Hiro Arikawa is a Japanese light novelist from Kōchi, Japan. She won the tenth annual Dengeki Novel Prize for new writers in 2003 with her novel Shio no Machi: Wish on My Precious, which was published the following year. The novel was praised for its love story between a heroine and hero divided by age and social status, and its depiction of military structures.
Although primarily known as a light novelist, Arikawa's works from her second book onwards have also been published as hardbacks alongside more literary works. Her publisher, MediaWorks, has given her special treatment in this regard. Shio no Machi was later published in hardback.
One of her notable works, the 2006 light novel Toshokan Sensō (The Library War), was named as Hon no Zasshi's number one entertainment book for the first half of 2006 and ranked fifth in the Honya awards.