Displaying 15 books

One-Punch Man, Vol. 12: The Strong Ones


by ONE, Yusuke Murata

Life gets pretty boring when you can defeat any opponent with a single punch. Saitama, an average-looking guy with an unimpressive physique and a bald head, faces a unique problem—he's too strong. Finding a worthy challenger seems impossible, leaving him feeling empty and unfulfilled.

During a martial arts tournament, the formidable Suiryu of the Dark Body Art displays his remarkable strength, catching everyone's attention. Meanwhile, outside the venue, an onslaught of monsters is pushing the heroes to their limits, including Genos. Inside the stadium, Saitama, oblivious to the chaos, is set to face Bakuzan in his match.

Becoming a Category of One


by Joe Calloway

Learn how extraordinary companies do what they do so well, and obtain the tools and ideas you need to emulate them. Full of case studies and personal reflections by leaders of exceptional companies, Becoming a Category of One is designed to help anyone transform their run-of-the-mill business into an extraordinary company–whether you operate a multinational corporation or a mom-and-pop shop.

Joe Calloway doesn't offer any mumbo-jumbo or flavor-of-the-day buzzwords, just simple lessons that lead to real, proven results.

The Man in the High Castle


by Philip K. Dick

The Man in the High Castle is an alternate history novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. Published and set in 1962, the novel takes place fifteen years after an alternative ending to World War II, and concerns intrigues between the victorious Axis Powers—primarily, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany—as they rule over the former United States, as well as daily life under the resulting totalitarian rule.

The novel features a "novel within the novel" comprising an alternate history within this alternate history wherein the Allies defeat the Axis (though in a manner distinct from the actual historical outcome).



by E.K. Johnston

Fans have long wondered what happened to Ahsoka after she left the Jedi Order near the end of the Clone Wars, and before she re-appeared as the mysterious Rebel operative Fulcrum in Rebels. Finally, her story will begin to be told.

Following her experiences with the Jedi and the devastation of Order 66, Ahsoka is unsure she can be part of a larger whole ever again. But her desire to fight the evils of the Empire and protect those who need it will lead her right to Bail Organa, and the Rebel Alliance….

El problema de los tres cuerpos

Los nueve textos reunidos en El problema de los tres cuerpos muestran la fuerza narrativa de su autora, quien fue distinguida con el Premio Nacional de Cuento Joven Comala 2016. En estas páginas, la fluidez de la prosa va de la mano con la aspereza de los temas, y la crudeza de las situaciones se alía con el sentido del humor.

El libro evoca un equilibrio enrarecido, que a cada momento está a punto de romperse. El desbordamiento es el punto de partida de sus historias. Sicarios y prostitutas, hombres postrados por la enfermedad y los accidentes; amantes que, tras el abandono, sólo pueden agravar sus fracturas vitales son algunos de sus personajes. Aunque se encuentran acechados permanentemente, la escritora no cae en una mirada catastrofista. Por el contrario, en sus cuentos la violencia no es un agente exterior, que altera el curso de los acontecimientos, sino que forma parte esencial de ellos, como una semilla que aguarda con paciencia el momento perfecto para estallar.

La fragilidad que se apodera de los protagonistas los humaniza y revela su auténtica intimidad. Después de todo, como se lee en una de estas páginas, el curso de nuestras vidas es una “ecuación imperfecta”.

The Unseen World


by Liz Moore

Ada Sibelius is raised by David, her brilliant, eccentric, socially inept single father, who directs a computer science lab in 1980s-era Boston. Home-schooled, Ada accompanies David to work every day; by twelve, she is a painfully shy prodigy. The lab begins to gain acclaim at the same time that David’s mysterious history comes into question.

When his mind begins to falter, leaving Ada virtually an orphan, she is taken in by one of David’s colleagues. Soon she embarks on a mission to uncover her father’s secrets: a process that carries her from childhood to adulthood. What Ada discovers on her journey into a virtual universe will keep the reader riveted until The Unseen World’s heart-stopping, fascinating conclusion.

One-Punch Man


by ONE, Yusuke Murata

While Saitama's distracted at a martial arts tournament, Centichoro, a threat-level Dragon monster, attacks! Metal Bat engages it in battle but struggles against its gargantuan size. The monster knocks him into the distance and right into the path of hero-hunter Garo!

The Lady of the Lake

After walking through the portal in the Tower of Swallows while narrowly escaping death, Ciri finds herself in a completely different world... an Elven world. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world.

But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin The Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded, and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.

Translated from original Polish by David French, The Lady of the Lake is part of the New York Times bestselling series that inspired the hit Netflix show and the blockbuster video games, making it an essential read for fans of The Witcher universe.

The Tower of Swallows

The world is at war and the prophesied savior is nowhere to be found. Geralt of Rivia, the Witcher, races to find her in the fourth novel of Andrzej Sapkowski's groundbreaking epic fantasy series that inspired the hit Netflix show and the blockbuster video games.

The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life. But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies including Dandelion, Milva, Regis, and Cahir, to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.

There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...

México racista

Con un afán polémico y un tono irreverente, este libro busca despertar el debate y denunciar la prevalencia de nuestras costumbres racistas y las formas de pensar que las acompañan.

A partir de ejemplos cercanos y actuales, el historiador Federico Navarrete realiza un original análisis de los vínculos entre el racismo y graves casos que han cimbrado a México desde los feminicidios en Juárez, pasando por la matanza de migrantes en San Fernando, hasta la desaparición forzada de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa.

El racismo impera en México. Es un hecho cotidiano que cobra forma lo mismo en una charla privada que en anuncios de tintes "aspiracionales" o en políticas públicas excluyentes. Desafortunadamente, una gran parte de la población es indiferente ante el fenómeno.

Amén de ofrecer un examen de los orígenes históricos del racismo en México, vinculados con lo que llama la "leyenda del mestizaje", Federico Navarrete nos ofrece una serie de posibles caminos para liberarnos de esta lacerante situación en busca del respeto a las diferencias y la convivencia sensata. Su aviso es claro y estamos a tiempo de hacer de la pluralidad un germen de convivencia y esperanza.

A Head Full of Ghosts


by Paul Tremblay

A Head Full of Ghosts is a chilling thriller that brilliantly blends psychological suspense and supernatural horror. The novel is reminiscent of Stephen King's The Shining, Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, and William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist.

The lives of the Barretts, a normal suburban New England family, are torn apart when fourteen-year-old Marjorie begins to display signs of acute schizophrenia. To her parents' despair, the doctors are unable to stop Marjorie's descent into madness. As their stable home devolves into a house of horrors, they reluctantly turn to a local Catholic priest for help. Father Wanderly suggests an exorcism, believing the vulnerable teenager is the victim of demonic possession. He also contacts a production company that is eager to document the Barretts' plight for a reality television show.

With John, Marjorie's father, out of work for more than a year and the medical bills looming, the family agrees to be filmed, and soon find themselves the unwitting stars of The Possession, a hit reality television show. When events in the Barrett household explode in tragedy, the show and the shocking incidents it captures become the stuff of urban legend.

Fifteen years later, a bestselling writer interviews Marjorie's younger sister, Merry. As she recalls those long-ago events that took place when she was just eight years old, long-buried secrets and painful memories that clash with what was broadcast on television begin to surface. A mind-bending tale of psychological horror is unleashed, raising vexing questions about memory and reality, science and religion, and the very nature of evil.

The Raven King

The Raven King is the fourth and final installment in the spellbinding series from the irrepressible, #1 New York Times bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater.

All her life, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love's death. She doesn't believe in true love and never thought this would be a problem, but as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she's not so sure anymore.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution

The 4 Disciplines of Execution is a book that offers not just the 'what' but also the 'how' to achieve effective execution. It is a guide for leaders to produce breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams.

The book introduces a simple, repeatable, and proven formula known as 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution), which helps organizations execute their most important strategic priorities in the midst of the daily whirlwind of urgent activities. The four disciplines include: Focus on the Wildly Important; Act on Lead Measures; Keep a Compelling Scoreboard; and Create a Cadence of Accountability. These disciplines are designed to help leaders avoid the common pitfall where major initiatives die due to being overtaken by the day-to-day operations of the organization.

4DX is not theory. It has been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years. When these disciplines are adhered to, they lead to superb results, regardless of the goal. The 4 Disciplines of Execution represents a new way of thinking and working that is essential to thriving in today's competitive climate.

Smarter Faster Better


by Charles Duhigg

Smarter Faster Better, authored by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Charles Duhigg, is a profound exploration of the science of productivity. Duhigg presents a riveting analysis of how productivity isn't solely about working harder or faster, but rather about managing how we think, set goals, construct teams, and make decisions.

The book unveils eight key concepts that underpin enhanced productivity. Duhigg takes readers on a journey through various scenarios, such as the story of a Marine Corps general revolutionizing boot camp to instill a 'bias toward action,' and how the creators of Disney's Frozen spurred a creative breakthrough that led to monumental success.

At its core, Smarter Faster Better challenges readers to rethink their daily choices and to view the world in new, profoundly different ways. It's an indispensable guide for anyone looking to optimize their productivity and harness the power of smarter, faster, and better decision-making.



by Laia Jufresa

Ana quiere plantar una milpa en su traspatio, en plena Ciudad de México. Pero en la tierra hay altos contenidos de plomo y la privada donde vive está plagada de ausencias. Su hermana murió, sus papás están de luto y sus hermanos de campamento; su única amiga se fue a buscar a quien la abandonó cuatro años atrás. Menos mal que queda Alfonso.

Alfonso es un antropólogo especializado en alimentación prehispánica. Es viudo y dueño de la privada Campanario. Él mismo la diseñó a partir de un esquema de la lengua humana y dio a las casas el nombre de cada uno de los cinco sabores que percibimos: Dulce, Salado, Amargo, Ácido y Umami.

En duelo, los habitantes de la privada desearían echar el tiempo atrás. Tejida al revés, esta novela se los permite. Mientras Ana remueve la tierra y clava las semillas, sus vecinos hurgan en el pasado. Pero el traspatio de la memoria está minado con preguntas: ¿Quién fue mi mujer? ¿Por qué se fue mi mamá? Y, ¿cómo es posible que se ahogara una niña que sabía nadar? Umami constituye una propuesta literaria original en su afán por explorar la amplia gama de sensaciones y emociones que el ser humano -en distintas etapas de la vida- experimenta.

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