminates his message with the brightness of hope that even those who have gone grievously astray may find the way back to peace and security. Never before has any book brought this vital and moving subject into so sharp a focus. This classic book is a major work of substance and power. After, all who does not need the miracle of forgiveness.
First published in 1949, A Sand County Almanac combines some of the finest nature writing since Thoreau with an outspoken and highly ethical regard for America's relationship to the land.
Written with an unparalleled understanding of the ways of nature, the book includes a section on the monthly changes of the Wisconsin countryside; another part gathers informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled through the woodlands of Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, Sonora, Oregon, Manitoba, and elsewhere.
In a final section, Leopold addresses the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation. As the forerunner of such important books as Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Edward Abbey's Desert Solitaire, and Robert Finch's The Primal Place, this classic work remains as relevant today as it was when first published.
A man of knowledge is free... he has no honor, no dignity, no family, no home, no country, but only life to be lived. --don Juan
In 1961, a young anthropologist embarked on an extraordinary apprenticeship to bring back a fascinating glimpse of a Yaqui Indian's world of "non-ordinary reality" and the difficult and dangerous road a man must travel to become "a man of knowledge." Yet on the brink of that world, challenging to all that we believe, he drew back.
Then in 1968, Carlos Castaneda returned to Mexico, to don Juan and his hallucinogenic drugs, and to a world of experience no man from our Western civilization had ever entered before.
Tokyo, 1912. The closed world of the ancient aristocracy is being breached for the first time by outsiders - rich provincial families, a new and powerful political and social elite.
Kiyoaki has been raised among the elegant Ayakura family - members of the waning aristocracy - but he is not one of them. Coming of age, he is caught up in the tensions between the old and the new, and his feelings for the exquisite, spirited Satoko, observed from the sidelines by his devoted friend Honda.
When Satoko is engaged to a royal prince, Kiyoaki realises the magnitude of his passion.
The story of a remarkable spiritual journey, the first awesome steps on the road to becoming a man of knowledge, the road that continues with A Separate Reality and Journey To Ixtlan. Includes The Teachings and A Structural Analysis.
من هذا الطفل الذي يناديه الجميع بالشيطان الصغير ويصفونه بقط المزاريب؟ وأي طفل هذا الذي يحمل في قلبه عصفورا يغني؟ "شجرتي شجرة البرتقال الرائعة" للكاتب خوسيه ماورو دي فاسكونسيلوس عمل يدرس في المدارس البرازيلية وينصح الأساتذة في المعاهد الفرنسية طلبتهم بقراءته... إنه عمل مؤثر وإنساني على لسان شاعر طفل لم يتجاوز عمره خمس سنوات... عمل لا يروي حكاية خرافية ولا أحلام الصغار في البرازيل فحسب، بل يروي مغامرات الكاتب في طفولته، مغامرات الطفل الذي تعلم القراءة في سن الرابعة دون معلم، الطفل الذي يحمل في قلبه عصفورا وفي رأسه شيطانا يهمس له بأفكار توقعه في المتاعب مع الكبار... هذه رواية عذبة عذوبة نسغ ثمرة برتقال حلوة... رواية إنسانية تصف البراءة التي يمكن لقلب طفل أن يحملها، وتعرفنا إلى روح الشاعر الفطرية... حكاية طفل يحمل دماء سكان البرازيل الأصليين، طفل يسرق كل صباح من حديقة أحد الأثرياء زهرة لأجل معلمته... وهو يتساءل بمنتهى البراءة: ألم يمنح الله الزهور لكل الناس؟
En créant le personnage de Zénon, alchimiste et médecin du XVIe siècle, Marguerite Yourcenar, l'auteure des Mémoires d'Hadrien, ne raconte pas seulement le destin tragique d'un homme extraordinaire. C'est toute une époque qui revit dans son infinie richesse, comme aussi dans son âcre et brutale réalité. Un monde contrasté où s'affrontent le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, et où pointent déjà les temps modernes.
Un monde dont Zénon est issu, mais dont peu à peu cet homme libre se dégage, et qui pour cette raison même finira par le broyer.
2001: A Space Odyssey is a classic work of science fiction that remains an influential part of the genre fifty years after its original publication. The story begins with the discovery of a black monolith on the moon, an event that leads humanity to send a manned expedition deep into the solar system in hopes of establishing contact with an alien intelligence. As the crew embarks on their momentous journey, they encounter unforeseen and inexplicable disasters.
Arthur C. Clarke's novel is not only compelling and prophetic but also addresses the perennial question of mankind's place in the universe. With Clarke's extensive knowledge of physics and astronomy, the narrative is both scientifically informed and richly imaginative, offering readers a gripping adventure that extends to the very limits of time and space.
Have you ever dreamed of being locked in a department store at night? The endearing story of Corduroy paints a picture of the adventures that might unfold (for a teddy bear at least) in such a situation.
When all the shoppers have gone home for the night, Corduroy climbs down from the shelf to look for his missing button. It's a brave new world! He accidentally gets on an elevator that he thinks must be a mountain and sees the furniture section that he thinks must be a palace.
He tries to pull a button off the mattress, but he ends up falling off the bed and knocking over a lamp. The night watchman hears the crash, finds Corduroy, and puts him back on the shelf downstairs.
The next morning, he finds that it's his lucky day! A little girl buys him with money she saved in her piggy bank and takes him home to her room. Corduroy decides that this must be home and that Lisa must be his friend.
Youngsters will never get tired of this toy-comes-alive tale with a happy ending.
Gipsy's Acre was a truly beautiful upland site with views out to sea – and in Michael Rogers, it stirred a child-like fantasy. There, amongst the dark fir trees, he planned to build a house, find a girl, and live happily ever after. Yet, as he left the village, a shadow of menace hung over the land. This was the place where accidents happened.
Perhaps Michael should have heeded the locals’ warnings: 'There’s no luck for them as meddles with Gipsy’s Acre.' Michael Rogers is a man who is about to learn the true meaning of the old saying 'In my end is my beginning.'
The title Endless Night was taken from William Blake’s Auguries of Innocence and describes Christie’s favorite theme in the novel: a “twisted” character, who always chooses evil over good.
Dedicated as few men have been to the life of reason, Bertrand Russell has always been concerned with the basic questions to which religion also addresses itself—questions about man's place in the universe and the nature of the good life, questions that involve life after death, morality, freedom, education, and sexual ethics.
He brings to his treatment of these questions the same courage, scrupulous logic, and lofty wisdom for which his other work as philosopher, writer, and teacher has been famous. These qualities make the essays included in this book perhaps the most graceful and moving presentation of the freethinker's position since the days of Hume and Voltaire.
"I am as firmly convinced that religions do harm as I am that they are untrue," Russell declares in his Preface, and his reasoned opposition to any system or dogma which he feels may shackle man's mind runs through all the essays in this book, whether they were written as early as 1899 or as late as 1954.
The book has been edited, with Lord Russell's full approval and cooperation, by Professor Paul Edwards of the Philosophy Department of New York University. In an Appendix, Professor Edwards contributes a full account of the highly controversial "Bertrand Russell Case" of 1940, in which Russell was judicially declared "unfit" to teach philosophy at the College of the City of New York.
Whether the reader shares or rejects Bertrand Russell's views, he will find this book an invigorating challenge to set notions, a masterly statement of a philosophical position, and a pure joy to read.