Dee Lestari

Dewi "Dee" Lestari Simangunsong is a renowned Indonesian writer, singer, and songwriter. Born on January 20, 1976, in Bandung, West Java, Dee Lestari is celebrated for her substantial contributions to Indonesian literature.

Her literary career took off with the release of her serial novel Supernova in 2001. The first episode, Kesatria, Putri, dan Bintang Jatuh (The Knight, The Princess, and The Falling Star), achieved phenomenal success and became a cult favorite among young Indonesian readers. Dee has continued the series with four other episodes, namely Akar (The Root), Petir (The Lightning), Partikel (The Particle), and Gelombang (The Wave).

Aside from the Supernova series, Dee has authored the novel Perahu Kertas (Paper Boat) and three anthologies: Filosofi Kopi (Coffeeโ€™s Philosophy), Madre, and Rectoversoโ€”a distinctive fusion of music and literature.

In addition to her writing, Dee Lestari has an extensive career in music.

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