Books with category Passionate Journeys
Displaying 3 books



by Gail McHugh

How do you keep existing when your heart is so splintered, so completely torn to shreds, your pulse is fading? You’re… broken. How do you move forward when every breath is nothing more than a constant ache? Living becomes an insidious reminder that you threw away the single largest part of yourself. Your… soul. No amount of distraction can pull you from the torture of losing your… life.

Now that Emily Cooper has walked away from her first love, she finds herself running toward her only love. Unraveling fast, but clinging to hope, Emily risks all she has left on the man that has consumed her every thought and dream since the day they met. Will Gavin take her back? And if so, will their reunion be a collision of two hearts destined to complete one another and rekindle a love that knew no boundaries? Or will scars from their past rip open, tearing slowly at what each of them was meant to be?

Can fate, the ultimate game changer, mend the shattered road it laid out from the start? Only time will tell… Tick-Tock…

More Than Forever


by Jay McLean

Lucy - There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured.
A heart so strong it will never slow.
There is a promise so sure it can never lie.
He promised me that love forever. Even when it wasn't enough.

Cameron - Forever. Everlasting. Eternal.
There is no measure of time. No sounds of the ticking of a clock.
Just the rising and falling of the sun.
And our own sense of forever.
But our forever isn't always.


Matilde y Eliah han vuelto a separarse. En el Congo, sus esperanzas de una vida juntos se desvanecieron al ritmo de los celos, las circunstancias hostiles y las bajezas.

Matilde, cirujana pediátrica, se refugia en su pasión: el trabajo humanitario que lleva a cabo para la organización Manos Que Curan. Su nuevo destino es la Franja de Gaza, el territorio más densamente poblado del mundo, donde la consigna diaria es sobrevivir.

Eliah Al-Saud se impone olvidar a Matilde y acabar con la obsesión que lo ata a ella.

En Bagdad, por su parte, Saddam Hussein da los últimos retoques para alcanzar su sueño: convertir a Irak en una potencia nuclear. Y en esta carrera diabólica, Matilde y Eliah se convertirán en piezas clave, debiendo emplearse a fondo no sólo para evitar una catástrofe mundial sino también para salvar la propia vida.

A un ritmo frenético y con giros inesperados, Florencia Bonelli pone fin a su exitosa trilogía Caballo de fuego, una apasionante historia donde el espíritu humano trata de imponerse en un mundo presa de la violencia y el terrorismo, aunque también lleno de bondad y solidaridad.

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