How to Win Friends and Manage Remotely


by McKenna Sweazey

Two things are certain with the shift in office structure: First, we will never go back to the way things were. Second, we all must learn to live in a virtual workplace. If we are managers, that means we also need to know how to communicate with, motivate, and coach virtual teams. In the words of Dale Carnegie, how do you win friends and influence people in a virtual office?

How to Win Friends and Manage Remotely shares real-life examples, scientifically proven ideas, and distillations of tried-and-true business tenets, including why expressing empathy is the most important factor in managing and working with othersโ€”all mapped to a new virtual-first office. This book is a handbookโ€”a step-by-step guide to common interactions in the workplace using eight classic management examples: from digitizing your onboarding journey to helping new recruits and delivering useful feedback over video conference.

Combining academic research and personal experiences across various companies, roles, and countries, author McKenna Sweazey presents a roadmap to get us through the WFH (work from home) quagmire and help us all be more aware of others' perspectives in this brave new world.


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