Displaying 12 books

The Shadow Girl


by Misty Mount

Shy, thirteen-year-old Zylia has always known she was different. Most teenagers feel unnoticed and unseen, but for Zylia, it's something much worse. She's disappearing from this world and doesn't know how to stop it. At times, she's not sure she wants to. Until she stumbles across a family mystery surrounding the disappearance of her great-aunt Angelica years earlier.

During her quest to unravel the mystery, Zylia discovers she's able to cross the boundary and enter the "in between" world. Now, it's up to Zylia to save herself before she's trapped "in between" forever.

Viajeros de la noche

Antes de alcanzar fama mundial con la saga Canción de Hielo y Fuego, George R. R. Martin publicó cuentos y novelas de fantasía, terror y ciencia ficción. Con extraordinarias dotes narrativas y una capacidad magistral para crear mundos y personajes, se ha ganado el respeto de los lectores y la ovación de los jurados de prestigiosos premios literarios.

Este segundo volumen recopila lo mejor de la ciencia ficción de George R. R. Martin, presentando relatos con escenarios futuristas y misiones espaciales extremas, sirviendo como el telón de fondo perfecto para extraterrestres que enfrentan situaciones profundamente humanas.

Entre los clásicos destacados se encuentra la novela corta «Viajeros de la noche», que envuelve a la tripulación de una nave en una atmósfera inquietante, comandada por un misterioso viajero en una expedición para descubrir a los volcryn, una mítica raza de nómadas interestelares que nadie ha visto jamás.

Curse of The Salute


by Anastacia Moore

Mysterious things happen aboard the fishing vessel Salute. Dick Frank is the skipper of the old wooden 59 foot schooner. Does she carry a curse, or is there another explanation for the strange happenings?

If you are a fan of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Peter Straub, or just love a good mystery, then immerse yourself in the hauntingly eerie tale of the Salute.

The World of Lore: Monstrous Creatures


by Aaron Mahnke

A fascinating, beautifully illustrated guide to the monsters that are part of our collective psyche, this book features stories from the Lore podcast—now a streaming television series. It includes tales such as "They Made a Tonic," "Passed Notes," and "Unboxed," as well as rare material.

Monsters live in shadows—deep in the forest, late in the night, in the dark recesses of our minds. Spoken of in stories and superstitions, they are relics of an unenlightened age, old wives' tales passed down through generations. Yet, no matter how wary and jaded we have become, both as individuals and as a society, a part of us remains vulnerable to them: werewolves and wendigos, poltergeists and vampires, angry elves and vengeful spirits.

In this volume, Aaron Mahnke serves as a guide on a fascinating journey through the history of these terrifying creatures, exploring not only the legends but also what they tell us about ourselves. He takes us to places like the desolate Pine Barrens of New Jersey, home of the notorious winged, red-eyed Jersey Devil, and delves into harrowing accounts of cannibalism. He also visits the dimly lit rooms where séances take place, and the European villages where gremlins make mischief.

Whether these beasts and bogeymen are real or just a reflection of our primal fears, we know that not every mystery has been explained and that the unknown still holds the power to strike fear deep in our hearts and souls. As Mahnke reminds us, sometimes the truth is even scarier than the lore.

An Unkindness of Ghosts


by Rivers Solomon

Aster has little to offer folks in the way of rebuttal when they call her ogre and freak. She's used to the names; she only wishes there was more truth to them. If she were truly a monster, she'd be powerful enough to tear down the walls around her until nothing remains of her world. Aster lives in the lowdeck slums of the HSS Matilda, a space vessel organized much like the antebellum South. For generations, Matilda has ferried the last of humanity to a mythical Promised Land. On its way, the ship's leaders have imposed harsh moral restrictions and deep indignities on dark-skinned sharecroppers like Aster.

Embattled in a grudge with a brutal overseer, Aster learns there may be a way to improve her lot--if she's willing to sow the seeds of civil war.

Broken Promises (Past Imperfect Mystery Book 1)


by Anne Willow

Julia needed a new start. The unexpected death of her favorite aunt sends Julia to the artist town of Grand Marais. There she starts to weave tattered threads into a new tapestry while rediscovering her love of sketching and running the antique shop, Past Imperfect. Everything is just starting to go right when a mysterious package arrives bearing an antique letter opener arrives. Julia's natural curiosity is piqued but before she can untangle the mystery it's found embedded in Tom Peterson's chest. The tapestry of her new life begins to unravel as she is named a prime suspect. Now, left with few clues and a past not willing to let her go, Julia works to solve the mystery and the murder. Infidelity through time and a curse that only she can break - once she figures out how.

鬼滅の刃 7 [Kimetsu no Yaiba 7]

の一人、しのぶの計らいで戦いの傷を癒し、全集中・常中を会得した炭治郎たち。そして新たな指令で“無限列車”に乗り込む一行は、炎柱の煉獄と共に、列車に潜む鬼を退治する! だが、それは鬼が作り出した夢の中の出来事で、炭治郎たちは夢にとらわれてしまう!! この窮地から抜け出す道はあるのか!?



by Ilona Andrews

Nevada Baylor can't decide which is more frustrating—harnessing her truthseeker abilities or dealing with Connor “Mad” Rogan and their evolving relationship. Yes, the billionaire Prime is helping her navigate the complex magical world in which she's become a crucial player—and sometimes a pawn—but she also has to deal with his ex-fiancée, whose husband has disappeared, and whose damsel-in-distress act is wearing very, very thin.

Rogan faces his own challenges, too, as Nevada's magical rank has made her a desirable match for other Primes. Controlling his immense powers is child's play next to controlling his conflicting emotions. And now he and Nevada are confronted by a new threat within her own family. Can they face this together? Or is their world about to go up in smoke?

White Hot


by Ilona Andrews

White Hot is the compelling continuation of the Hidden Legacy series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews. In a world where magic is the norm, Nevada Baylor stands out with her unique and secret skill to detect lies. Her talent and hard work have been crucial in sustaining her family's detective agency.

However, Nevada's latest case confronts her with the dark entities that once nearly razed Houston to the ground, forcing her into the path of Connor "Mad" Rogan. Rogan, a billionaire and the highest echelon of magic users known as a Prime, remains an enigma, even to Nevada's abilities. The chemistry between them is undeniable, and as the danger escalates on both a professional and personal level, they realize that their enemies are extraordinarily powerful. Amidst the peril, Nevada and Rogan discover that the intensity of their connection is as chilling as it is heated.

Temporada de huracanes

Con un ritmo y un lenguaje magistrales, Fernanda Melchor, autora de Falsa liebre explora en esta obra las sinrazones que subyacen a los actos más desesperados de barbarie pasional. Una novela cruda y desgarradora en la que el lector quedará envuelto, atrapado por las palabras y la atmósfera de terrible, aunque gozosa, fatalidad.

Un grupo de niños encuentra un cadáver flotando en las aguas turbias de un canal de riego cercano a la ranchería de La Matosa. El cuerpo resulta ser de la Bruja, una mujer que heredó dicho oficio de su madre fallecida, y a quienes los pobladores de esa zona rural respetaban y temían. Tras el macabro hallazgo, las sospechas y habladurías recaerán sobre un grupo de muchachos del pueblo, a quienes días antes una vecina vio mientras huían de casa de la hechicera, cargando lo que parecía ser un cuerpo inerte.

A partir de ahí, los personajes involucrados en el crimen nos contarán su historia mientras los lectores nos sumergimos en la vida de este lugar acosado por la miseria y el abandono, y donde convergen la violencia del erotismo más oscuro y las sórdidas relaciones de poder. 



by Nely Cab

Seventeen-year-old Isis Martin is having trouble sleeping due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling beast. She decides to confront her fear, but what she discovers is something other than a menacing entity. The human-like creature offers Isis assurance that he is not a figment of her imagination. Unwilling to accept his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself—a dare he readily welcomes.

It is in her dreams that Isis innocently stumbles upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten. In a quaint town, deep in south Texas, this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Isis Martin's journey is sure to leave any reader ravenous for more.

Dissolving Classroom


by Junji Ito

Dissolving Classroom revolves around a pair of twisted siblings - Yuuma, a young man obsessed with the devil, and Chizumi, the worst little sister in recorded history. Their unsettling presence causes all sorts of terrifying and tragic events wherever they go. This collection of scary short stories will shock readers with a literal interpretation of the ills that plague modern society.

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