Books with category Science Fiction Classics
Displaying 3 books

The Postman


by David Brin

This is the story of a lie that became the most powerful kind of truth. A timeless novel as urgently compelling as War Day or Alas, Babylon, David Brin's The Postman is the dramatically moving saga of a man who rekindled the spirit of America through the power of a dream, from a modern master of science fiction.

He was a survivor—a wanderer who traded tales for food and shelter in the dark and savage aftermath of a devastating war. Fate touches him one chill winter's day when he borrows the jacket of a long-dead postal worker to protect himself from the cold. The old, worn uniform still has power as a symbol of hope, and with it he begins to weave his greatest tale, of a nation on the road to recovery.

The Complete Robot


by Isaac Asimov

The Complete Robot is the definitive anthology of Isaac Asimov's stunning visions of a robotic future. In these stories, Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the Robot Age: a time when Earth is ruled by master-machines and robots are more human than mankind.

This collection includes timeless, amazing, and amusing robot stories from the greatest science fiction writer of all time, offering golden insights into robot thought processes. Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics were even programmed into real computers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with surprising results. Readers today still have many surprises in store!


  • A Boy's Best Friend
  • Sally
  • Someday
  • Point of View
  • Think!
  • True Love
  • Robot AL-76 Goes Astray
  • Victory Unintentional
  • Stranger in Paradise
  • Light Verse
  • Segregationist
  • Robbie
  • Let's Get Together
  • Mirror Image
  • The Tercentenary Incident
  • First Law
  • Runaround
  • Reason
  • Catch That Rabbit
  • Liar!
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Lenny
  • Galley Slave
  • Little Lost Robot
  • Risk
  • Escape!
  • Evidence
  • The Evitable Conflict
  • Feminine Intuition
  • That Thou Art Mindful of Him!
  • The Bicentennial Man

The Demolished Man


by Alfred Bester

In a world in which the police have telepathic powers, how do you get away with murder?

Ben Reichs heads a huge 24th century business empire, spanning the solar system. He is also an obsessed, driven man determined to murder a rival. To avoid capture, in a society where murderers can be detected even before they commit their crime, is the greatest challenge of his life.

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