A searing, exquisite new novel by the best-selling and award-winning author of Americanah and We Should All Be Feminists—the story of four women and their loves, longings, and desires.
Chiamaka is a Nigerian travel writer living in America. Alone in the midst of the pandemic, she recalls her past lovers and grapples with her choices and regrets. Zikora, her best friend, is a lawyer who has been successful at everything until—betrayed and brokenhearted—she must turn to the person she thought she needed least. Omelogor, Chiamaka’s bold, outspoken cousin, is a financial powerhouse in Nigeria who begins to question how well she knows herself. And Kadiatou, Chiamaka’s housekeeper, is proudly raising her daughter in America but faces an unthinkable hardship that threatens all she has worked to achieve.
In Dream Count, Adichie trains her fierce eye on these women in a sparkling, transcendent novel that takes up the very nature of love itself. Is true happiness ever attainable, or is it just a fleeting state? And how honest must we be with ourselves in order to love, and to be loved?
A trenchant reflection on the choices we make and those made for us, on daughters and mothers, on our interconnected world, Dream Count pulses with emotional urgency and poignant, unflinching observations on the human heart, in language that soars with beauty and power.
Our Missing Hearts is a gripping novel about a mother’s unbreakable love in a world consumed by fear. Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving father, a former linguist who now shelves books in a university library. His mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet, left when he was nine years old, and her books have since been banned.
Bird receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, pulling him into a quest to find her. His journey takes him through the many folktales she once shared, into an underground network of heroic librarians, and finally to New York City, where he uncovers the truth about his mother and the future that awaits them both.
Our Missing Hearts is an old story made new, exploring the ways supposedly civilized communities can ignore searing injustice. It delves into the lessons and legacies we pass on to our children and the power of art to create change.
Ross Gay’s The Book of Delights is a genre-defying book of essays—some as short as a paragraph; some as long as five pages—that record the small joys that occurred in one year, from birthday to birthday, and that we often overlook in our busy lives.
His is a meditation on delight that takes a clear-eyed view of the complexities, even the terrors, in his life, including living in America as a black man; the ecological and psychic violence of our consumer culture; the loss of those he loves.
Among Gay’s funny, poetic, philosophical delights: the way Botan Rice Candy wrappers melt in your mouth, the volunteer crossing guard with a pronounced tremor whom he imagines as a kind of boat-woman escorting pedestrians across the River Styx, a friend’s unabashed use of air quotes, pickup basketball games, the silent nod of acknowledgment between black people.
And more than any other subject, Gay celebrates the beauty of the natural world—his garden, the flowers in the sidewalk, the birds, the bees, the mushrooms, the trees.
This is not a book of how-to or inspiration, though it could be read that way. The Book of Delights is about our connection to the world, to each other, and the rewards that come from a life closely observed. Gay’s pieces serve as a powerful and necessary reminder that we can, and should, stake out a space in our lives for delight.
The World of Yesterday is a profound memoir by the renowned Austrian author, Stefan Zweig. This masterpiece stands as one of his most significant works, providing a rich source for understanding modern European culture.
Zweig offers an eyewitness account of the pivotal events that shaped modern European history. Through his vivid recollections, he captures the atmosphere of Europe's cities and shares encounters with some of its most notable personalities.
This autobiography serves as a mirror to an era and a poignant reflection on the cultural and historical transformations of his time.
Seventeen years ago, Sepha Stephanos fled the Ethiopian Revolution after witnessing soldiers brutally beat his father. Selling off his parents' jewelry, he paid for passage to the United States. Now, he finds himself running a grocery store in a poor African-American neighborhood in Washington, D.C. His only companions are two fellow African immigrants who share his feelings of frustration and bitter nostalgia for their home continent.
He realizes that his life has turned out completely different and far more isolated from the one he had imagined for himself years ago. Soon, Sepha's neighborhood begins to change. Hope comes in the form of new neighbors—Judith and Naomi, a white woman and her biracial daughter—who become his friends and remind him of what having a family is like for the first time in years.
But when the neighborhood's newfound calm is disturbed by a series of racial incidents, Sepha may lose everything all over again. Told in a haunting and powerful first-person narration, the novel casts the streets of Washington, D.C., and Addis Ababa through Sepha's eyes. The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears is a deeply affecting and unforgettable debut novel about what it means to lose a family and a country—and what it takes to create a new home.
رواية "ربع جرام" من الأدب الاجتماعى الذى يتخلل –بعمق- ذلك النسيج المجتمعى للفترة التى تمثلها الرواية. تتبنى مشكلة إدمان المخدرات باعتبارها ظاهرة حياتية من أهم المشكلات التى تعانى منها كافة المجتمعات الإنسانية.
ترسم طريق الحل والخلاص ولا يأتى ذلك فى سياق موعظة وحكمة مباشرة، وإنما من خلال لغة أدبية رشيقة، ترسم أدق المشاعر وأكثرها خصوصية وتحس بأن شخوصها أناس يحيون بيننا. نتعاطف معهم ونحاسبهم ونحاول أن نصل بهم إلى بر الأمان.
Filosofi Kopi: Kumpulan Cerita dan Prosa Satu Dekade is a mesmerizing collection of stories and prose by the talented Dee Lestari. This book invites readers to delve into a world where coffee is not just a beverage, but a profound symbol of life and reflection.
Through the lens of coffee, Dee explores themes of Buddha, Herman, and unspoken love, weaving narratives that are both bittersweet and invigorating. Her ability to transform the confined space of a short story into an expansive realm of introspection and dialogue is nothing short of remarkable.
The stories in this collection are akin to a perfectly brewed cup of coffee: aromatic, refreshing, and delightful. They offer a unique blend of bitterness intertwined with sweetness, engaging readers in a journey through life's small yet significant moments.
كل ما أدريه أنني مذ غادرت الجزائر ما عدت ذلك الصحافي ولا المصوّر الذي كنته. أصبحت بطلاً في رواية، أو في فيلم سينمائي يعيش على أهبة مباغتة؟ جاهزاً لأمر ما.. لفرح طارئ أو لفاجعة مرتقبة.
نحن من بعثرتهم قسنطينة، ها نحن نتواعد في عواصم الحزن وضواحي الخوف الباريسي. حتى من قبل أن نلتقي حزنت من أجل ناصر، من أجل اسم أكبر من أن يقيم ضيفاً في ضواحي التاريخ، لأن أباه لم يورثه شيئاً عدا اسمه، ولأن البعض صنع من الوطن ملكاً عقارياً لأولاده، وأدار البلاد كما يدير مزرعة عائلية تربي في خرائبها القتلة، بينما يتشرد شرفاء الوطن في المنافي.
جميل ناصر، كما تصورته كان. وجميلاً كان لقائي به، وضمة منه احتضنت فيها التاريخ والحبّ معاً، فقد كان نصفه سي الطاهر ونصفه حياة.
كانت شقته على بساطتها مؤثثة بدفء عن استعاض بالأثاث الجميل عن خسارة ما، ومن استعان بالموسيقى القسنطينية ليغطي على نواح داخلي لا يتوقف... رحت أسأل ناصر عن أخباره وعن سفره من ألمانيا إلى باريس إن كان وجد فيه مشقة. ردّ مازحاً: كانت الأسئلة أطول من المسافة! ثم أضاف أقصد الإهانات المهذبة التي تقدم إليك من المطارات على شكل أسئلة قال مراد مازحاً: واش تريد يا خويا.." وجه الخروف معروف"!
ردّ ناص: معروف بماذا؟ بأنه الذئب؟ أجاب مراد: إن لم تكن الذئب، فالذئاب كثيرة هذه الأيام. ولا أرى سبباً لغضبك. هنا على الأقل لا خوف عليك ما دمت بريئاً. ولا تشكل خطراً على الآخرين. أما عندنا فحتى البريء لا يضمن سلامته! ردّ ناصر متذمراً: نحن نفاصل بين موت وآخر، وذلّ وآخر، لا غير.
في الجزائر يبحثون عنك لتصفيتك جسدياً. عذابك يدوم زمن اختراق رصاصة. في أوروبا بذريعة إنقاذك من القتلة يقتلونك عرياً كل لحظة، ويطيل من عذابك أن العري لا يقتل بل يجردك من حميميتك ويغتالك مهانة. تشعر أنك تمشي بين الناس وتقيم بينهم لكنك لن تكون منهم، أنت عارٍ ومكشوف ومشبوه بسبب اسمك، وسحنتك ودينك. لا خصوصية لك برغم أنك في بلد حر.
أنت تحب وتعمل وتسافر وتنفق بشهادة الكاميرات وأجهزة التنصت وملفات الاستخبارات.
في زمن موت كرامة العربي، في زمن تهميشه في زمن احتقاره وامتهانه تضحي مساحة سرديات أحلام مستغانمي أوسع وأعمق، وبعيدة كل البعد عن روتينية الصنعة الروائية في استرسالاتها في انبعاثات أحداثها. فهي تؤدي مهمة تتجاوز الحدث، مخنوقة النفس العربية عموماً، الجزائرية على وجه الخصوص، مستلهمة من الواقع منولوجاتها الداخلية وحتى الخارجية، ممتزجة باليأس، وغارقة في لجج من الإحباطات.
تسترسل أحلام مستغانمي في انسياحاتها السردية متماهية مع الجزائري مع العربي في آلامه وأوجاعه. في محاولة لتشخيص مرض وإيجاد علاج. من خلال أسلوب أدبي رائع، وعبارات ومعانٍ تميل إلى الرمز حيناً، إلى الواقعية أحاييناً مستدرجة مشاعر القارئ وفكره للتماهي في رحلتها التي شرعتها مع عابر سرير.
هزمتك يا موت الفنون جميعها
هكذا وفي عبارة واحدة يكثف الشاعر محمود درويش في جداريته ما حاول أن يقوله بأساليب متنوعة على مدى هذه القصيدة - الديوان. إنها لحظة التحدي الأخيرة بين لغة وذاكرة من جهة، ونهاية كانت تقترب بسرعة.
فمن غير الشاعر يتطيع منازلة الموت بهذه الطريقة وذاك الدفق وهذا البوح؟ محمود درويش هنا جديد، تتصاعد درجة انتباهه على شرفة الموت، فيهدي إلينا تلك التجربة شعرًا آسرًا، يتوقف فيه الزمن وتتباطأ حركته، فتتأبد اللحظات واللقطات والمشاهد، لنعثر بعد رحلة جلجامش الشهيرة على سفر مبتكر للخلود.
روی ماه خداوند را ببوس is a captivating novel by Mostafa Mastoor, a renowned Iranian author.
This story delves into the depths of human emotions and spirituality, exploring the intricate relationship between man and the divine.
Through its pages, readers are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and reflection, as the characters navigate their personal struggles and aspirations.
Rich in cultural context and philosophical insights, this novel offers a unique perspective on life's profound questions.
Life After God is a compellingly innovative collection of stories that cuts through the hype of modern living. It travels inward to the elusive terrain of dreams and nightmares, exploring themes that resonate deeply with our generation.
Douglas Coupland invites us into worlds we know exist but rarely see, finding rare grace amid our pre-millennium turmoil. As we navigate a culture seemingly beyond God, we confront the beauty and disenchantments of the world that temper our souls.
In a world of commodities and consumerism, where spiritual impulses have nowhere to flow, this book delves into the questions of how we cope with loneliness, anxiety, and the collapse of relationships. It seeks to uncover a new kind of truth for a culture stuck on fast-forward, inviting us to reach the quiet, safe layer of our lives.
Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război is a remarkable novel by Camil Petrescu, first published in 1930. The book presents a classic love story intertwined with a war diary, creating a narrative that challenges traditional genres.
The novel is narrated in the first person, offering a unique perspective that blends emotions of jealousy and the harsh realities of war. This combination provides an innovative approach to storytelling, distinguishing it from other novels of its time.
Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război marks a profound and radical reform in the novel genre, ensuring that literature would never be the same after its release.