Books with category 🇯🇵 Japan
Displaying 4 books

Blood on the Tracks


by Shuzo Oshimi

From the creator who brought you notable works such as The Flowers of Evil, Happiness, and Inside Mari, comes a new suspense drama centering on the theme of a toxic parent. Dive into this latest thriller by master storyteller, Shuzo Oshimi.

Unable to process the horrifying events of the past few months, Seiichi’s anger, fear, and frustration boil over. But even as he is haunted by the memory of his mother’s hands around his throat, he finds his voice again thanks to his classmate Fukiishi. Their puppy love provides a tenderness he has been missing, but it quickly comes under threat from his mother’s insane jealousy...

Torn between the two women in his life, Seiichi is forced to make a choice that could bring his whole world crashing down.


海に浮かぶ麦わら一味の海賊旗…。マム一味の襲撃に耐え切れず、やられてしまったのか!? 緊迫のWCI編、完結!! ──そして様々な思惑渦巻く「世界会議」編突入!! “ひとつなぎの大秘宝”を巡る海洋冒険ロマン!!

約束のネバーランド 10 [Yakusoku no Neverland 10]

With Lucas's help, Emma is able to finally uncover the mystery of William Minerva. While their helper may no longer be alive, Emma now knows how to escape the world of demons. However, first they will need to escape Goldy Pond in one piece. And to do that, they'll have to take down some of the most powerful demons they've ever come across!

約束のネバーランド 7 [Yakusoku no Neverland 7]

目的地・B06-32の地下で子供達を待ち構えていた謎の男──。彼の正体とは一体!? エマ達の冒険は次なる局面へと移る。「ミネルヴァ探訪編」新展開突入!! 永遠の子供達よ、絶望に立ち向かえ! 衝撃の脱獄ファンタジー!!

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