Emeran Mayer

Emeran Anton Mayer is a renowned gastroenterologist, lecturer, author, editor, neuroscientist, documentary filmmaker, and a professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, where he contributes to the Departments of Medicine, Physiology, and Psychiatry. As a pioneer in medical research, Mayer has significantly advanced our understanding of brain-gut interactions.

Born in Traunstein, Germany, Mayer's early life was steeped in the tradition of his family's confectionery business, which dates back to 1873. However, he chose a different path and pursued medical studies at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. His medical journey took him to Vancouver, Canada, where he completed his residency training at Vancouver General Hospital. Subsequently, Mayer settled in Los Angeles, joining forces with esteemed colleagues such as the late John H. Walsh, to delve into gut-brain interactions, and James Meyer, focusing on stomach emptying at the Center for Ulcer Research and Education. He completed his specialty training in Gastroenterology at UCLA.

Mayer's zeal for life is not confined to the medical field; he is also passionate about adventures, mountaineering, and documentary filmmaking.

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