Books with category 🏳 Human Nature
Displaying 7 books

Ensear a Hablar a un Monstruo


by José C. Vales

Enseñar a Hablar a un Monstruo es una indagación literaria sobre el gran misterio que nos hace humanos: el lenguaje. Es el primer libro de no ficción del novelista, traductor y profesor de linguística José C. Vales. Este ensayo narrativo y literario nos propone un viaje al origen del lenguaje, la evolución de las lenguas y el milagro de la escritura.

Armado con múltiples preguntas y reflexiones, el autor plantea las diferentes teorías que explican por qué estamos dotados de lenguaje, cómo evoluciona y de qué manera empieza a transcribirse. El texto es una lectura deliciosa, amena, interesante y sugerente respecto a un tema universal, explicado con afán didáctico y libre de tecnicismos.

Con el estilo que caracteriza a José C. Vales, repleto de lucidez, sabiduría y siempre con su toque irónico pero amable, descubriremos el fascinante mundo de la comunicación humana.



by Nick Bostrom

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom is a comprehensive analysis of the concept of artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence and the potential consequences of such a development. Bostrom explores the capabilities unique to the human brain that have allowed our species to hold a dominant position on Earth. This dominance could be challenged if machine intelligence exceeds our own, presenting a superintelligence that could become extremely powerful, possibly beyond our control.

The book delves into whether it is possible to construct an initial seed AI in such a way that an intelligence explosion could be survivable. Bostrom presents a controlled approach to this explosive potential, addressing topics such as oracles, genies, singletons, boxing methods, tripwires, mind crime, humanity's cosmic endowment, differential technological development, indirect normativity, instrumental convergence, whole brain emulation, technology couplings, Malthusian economics, dystopian evolution, artificial intelligence, biological cognitive enhancement, and collective intelligence.

With lucid writing, Bostrom guides the reader through this complex landscape, making it accessible and engaging. Superintelligence does not merely lay out the challenges ahead; it offers a reconceptualization of our essential tasks in the face of the future of intelligent life and the fate of humanity itself.

Sapiens. De animales a dioses

Sapiens. De animales a dioses: Una breve historia de la humanidad es una exploración fascinante de cómo la biología y la historia han definido a la humanidad. Yuval Noah Harari, uno de los historiadores más interesantes de nuestros tiempos, nos lleva en un viaje desde que los primeros humanos caminaron sobre la Tierra hasta los avances de las tres grandes revoluciones que nuestra especie ha protagonizado: la cognitiva, la agrícola y la científica.

Utilizando hallazgos de disciplinas tan diversas como la biología, la antropología, la paleontología o la economía, Harari examina cómo las corrientes de la historia han moldeado nuestra sociedad, la fauna y la flora que nos rodean, e incluso nuestras personalidades.

El libro plantea preguntas profundas: ¿Hemos ganado en felicidad a medida que ha avanzado la historia? ¿Seremos capaces de liberar nuestra conducta de la herencia del pasado? ¿Podemos hacer algo para influir en los siglos futuros? Audaz y provocador, Sapiens cuestiona todo lo que creíamos saber sobre el ser humano: nuestros orígenes, ideas, acciones, poder... y nuestro futuro.

The Left Hand of Darkness

The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin is a groundbreaking work of science fiction that explores the story of a lone human emissary to Winter, an alien world whose inhabitants spend most of their time without a gender. His goal is to facilitate Winter's inclusion in a growing intergalactic civilization. However, to achieve this, he must bridge the gulf between his own views and those of the completely dissimilar culture he encounters.

Embracing aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion on an alien world, The Left Hand of Darkness is celebrated as a landmark achievement in the annals of intellectual science fiction. The novel delves into complex themes involving gender and sexuality, challenging readers' perceptions of human nature and societal constructs. It is not only an adventure story but also a profound thought experiment that invites contemplation about the fluidity of gender and the potential for understanding amidst cultural differences.

The Left Hand of Darkness

The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin is a groundbreaking work of science fiction that explores the story of a lone human emissary to Winter, an alien world whose inhabitants spend most of their time without a gender. His goal is to facilitate Winter's inclusion in a growing intergalactic civilization. However, to achieve this, he must bridge the gulf between his own views and those of the completely dissimilar culture he encounters.

Embracing aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion on an alien world, The Left Hand of Darkness is celebrated as a landmark achievement in the annals of intellectual science fiction. The novel delves into complex themes involving gender and sexuality, challenging readers' perceptions of human nature and societal constructs. It is not only an adventure story but also a profound thought experiment that invites contemplation about the fluidity of gender and the potential for understanding amidst cultural differences.

City of Illusions

He was a fully grown man, alone in dense forest, with no trail to show where he had come from and no memory to tell who — or what — he was. His eyes were not the eyes of a human.

The forest people took him in and raised him almost as a child, teaching him to speak, training him in forest lore, giving him all the knowledge they had. But they could not solve the riddle of his past, and at last he had to set out on a perilous quest to Es Toch, the City of the Shining, the Liars of Earth, the Enemy of Mankind. There he would find his true self ... and a universe of danger.

I, Robot


by Isaac Asimov

I, Robot is a fixup novel of science fiction short stories or essays by American writer Isaac Asimov. The stories, which originally appeared in the American magazines Super Science Stories and Astounding Science Fiction between 1940 and 1950, are woven together by a framing narrative. In this narrative, the fictional Dr. Susan Calvin tells each story to a reporter in the 21st century.

The stories share a theme of the interaction of humans, robots, and morality. Together, they tell a larger story of Asimov's fictional history of robotics. The collection explores profound questions such as: What is human? And is humanity obsolete?

Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics are central to the narrative:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

  2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

These laws lay the foundation for a bold new era of evolution, opening up enormous possibilities—and unforeseen risks. As humans and robots struggle to coexist on Earth and in space, the future of both hangs in the balance. I, Robot not only changes our perception of robots but also challenges the timeless myth of man's dream to play god—with all its rewards and terrors.

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