Books with category 🐻‍❄️ Alienation
Displaying 5 books

Ansibles, perfiladores y otras máquinas de ingenio


by Andrea Chapela

En los futuros donde suceden estos diez relatos, una colecció de dispositivos como pings, ansibles, lentillas, perfiladores o telones sensoriales -algunos de ellos instalados dentro del cuerpo humano- permiten a las personas conectar sus mentes en una nube digital, compartir sus pensamientos y memorias, ponerles filtros a sus percepciones o calcular el éxito de un romance, mientras comen tacos de canasta o navegan sobre las calles de una Ciudad de México totalmente cubierta por el agua.

Con una inteligencia arrasadora, Andrea Chapela enfrenta a las protagonistas a realidades donde el conocimiento científico, la tecnología de punta y la vida cotidiana interactúan de forma cada vez ms intrincada e inevitable, de modo que incluso en la intimidad de la mente ya no reina la voz de la propia conciencia. La tecnología deja de ser un fetiche técnico para mostrar su capacidad de moldear los afectos y los vínculos humanos.

Las protagonistas son mujeres que se encuentran en una disyuntiva en sus relaciones personales a partir de un dispositivo de tecnología mental o de asimilación de la realidad que, a pesar de que debería facilitar la vida, amenaza con volver ms asfixiantes, impredecibles o peligrosas las interacciones humanas. La mente y sus secretos, la percepción y la duda de si percibimos solo lo que deseamos, los límites de la intimidad; estos son algunos de los temas que trata el libro.

The Psychopath Test


by Jon Ronson

The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry is a compelling exploration into the world of psychopaths and the industry of doctors, scientists, and others who study them. Bestselling journalist Jon Ronson delves into a potential hoax that has been played on the world's top neurologists, leading him into the heart of the madness industry.

An influential psychologist, convinced that many CEOs and politicians are actually psychopaths, teaches Ronson to identify these individuals through subtle verbal and nonverbal clues. With his newfound skills, Ronson navigates the corridors of power, encountering a death-squad leader institutionalized for mortgage fraud, a CEO renowned for his psychopathy, and a patient in an asylum for the criminally insane who claims his sanity.

Through his journey, Ronson not only uncovers the mystery of the hoax but also reveals the disturbing truth that those at the forefront of the madness industry can be as mad as those they study. He highlights how increasingly, ordinary people are defined by their most extreme traits.

The Catcher in the Rye


by J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye is an all-time classic in coming-of-age literature—an elegy to teenage alienation, capturing the deeply human need for connection and the bewildering sense of loss as we leave childhood behind. It's Christmas time, and Holden Caulfield has just been expelled from yet another school.

Fleeing the crooks at Pencey Prep, he pinballs around New York City seeking solace in fleeting encounters—shooting the bull with strangers in dive hotels, wandering alone around Central Park, getting beaten up by pimps, and cut down by erstwhile girlfriends. The city is both beautiful and terrible, in all its neon loneliness and seedy glamour, with a mingled sense of possibility and emptiness. Holden passes through it like a ghost, thinking always of his kid sister Phoebe, the only person who really understands him, and his determination to escape the phonies and find a life of true meaning.

J.D. Salinger's classic novel of teenage angst and rebellion was first published in 1951. The novel has been frequently challenged in court for its liberal use of profanity and portrayal of sexuality and was the book that every teenage boy wanted to read in the 1950s and 60s.

The Grass Is Singing


by Doris Lessing

Mary Turner is a self-confident, independent young woman who becomes the depressed, frustrated wife of an ineffectual, unsuccessful farmer. Little by little the ennui of years on the farm work their slow poison, and Mary's despair progresses until the fateful arrival of an enigmatic and virile black servant, Moses. Locked in anguish, Mary and Moses -- master and slave -- are trapped in a web of mounting attraction and repulsion. Their psychic tension explodes in an electrifying scene that ends this disturbing tale of racial strife in colonial South Africa.

The Grass Is Singing blends Lessing's imaginative vision with her own vividly remembered early childhood to recreate the quiet horror of a woman's struggle against a ruthless fate.



by Albert Camus

«Quand la sonnerie a encore retenti, que la porte du box s'est ouverte, c'est le silence de la salle qui est monté vers moi, le silence, et cette singulière sensation que j'ai eue lorsque j'ai constaté que le jeune journaliste avait détourné les yeux. Je n'ai pas regardé du côté de Marie. Je n'en ai pas eu le temps parce que le président m'a dit dans une forme bizarre que j'aurais la tête tranchée sur une place publique au nom du peuple français.»

L'étranger est le premier roman d'Albert Camus, Prix Nobel de littérature en 1957.

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