Books with category Reflective Reads
Displaying 4 books



by Dennis Sharpe

FRESH is a collection of poetry created over a scant few months in late 2010. It moves in many different directions but manages to keep a consistent voice.

It has an urgency, and haphazardness to it that celebrates growth, change, and looking forward while still not forgetting what has gone before.

It proves that time spent in college can be good for more than binge drinking and sleeping ‘til noon; learning can actually take place as well.

The Dream Of A Ridiculous Man

The Dream Of A Ridiculous Man is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky written in 1877. It begins with a man walking the streets of St. Petersburg while musing upon how ridiculous his life is, as well as its distinct lack of meaning or purpose. This train of thought leads him to the idea of suicide, which he resolves to commit using a previously-acquired gun. However, a chance encounter with a distressed little girl in the street derails his drastic plans.

Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found


by Jennifer Lauck

With the startling emotional immediacy of a fractured family photo album, Jennifer Lauck's incandescent memoir is the story of an ordinary girl growing up at the turn of the 1970s and the truly extraordinary circumstances of a childhood lost.

Wrenching and unforgettable, Blackbird will carry your heart away.

To young Jenny, the house on Mary Street was home — the place where she was loved, a blue-sky world of Barbies, Bewitched, and the Beatles. Even her mother's pain from her mysterious illness could be patted away with powder and a kiss on the cheek.

But when everything that Jenny had come to rely on begins to crumble, an odyssey of loss, loneliness, and a child's will to survive takes flight...

Proljeća Ivana Galeba


by Vladan Desnica

Najznačajniji roman hrvatskog pisca Vladana Desnice, koji je po samom autorovom priznanju nastajao punih dvadeset godina od 1936. do same objave romana 1957. godine.

Fabula romana prilično je jednostavna; riječ je o prisjećanjima glavnog lika Ivana Galeba, glazbenika, za vrijeme njegova boravka u bolnici između dva proljeća.

Riječ je o ispovjednoj prozi, psihoanalitičkoj autoanalizi gdje se iznosi čitav život glavnog junaka, od djetinstva do boravka u bolnici, sa svim proživljanjima koje jedan intelektualac doživljava i osjeća.

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