Books with category đź’Ľ Work Life
Displaying 5 books

Love on the Line


by Kirsten Fullmer

In this epic and unique love story set in the wild mountains of West Virginia, a young woman and her unlikely friends find their way through multiple job hazards and terrible working conditions to achieve the unexpected.

Andrea never thought she’d live in a camp trailer or work outdoors in inhospitable climates; but eager to leave the stress and tedium of grad-school behind, she sets off with her estranged grandpa, Buck, to build a pipeline through the rugged mountains of West Virginia. She’s determined to understand the man and the family divide that drove him away. Once the job starts, she forms an unlikely friendship with Nick, the rough and tumble foreman of the bending crew. Most of the guys aren’t willing to accept her, and Rooster, the handsome, cocky, tie-in foreman, is determined she’s a distraction.

But building a pipeline is fraught with danger, fatigue, and confrontation as egos collide. Caught up in the all-male social microcosm, Andrea can’t help but understand the pecking order, and she’s at the bottom. Being a woman makes it even more unlikely she’ll be accepted. Buck proves to be a taskmaster, but a kindhearted teddy-bear of a man under a gruff exterior, and Andrea comes to love him, opening herself up to the pain of his past. Rooster and Andrea are drawn to each other, yet they know an on-the-job romance will only cause problems. Rooster is tormented by his own past, and determined to prove himself to Buck, a pipeline ledged. Messing with the old man’s granddaughter is a line Rooster refuses to cross. But as Andrea shows herself to be a hard worker and a valuable member of the crew, she earns Rooster’s respect and he can’t keep his distance. It seems the couple can’t go back, the relationship can’t move forward, and they can’t let go. Both will have to make sacrifices and take a chance on ruining their credibility in order to be together.

Leaders Eat Last


by Simon Sinek

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't explores the concept of leadership and the critical role it plays in the success of an organization. Simon Sinek delves into the idea that exceptional leaders create an environment of trust and cooperation, often at the expense of their own comfort and survival, for the benefit of those in their care.

Based on real-world experiences and true stories from various domains, including the military and business sectors, Sinek introduces the Circle of Safety—a principle that fosters stable, adaptive, and confident teams where individuals feel a sense of belonging. This book not only provides insights into leadership but also uncovers the biological underpinnings of why some teams excel while others struggle.

With an expanded focus on leading millennials, Sinek's narrative is further enriched by his observations on how the greatest leaders in history have always prioritized the well-being of their people, creating a culture where everyone works together to achieve remarkable outcomes.

Eleanor Oliphant está perfectamente


by Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant está perfectamente es una novela cálida y divertida que despierta el intelecto y nos hace reír. Eleanor Oliphant siempre dice lo que piensa y lucha por dejar de ser alguien con pocas habilidades sociales. Se ha preparado un calendario vital cuidadoso y estricto para evitar interacciones sociales: los fines de semana los pasa sola comiendo pizza congelada y bebiendo vodka, y todos los miércoles habla con su madre.

Pero todo cambia cuando Eleanor conoce a Raymond, el informático de la oficina. Juntos abandonarán la soledad en la que han estado viviendo. Esta es la historia de una heroína fuera de lo común, cuya inexplicable rareza e ingenio descarado la llevará a darse cuenta de que la única manera de sobrevivir en el mundo real es abriendo su corazón a la amistad.

Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture

Andy, Dag and Claire have been handed a society beyond their means. Twentysomethings, brought up with divorce, Watergate and Three Mile Island, and scarred by the 80s fallout of yuppies, recession, crack and Ronald Reagan, they represent the new generation - Generation X. Fiercely suspicious of being lumped together as an advertiser's target market, they have quit dreary careers and cut themselves adrift in the California desert. Unsure of their futures, they immerse themselves in a regime of heavy drinking and working in no future McJobs in the service industry. Underemployed, overeducated and intensely private and unpredicatable, they have nowhere to direct their anger, no one to assuage their fears, and no culture to replace their anomie. So they tell stories: disturbingly funny tales that reveal their barricaded inner world. A world populated with dead TV shows, 'Elvis moments' and semi-disposible Swedish furniture.

My Not So Perfect Life


by Sophie Kinsella

My Not So Perfect Life blends a part love story with workplace drama, creating a sharply observed narrative that critiques the false judgments prevalent in our social-media-obsessed world. Sophie Kinsella, a New York Times bestselling author, delivers a timely novel filled with vibrant, relatable characters and her signature storytelling gifts.

Everywhere Katie Brenner looks, someone else is living the life she longs for, especially her boss, Demeter Farlowe. Demeter is brilliant and creative, lives with her perfect family in a posh townhouse, and wears the coolest clothes. Meanwhile, Katie's life is a daily struggle—from her dismal rental to her oddball flatmates to the tense office politics she's trying to navigate. No wonder Katie takes refuge in not-quite-true Instagram posts, especially as she's desperate to make her dad proud.

Then, just as she's finding her feet—not to mention a possible new romance—the worst happens. Demeter fires Katie. Shattered but determined to stay positive, Katie retreats to her family's farm in Somerset to help them set up a vacation business. London has never seemed so far away—until Demeter unexpectedly turns up as a guest. Secrets are spilled and relationships rejiggered, and as the stakes for Katie's future get higher, she must question her own assumptions about what makes for a truly meaningful life.

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