Il existe des êtres qui ne subissent pas la loi de l'évolution. Ce sont les légumes cliniques, ou des tubes par où circule seule la nourriture. Ces tubes ne sont pas pour autant sans cervelle puisqu'il arrive que celle-ci, suite à un "accident fatal", se réveille soudain, et déclenche la vie.
C'est exactement ce qu'a vécu la (très) jeune narratrice de Métaphysique des tubes durant les deux premières années de sa vie qui furent muettes, immobiles, végétatives, bref divines. Au sens propre, car ce singulier bébé n'ignore pas qu'il est Dieu lui-même, méditant sur ce monde qu'il hésite à rejoindre.
Sous forme de monologues intérieurs et considérations philosophico-drolatiques, on déguste le récit de ces trois premières années d'une vie française au Japon, pays merveilleux où de la naissance à la maternelle, l'enfant est un dieu.
Despite—or because of—her irreverence, faith is a natural subject for Anne Lamott. Since Operating Instructions and Bird by Bird, her fans have been waiting for her to write the book that explained how she came to the big-hearted, grateful, generous faith that she so often alluded to in her two earlier nonfiction books.
The people in Anne Lamott's real life are like beloved characters in a favorite series for her readers: Her friend Pammy; her son, Sam; and the many funny and wise folks who attend her church are all familiar. And Traveling Mercies is a welcome return to those lives, as well as an introduction to new companions Lamott treats with the same candor, insight, and tenderness.
Lamott's faith isn't about easy answers, which is part of what endears her to believers as well as nonbelievers. Against all odds, she came to believe in God, and then, even more miraculously, in herself. As she puts it, "My coming to faith did not start with a leap but rather a series of staggers."
At once tough, personal, affectionate, wise, and very funny, Traveling Mercies tells in exuberant detail how Anne Lamott learned to shine the light of faith on the darkest part of ordinary life, exposing surprising pockets of meaning and hope.