Jasmine Rose

Jasmine Rose is an accomplished author known for her works Mars and A Unique Kind of Love. Her writing journey is a heartfelt expression of emotions, thoughts, and imagination, all vividly brought to life through her pen.

Although not particularly athletic, Jasmine humorously notes that the only running she does is when thoughts are racing through her mind. Music by artists such as Ed Sheeran, Demi Lovato, Christina Perri, and One Direction serves as her muse, shaping her creative process.

Books are Jasmine's cherished companions, with favorites including The Host, The Hunger Games series, Harry Potter, Delirium, The Fault in Our Stars, and Percy Jackson. She could happily immerse herself in reading for days on end.

Jasmine invites readers to connect with her, share feedback, or simply express appreciation (cookies and puppies included!).

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