Books with category 🎃 Horror
Displaying 7 books

Disappearance at Devil's Rock


by Paul Tremblay

Disappearance at Devil's Rock is an eerie tale that blends literary fiction, psychological suspense, and supernatural horror. Elizabeth Sanderson's world is turned upside down when she receives the devastating news that her fourteen-year-old son, Tommy, has vanished without a trace in the woods of a local park. The lack of answers from the search efforts leaves Elizabeth and her young daughter, Kate, grappling with the inconceivable.

Their distress is amplified by frustration and anger, as the local and state police fail to produce any leads. Tommy's friends, Josh and Luis, who were with him on that fateful night at Borderland State Park—a place cursed according to local lore—might not be completely forthcoming with what they know.

As Elizabeth lives through what seems like a never-ending nightmare, she encounters a series of bizarre occurrences. She believes she sees a ghostly apparition of Tommy in her bedroom; Kate and other residents also report sightings of a mysterious figure peering into their homes at night. Adding to the eeriness, pages from Tommy's journal start to appear out of nowhere, revealing his fascination with the supernatural, the tragic loss of his father, and a chilling folktale tied to the very woods where he disappeared.

The deeper the search for answers goes, the more haunting and malevolent the implications become. No one is ready to face the harrowing truth about the night Tommy disappeared at Devil's Rock.

A Head Full of Ghosts


by Paul Tremblay

A Head Full of Ghosts is a chilling thriller that brilliantly blends psychological suspense and supernatural horror. The novel is reminiscent of Stephen King's The Shining, Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, and William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist.

The lives of the Barretts, a normal suburban New England family, are torn apart when fourteen-year-old Marjorie begins to display signs of acute schizophrenia. To her parents' despair, the doctors are unable to stop Marjorie's descent into madness. As their stable home devolves into a house of horrors, they reluctantly turn to a local Catholic priest for help. Father Wanderly suggests an exorcism, believing the vulnerable teenager is the victim of demonic possession. He also contacts a production company that is eager to document the Barretts' plight for a reality television show.

With John, Marjorie's father, out of work for more than a year and the medical bills looming, the family agrees to be filmed, and soon find themselves the unwitting stars of The Possession, a hit reality television show. When events in the Barrett household explode in tragedy, the show and the shocking incidents it captures become the stuff of urban legend.

Fifteen years later, a bestselling writer interviews Marjorie's younger sister, Merry. As she recalls those long-ago events that took place when she was just eight years old, long-buried secrets and painful memories that clash with what was broadcast on television begin to surface. A mind-bending tale of psychological horror is unleashed, raising vexing questions about memory and reality, science and religion, and the very nature of evil.



by Stephen King

The Department of Scientific Intelligence (aka The Shop) never anticipated that two participants in their research program would marry and have a child. Charlie McGee inherited pyrokinetic powers from her parents, who had been given a low-grade hallucinogen called "Lot Six" while at college. Now the government is trying to capture young Charlie and harness her powerful firestarting skills as a weapon.

Needful Things


by Stephen King

Leland Gaunt opens a new shop in Castle Rock called Needful Things. Anyone who enters his store finds the object of his or her lifelong dreams and desires: a prized baseball card, a healing amulet. In addition to a token payment, Gaunt requests that each person perform a little "deed," usually a seemingly innocent prank played on someone else from town. These practical jokes cascade out of control and soon the entire town is doing battle with itself. Only Sheriff Alan Pangborn suspects that Gaunt is behind the population's increasingly violent behavior.

The town of Castle Rock, Maine has seen its fair share of oddities over the years, but nothing is as peculiar as the little curio shop that’s just opened for business here. Its mysterious proprietor, Leland Gaunt, seems to have something for everyone out on display at Needful Things…interesting items that run the gamut from worthless to priceless. Nothing has a price tag in this place, but everything is certainly for sale. The heart’s desire for any resident of Castle Rock can easily be found among the curiosities…in exchange for a little money and—at the specific request of Leland Gaunt—a whole lot of menace against their fellow neighbors.

Everyone in town seems willing to make a deal at Needful Things, but the devil is in the details. And no one takes heed of the little sign hanging on the wall: Caveat emptor. In other words, let the buyer beware…



by Stephen King

Ralph Roberts, a sus setenta años y tras la muerte de su mujer, siente que su vida se acaba. ¿Es acaso posible que su reciente viudez, unida a un persistente insomnio, sea la causa de esa nueva sensibilidad visual que, poco a poco, le permite ver el más allá de las personas? A Ralph le preocupa este hecho, no menos que el súbito e inexplicable comportamiento, irracional y violento, de algunos de sus vecinos. Bajo la calma superficie de la pequeña ciudad de Derry, algo parece estar cambiando. Y no para bien. Con Insomnia, King vuelve a mostrarse como el gran maestro en revelar el lado oscuro de la realidad.

Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego

Las autodenominadas «mujeres ardientes», que protestan contra una forma extrema de violencia doméstica que se ha vuelto viral; una estudiante que se arranca las uñas y las pestañas, y otra que intenta ayudarla; los años de apagones dictados por el gobierno durante los cuales se intoxican tres amigas que lo serán hasta que la muerte las separe; el famoso asesino en serie llamado Petiso Orejudo, que sólo tenía nueve años; hikikomori, magia negra, los celos, el desamor, supersticiones rurales, edificios abandonados o encantados... En estos doce cuentos el lector se ve obligado a olvidarse de sí mismo para seguir las peripecias e investigaciones de cuerpos que desaparecen o bien reaparecen en el momento menos esperado. Ya sea una trabajadora social, una policía o un guía turístico, los protagonistas luchan por apadrinar a seres socialmente invisibles, indagando así en el peso de la culpa, la compasión, la crueldad, las dificultades de la convivencia, y en un terror tan hondo como verosímil.

«El terror, en los cuentos de Mariana Enriquez, se desliza como un jadeo de agua negra sobre baldosas al sol. Como algo imposible que, sin embargo, podría suceder» (Leila Guerriero).



by Stephen King

Paul Sheldon, a bestselling novelist, finds himself in a precarious situation when his biggest fan, Annie Wilkes, rescues him from a car accident. What seems like a stroke of luck turns into a nightmare as Paul realizes that Annie is not just a devoted reader, but also his nurse—and now his captor. Trapped in her isolated house, Paul is forced to confront the reality that Annie will do anything to keep him under her control.

As Annie's obsession grows, so does Paul's desperation. The situation takes a dark turn when Annie discovers that Paul has killed off her favorite character, Misery Chastain, in his latest book. Refusing to accept this, Annie demands that Paul write a new book—one that revives Misery and satisfies her fanatical demands. With no escape in sight, Paul is thrust into a harrowing ordeal that tests the limits of his will to survive.

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