Books with category 🫶 Human Connection
Displaying 3 books

Ansibles, perfiladores y otras máquinas de ingenio


by Andrea Chapela

En los futuros donde suceden estos diez relatos, una colecció de dispositivos como pings, ansibles, lentillas, perfiladores o telones sensoriales -algunos de ellos instalados dentro del cuerpo humano- permiten a las personas conectar sus mentes en una nube digital, compartir sus pensamientos y memorias, ponerles filtros a sus percepciones o calcular el éxito de un romance, mientras comen tacos de canasta o navegan sobre las calles de una Ciudad de México totalmente cubierta por el agua.

Con una inteligencia arrasadora, Andrea Chapela enfrenta a las protagonistas a realidades donde el conocimiento científico, la tecnología de punta y la vida cotidiana interactúan de forma cada vez ms intrincada e inevitable, de modo que incluso en la intimidad de la mente ya no reina la voz de la propia conciencia. La tecnología deja de ser un fetiche técnico para mostrar su capacidad de moldear los afectos y los vínculos humanos.

Las protagonistas son mujeres que se encuentran en una disyuntiva en sus relaciones personales a partir de un dispositivo de tecnología mental o de asimilación de la realidad que, a pesar de que debería facilitar la vida, amenaza con volver ms asfixiantes, impredecibles o peligrosas las interacciones humanas. La mente y sus secretos, la percepción y la duda de si percibimos solo lo que deseamos, los límites de la intimidad; estos son algunos de los temas que trata el libro.

Leading Without Authority

Leading Without Authority offers a transformative approach to leadership where the power of co-elevation reshapes the way we conduct business and foster relationships. Bestselling author Keith Ferrazzi, with Noel Weyrich, introduces a bold methodology that challenges traditional hierarchical structures, empowering individuals at all levels to take initiative and inspire collective success.

In a rapidly evolving workplace, co-elevation surpasses the limitations of bureaucracy and formal titles. Ferrazzi's philosophy encourages mutual support and accountability, unlocking the potential for unprecedented productivity and engagement. Drawing from extensive research and experience guiding CEOs and senior leaders, this book provides a roadmap for navigating the challenges of modern industries and elevating everyone's performance.

Leadership is redefined to be inclusive, collaborative, and accessible to all, demonstrating that true authority comes not from a title, but from the ability to drive change and encourage teamwork.

Why Fish Don't Exist


by Lulu Miller

Why Fish Don't Exist: A Story of Loss, Love, and the Hidden Order of Life is a dark and astonishing tale of love, chaos, scientific obsession, and—possibly—even murder, woven together in a wondrous debut by NPR reporter Lulu Miller.

David Starr Jordan, a taxonomist driven to bring order to the natural world, was on the verge of discovering nearly a fifth of the fish known to humans in his day. However, the universe seemed determined to challenge him, as his specimen collections were destroyed by a series of calamities, culminating in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. His life's work in ruins, Jordan stood amidst the wreckage and, spotting the first fish he recognized, began the arduous task of rebuilding his collection. This time, he introduced an innovation to protect his work from chaos.

Lulu Miller's encounter with Jordan's story led her to question her own understanding of history, morality, and the world beneath her feet. Why Fish Don't Exist is not only a biography and a memoir but also a scientific adventure that reads like a fable, offering an inspiring reflection on how to persevere in a world where chaos always seems to prevail.

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