Shark Heart tells the poignant tale of Lewis and Wren, whose first year of marriage is also destined to be their last. Just weeks after their wedding, Lewis is diagnosed with a rare condition: while he will retain his consciousness, memories, and intellect, his body will gradually transform into a great white shark.
As Lewis begins to exhibit the features and impulses of one of the ocean's most predatory creatures, his complex artist’s heart grapples with unfulfilled dreams. Can he find peace within this new reality?
Initially, Wren struggles internally with her husband’s fate. Is there a future for them after Lewis's transformation? Her journey is further complicated by the surfacing of long-repressed memories, which take her back to her childhood on a houseboat in Oklahoma, her college years with an ex-girlfriend, and her unique friendship with a woman expecting twin birds.
From the New York Times bestselling author of Exit West, comes a story of love, loss, and rediscovery in a time of unsettling change.
One morning, a man wakes up to find himself transformed. Overnight, Anders’s skin has turned dark, and the reflection in the mirror seems a stranger to him. At first, he shares his secret only with Oona, an old friend turned new lover. Soon, reports of similar events begin to surface. Across the land, people are awakening in new incarnations, uncertain how their neighbors, friends, and family will greet them.
Some see the transformations as the long-dreaded overturning of the established order that must be resisted to a bitter end. In many, like Anders’s father and Oona’s mother, a sense of profound loss and unease wars with profound love. As the bond between Anders and Oona deepens, change takes on a different hue—an opportunity for a kind of rebirth, a chance to see ourselves anew.
In Mohsin Hamid’s lyrical and urgent prose, The Last White Man powerfully uplifts our capacity for empathy and the transcendence over bigotry, fear, and anger it can achieve.
The Transformation
Beth has always been "The Beast"—that's what everyone at school calls her because of her awkward height, facial scars, and thick glasses. Beth's only friend is geeky, golden-haired Scott. That is, until she's selected to be her choir's soprano soloist, and receives the makeover that will change her life forever.
The Love Affair
When Beth's choir travels to Switzerland, she meets Derek: pale, brooding, totally dreamy. Derek's untethered passion—for music, and for Beth—leaves her breathless. Because in Derek's eyes? She's not The Beast, she's The Beauty.
The Impossible Choice
When Beth comes home, Scott, her best friend in the world, makes a confession that leaves her completely torn. Should she stand by sweet, steady Scott or follow the dangerous, intense new feelings she has for Derek?
The Heartbreak
The closer Beth gets to Derek, the further away he seems. Then Beth discovers that Derek's been hiding a dark secret from her that could shatter everything.