He was a fully grown man, alone in dense forest, with no trail to show where he had come from and no memory to tell who — or what — he was. His eyes were not the eyes of a human.
The forest people took him in and raised him almost as a child, teaching him to speak, training him in forest lore, giving him all the knowledge they had. But they could not solve the riddle of his past, and at last he had to set out on a perilous quest to Es Toch, the City of the Shining, the Liars of Earth, the Enemy of Mankind. There he would find his true self ... and a universe of danger.
Revelación literaria en los años cincuenta, Kenzaburo Oé quedó consagrado como el mejor novelista japonés de la generación posterior a Yukio Mishima desde los años sesenta y se ha afirmado que recuerda a Dante, William Blake y Malcom Lowry.
"Una cuestión personal", una de sus mejores y más crueles novelas, animada de una extraña violencia interior, cuenta la terrible odisea de Bird, un joven profesor de inglés abrumado por una cenagosa existencia cotidiana en el Japón contemporáneo. Su anhelo secreto es redimirse a través de un mítico viaje por África, donde, según cree, su vida renacerá plena de sentido. Pero tales proyectos sufren un vuelco de ciento ochenta grados: su esposa da a luz un monstruoso bebé, condenado a una muerte inminente o, en el mejor de los casos, a una vida de vegetal. Este hecho convulsiona el lánguido e indolente existir de Bird y, durante tres días y tres noches, se arrastra por un implacable recorrido hacia lo más profundo de su abismo interior. Descenso a los infiernos en el que le acompañará Himiko, una vieja compañera de estudios. Bird buscará refugio en el alcohol, en los brazos de Himiko y, principalmente, en su propia vergüenza y humillación: ¿debe aceptar la fatalidad, cargar para siempre con un hijo anormal y renunciar a sus planes de una vida mejor o, por el contrario, debe desembarazarse del bebé provocando un desenlace fatal?
Steppenwolf is a poetical self-portrait of a man who felt himself to be half-human and half-wolf. This Faust-like and magical story is evidence of Hesse's searching philosophy and extraordinary sense of humanity as he tells of the humanization of a middle-aged misanthrope. Yet his novel can also be seen as a plea for rigorous self-examination and an indictment of the intellectual hypocrisy of the period.
Hermann Hesse himself remarked, "Of all my books Steppenwolf is the one that was more often and more violently misunderstood than any of the others."
The eagerly anticipated sequel to the Pulitzer Prize–winning Angela’s Ashes, 'Tis follows Frank McCourt's journey from impoverished immigrant to brilliant teacher and raconteur. Landing in New York at age nineteen, Frank encounters the vivid hierarchies of this “classless country,” gets drafted into the army, and is sent to Germany to train dogs and type reports. His voice—uncanny in humor and astonishing in dialogue—renders these experiences spellbinding.
Upon returning to America in 1953, Frank works on the docks, always resisting the norm of sticking to one’s own kind. He knows education is his way out and, despite leaving school at fourteen, talks his way into New York University. There, he falls in love and begins to find his place in the world. Frank's journey is a tale of redemption, where storytelling itself is the source of salvation.
I didn’t know what I would’ve done without Lena, because she was truly my rock. ~Victoria
Victoria Grace Winter always thought of herself as able-minded and strong-willed. But after a great loss, she discovers how soft she truly is. Losing her mother gave her grief she could barely explain, but after venturing out to seek her estranged father and finding out that he too was gone, she didn’t know what to think anymore.
Luckily enough, she meets her half-sister, Lena who’s quirky, fun, and very kind. Lena and her mom, Margaret, practically saved her from being an orphan as they both took her in and treated her as a part of the family.
But despite this happy twist of events, she can’t help but think about her old life. The life she has now is great, but everyone knows; a girl will always need her mother no matter how old she gets.
See things through Tori’s eyes from “A Unique Kind of Love”. A chapter about her thoughts and point of view as she deals with the fact of being orphaned and finding a family she learned to love.
Within you lies a latent potential far greater than you realize. Your life is the most precious of gifts; it is an opportunity to find inner peace, a pathway to explore the spiritual, and a tool to probe the deepest mysteries of life and death.
From the cause of suffering and the dire state of our world, to overcoming negativity and achieving spiritual awakening, Belzebuub answers some of the deepest questions we face to reveal the existence of Gnosis, the knowledge of the heart and how spirituality is an objective, personal search.
Gain profound insight into life's higher purpose and how to explore key spiritual mysteries with the tangible goal of attaining permanent happiness and inner peace.
Clear-eyed and spirited, Taylor Greer grew up poor in rural Kentucky with the goals of avoiding pregnancy and getting away. But when she heads west with high hopes and a barely functional car, she meets the human condition head-on. By the time Taylor arrives in Tucson, Arizona, she has acquired a completely unexpected child, a three-year-old American Indian girl named Turtle, and must somehow come to terms with both motherhood and the necessity for putting down roots. Hers is a story about love and friendship, abandonment and belonging, and the discovery of surprising resources in apparently empty places.
Alone and desperately trying to escape his past, Tristan continues to flee the life he left behind in the fickle hope that he will find a safe haven, but perhaps escape and safety isn’t that easy to find...
The second book in the popular supernatural series Blue River Chronicles; The Change continues the chronicle of Tristan as he seeks a place to belong, a place where he can learn to accept and control what it means to be a werewolf half-breed. He hopes to find a refuge in a sleepy town in the middle of nowhere. But even sleepy towns have their own mysteries.
Tristan finds out that it is not so easy to escape relationships and love, and perhaps Juliet is just the person to show him how he can make a life for himself. However, darker forces and dangers always lurk just around the corner, and Tristan cannot escape the changes that he will have to face.
He thought he had it all. Everything was exactly how he wanted it to be. Until he found him.
Brian Weber is almost like any other college student at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He’s an English major hoping to become a journalist or a writer. Once his dorm roommate Andrew Engel moves in, his world changes completely. He’s the man he’s instantly hooked on. He admires everything about him from his athletic style to his varying interests. He’s drawn to be like him, overpowering everything else in his life. But there’s one surprise…Andrew is also gay.
Their first date goes smoothly. Maybe a little too smoothly. Brian’s constantly worried he will say something awkward and ruin their relationship. Is it because he placed a sexual bet during a soccer match? Is it because he literally wants to be just like him? Maybe. Andrew’s quick to notice his desire to copy him, and he confronts him about it. Will their relationship last under this tight tension?