Tsugumi Ohba is the pen name of a mysterious Japanese manga writer, best known for creating the captivating Death Note series alongside illustrator Takeshi Obata from 2003 to 2006. This iconic series achieved phenomenal success, boasting 30 million collected volumes in circulation. Ohba and Obata collaborated again on the series Bakuman (2008–2012), which also garnered significant acclaim with 15 million volumes in circulation.
In 2014, Ohba teamed up with My Little Monster creator Robico for the one-shot "Skip! Yamada-kun." Additionally, Ohba and Obata created another series titled Platinum End, serialized in the monthly Jump SQ from November 4, 2015, to January 4, 2021.
Ohba's real identity remains a closely guarded secret, sparking numerous speculations regarding the person behind the pen name. Some believe "Tsugumi Ohba" might be Hiroshi Gamō, known for the manga series Tottemo! Luckyman. Others speculate the identity could be linked to Yuko Asami, an artist from Shonen Jump responsible for titles like "Wild Half", "Romancers", and "Jump Run".
Intriguingly, the character "L" from Death Note is thought to incorporate aspects of Ohba's own personality, such as the use of an alias, a penchant for snacks, and quirky sitting habits. Reports also suggest Ohba collects teacups and invents manga plots while seated with knees drawn up, a trait shared with the character "L".
Tsugumi Ohba was born in Tokyo, Japan, and continues to captivate audiences with intriguing storytelling and an enigmatic presence.