Displaying 12 books

How to Win Friends and Manage Remotely


by McKenna Sweazey

Two things are certain with the shift in office structure: First, we will never go back to the way things were. Second, we all must learn to live in a virtual workplace. If we are managers, that means we also need to know how to communicate with, motivate, and coach virtual teams. In the words of Dale Carnegie, how do you win friends and influence people in a virtual office?

How to Win Friends and Manage Remotely shares real-life examples, scientifically proven ideas, and distillations of tried-and-true business tenets, including why expressing empathy is the most important factor in managing and working with others—all mapped to a new virtual-first office. This book is a handbook—a step-by-step guide to common interactions in the workplace using eight classic management examples: from digitizing your onboarding journey to helping new recruits and delivering useful feedback over video conference.

Combining academic research and personal experiences across various companies, roles, and countries, author McKenna Sweazey presents a roadmap to get us through the WFH (work from home) quagmire and help us all be more aware of others' perspectives in this brave new world.



by Jenny Tough

Jenny Tough is an endurance athlete renowned for her feats in running and cycling through some of the world's most demanding events. In SOLO, she shares a narrative that is as much about personal growth as it is about physical endurance.

Her journey begins with a quest to confront the feelings and emotions that were limiting her. Running, a therapeutic and empowering practice for Jenny, becomes the foundation for an extraordinary goal: to traverse mountain ranges on six continents, alone and unaided, starting in the isolated terrains of Kyrgystan.

This book is a vivid account of her expeditions across the Tien Shan (Asia), the High Atlas (Africa), the Cordillera Oriental (South America), the Southern Alps (Oceania), the Canadian Rockies (North America), and the Transylvanian Alps (Europe). Along the way, Jenny discovers invaluable lessons in self-esteem, resilience, and courage.

The essence of SOLO is the affirmation that embarking on solo endeavors, whether grand or modest, can be exhilarating and uplifting. Jenny's call to action, urging us to find inner strength, confidence, and self-belief, serves as a powerful source of motivation for readers seeking to overcome their own barriers.

Building a Second Brain


by Tiago Forte

For the first time in history, we have instantaneous access to the world's knowledge. There has never been a better time to learn, to contribute, and to improve ourselves. Yet, rather than feeling empowered, we are often left feeling overwhelmed by this constant influx of information. The very knowledge that was supposed to set us free has instead led to the paralyzing stress of believing we'll never know or remember enough.

Now, this eye-opening and accessible guide shows how you can easily create your own personal system for knowledge management, otherwise known as a Second Brain. As a trusted and organized digital repository of your most valued ideas, notes, and creative work synced across all your devices and platforms, a Second Brain gives you the confidence to tackle your most important projects and ambitious goals. Discover the full potential of your ideas and translate what you know into more powerful, more meaningful improvements in your work and life by Building a Second Brain.

Team Emotional Intelligence 2.0

As organizations shift to depend more on team-based structures, the pressure to develop high-performing teams is more critical than ever. In the modern work environment, teams are expected to embrace change, navigate complexity, and collaborate well under pressure—all while delivering exceptional results and forming productive relationships.

While it is crucial to have talented, bright people within a team, there is a dynamic that is even more essential to overall team effectiveness. This dynamic is Team Emotional Intelligence (Team EQ). Insights from the latest research on team emotional intelligence, combined with TalentSmartEQ's research trends from working with over 200 teams (with 2000+ team members), bring EQ know-how to the team level.

Team Emotional Intelligence 2.0 delivers practical strategies and showcases how an emotionally intelligent team is far more than the sum of its parts. This book focuses on the four key skill areas of Team EQ: Team Emotion Awareness, Team Emotion Management, Internal Team Relationships, and External Team Relationships. It delivers 53 strategies and a step-by-step process for increasing team EQ skills so team leaders and anyone who's a member of a team can achieve peak performance and reach their goals.

The authors begin with a life and death story of team failure that illustrates how emotions can drive team decisions and lead to disaster. They share a proven approach to helping teams understand Team EQ skills, build these skills into strengths, and use them to sustain positive momentum and achieve peak performance. Strategies for remote and hybrid teams working virtually offer targeted approaches to bonding, communicating, tough conversations, and decision making as modern workplaces transform.

With the increasing reliance on teams in organizations, the understanding and development of team EQ skills is more relevant and impactful than ever.

How the World Really Works


by Vaclav Smil

We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check - because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts.

In this ambitious and thought-provoking book we see, for example, that globalization isn't inevitable and that our societies have been steadily increasing their dependence on fossil fuels, making their complete and rapid elimination unlikely. Vaclav Smil is neither a pessimist nor an optimist, he is a scientist; he is the world-leading expert on energy and an astonishing polymath. This is his magnum opus and is a continuation of his quest to make facts matter. Drawing on the latest science, including his own fascinating research, and tackling sources of misinformation head on - from Yuval Noah Harari to Noam Chomsky - ultimately Smil answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead?

Generation Dread


by Britt Wray

Generation Dread offers an impassioned perspective on maintaining mental well-being amid the growing concerns of climate change. Climate and environment-related fears, often leading to eco-anxiety, are becoming more prevalent globally. Britt Wray combines scientific understanding with emotional insight to demonstrate that such intense emotions are a natural reaction to the world's current state.

Connecting with our climate emotions is essential for becoming an active steward of the planet, Wray argues. Recognizing and valuing eco-anxiety is the first step to overcoming the widespread denial that has contributed to the current ecological crisis. With the climate situation deteriorating, the need for compassion and care is becoming more critical than ever.

Wray's book intertwines perspectives from climate-aware therapists, discussions on race and privilege, innovative ideas for mental health, and creative coping mechanisms. Generation Dread highlights the importance of learning from the past, our emotions, and one another to not only survive but thrive in our ever-changing environment.

The Next Age of Uncertainty


by Stephen Poloz

NATIONAL BESTSELLER - From the former Governor of the Bank of Canada, Stephen Poloz presents a far-seeing guide to the powerful economic forces that will shape the decades ahead. The economic ground is shifting, with increased volatility and widespread concern about financial futures. In this urgent and accessible guide, Poloz examines the crises and opportunities that lie ahead.

He identifies tectonic forces such as an aging workforce, mounting debt, rising income inequality, and technological advances that are disrupting employment, alongside climate change driving a transition to a lower-carbon economy. These forces have profound implications across various aspects of life, including work, housing, investment, government and central bank policy, and corporate roles in society. The pandemic has intensified many of these issues.

Poloz draws parallels with past economic crises, from the Victorian Depression to the 2008 downturn, to forecast the potential challenges and opportunities in the future. He suggests that the upcoming upheaval, unlike natural disasters, could provide chances for renewal and growth. This book is filled with insights for employers, investors, policymakers, and families, making it an essential resource for navigating the uncertain times ahead.

The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About It

The Authority Gap provides an incisive, intersectional look at a significant gender bias: the resistance to women's authority and power. Despite advancements toward equality, there is still a pervasive failure to take women as seriously as men. Journalist Mary Ann Sieghart offers a compelling perspective on this issue as it manifests in various aspects of life, including pop culture, media, education, and politics.

Through a wealth of data from psychology, sociology, political science, and business, and interviews with influential women such as Booker Prize winner Bernardine Evaristo, classicist Mary Beard, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, and Hillary Clinton, Sieghart explores the intersection of gender bias with racial and class biases. The book examines the unconscious biases that affect our behavior towards women and outlines measures for individual and societal change. The Authority Gap is an eye-opening and motivating work that addresses how we can work together to narrow the gender gap and counteract systemic sexism for the benefit of everyone.

The Power of Regret


by Daniel H. Pink

The Power of Regret by Daniel H. Pink explores the transformative power of our most misunderstood yet potentially most valuable emotion: regret. Daniel H. Pink explains that everybody has regrets, which are a universal and healthy part of being human. Understanding how regret works can help us make smarter decisions, perform better at work and school, and bring greater meaning to our lives.

Drawing on research in social psychology, neuroscience, and biology, Pink debunks the myth of the "no regrets" philosophy of life. Using the largest sampling of American attitudes about regret ever conducted and his own World Regret Survey—which has collected regrets from more than 15,000 people in 105 countries—he lays out the four core regrets that each of us has. These deep regrets offer compelling insights into how we live and how we can find a better path forward.

Pink lays out a dynamic new way of thinking about regret and frames his ideas in ways that are clear, accessible, and pragmatic. Packed with true stories of people's regrets as well as practical takeaways for reimagining regret as a positive force, The Power of Regret shows how we can live richer, more engaged lives.

Toxic Positivity


by Whitney Goodman

A powerful guide to owning our emotions—even the difficult ones—in order to show up authentically in the world, from the popular therapist behind the Instagram account @sitwithwhit.

Every day, we’re bombarded with pressure to be positive. From “good vibes only” and “life is good” memes, to endless advice, to “look on the bright side,” we’re constantly told that the key to happiness is silencing negativity wherever it crops up, in ourselves and in others. Even when faced with illness, loss, breakups, and other challenges, there’s little space for talking about our real feelings—and processing them so that we can feel better and move forward.

But if all this positivity is the answer, why are so many of us anxious, depressed, and burned out? In this refreshingly honest guide, sought-after therapist Whitney Goodman shares the latest research along with everyday examples and client stories that reveal how damaging toxic positivity is to ourselves and our relationships, and presents simple ways to experience and work through difficult emotions. The result is more authenticity, connection, and growth—and ultimately, a path to showing up as you truly are.


Mirar con las palabras, con los nervios, los latidos, contemplar el cielo con el asombro del verso contenido, encender la hierba y los insectos, saber del aroma y del recuerdo. Ventanas ofrece una contemplación al paisaje y también a las emociones, a los deseos y la inquietud existencial. Gracias a los cristales de esta poesía podemos asumir el instante de la germinación, el trasunto de las nubes pensativas o sentir la vibración de las moléculas, las células en su afán metafísico de construir.

Pero Ventanas va más allá del asombro de la observación es una apuesta por el lenguaje y el verso dilatado, por los senderos de la métrica y los espacios de la hoja para labrar una sombra, dibujar un astro o iluminar el acto amoroso, los poemas nos permiten asomarnos a la vida retratada y a la reflexión del tiempo disfrazado de lluvia, de flores indolentes, de tersura en el campo de voces, árboles y sonidos.

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?


by Julie Smith

Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensation Dr Julie Smith provides the skills you need to navigate common life challenges and take charge of your emotional and mental health in her debut book. Filled with secrets from a therapist's toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times.

Dr Julie Smith's expert advice and powerful coping techniques will help you stay resilient, whether you want to manage anxiety, deal with criticism, cope with depression, build self-confidence, find motivation, or learn to forgive yourself. The book tackles everyday issues and offers practical solutions in bite-sized, easy-to-digest entries which make it easy to quickly find specific information and guidance.

Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical well-being. Packed with proven strategies, Dr Smith's empathetic guide offers a deeper understanding of how your mind works and gives you the insights and help you need to nurture your mental health every day. Wise and practical, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? might just change your life.

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