Books with category 🪪 Identity
Displaying 2 books

Feminismo 4.0


by Nuria Varela

Nuria Varela nos ofrece la continuación a su best seller Feminismo para principiantes. En este libro, Varela realiza un análisis riguroso y esclarecedor de las últimas teorías, movilizaciones y propuestas del movimiento político y social que, con sus aciertos y contradicciones, está poniendo en jaque la desigualdad estructural de la sociedad.

Políticas de la identidad, posfeminismo, feminismos poscoloniales, teoría queer, transfeminismo, interseccionalidad, biopolítica y ciberfeminismo son solo algunos de los conceptos que se tratan en este nuevo libro, indispensable para entender el momento crucial en que nos encontramos.



by Jackson Bird

Sorted is an unflinching and endearing memoir from LGBTQ+ advocate Jackson Bird, detailing his journey to sorting things out and coming out as a transgender man. Assigned female at birth and raised as a girl, Jackson often wondered if he should have been born a boy. Growing up in Texas without transgender role models, he kept his thoughts to himself.

Through journal entries and candid recollections, Jackson chronicles the challenges of growing up gender-confused and the loneliness of coming to terms with his gender and bisexual identity. He shares the obstacles and quirks of his transition, from figuring out chest binders to emotional breakdowns at fan conventions, and from his first shot of testosterone to his top surgery.

With warmth, wit, and educational insights, Jackson's narrative not only sheds light on the many facets of a transgender life but also highlights the power and beauty of being true to oneself. Sorted is a testament to the importance of self-discovery and embracing one's identity.

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